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认证加密 authenticated encryption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-26 01:38:13


认证加密 authenticated encryption英语短句 例句大全

认证加密,authenticated encryption

1)authenticated encryption认证加密

1.Security analysis ofauthenticated encryption based on Oracle model;基于Oracle模型的可认证加密协议安全性分析

2.Improvement of proxy convertibleauthenticated encryption schemes;代理可转换认证加密方案的改进

3.Convertibleauthenticated encryption scheme with message linkages;具有消息链接的可转换的认证加密方案


1.An Improvement of the Authenticated Encryption Ma-Chen Program Certificated Publicly;公开验证认证加密Ma-Chen方案的改进

2.A New Authenticated Encryption Scheme with Public Verifiability;一个新的可公开验证的认证加密方案

3.A New Authentication Encryption Scheme Based on Multi-prime RSA;一种基于多素数RSA的认证加密新方案

4.Research on End-to-End Authentication and Encryption Protocols of Ad Hoc NetworkAd Hoc网络端到端认证加密协议研究

5.Authenticated encryption scheme with message recovery based on ECC具有消息自恢复的ECC认证加密方案

6.The Improvement and Implementation of an Identity-Based Authenticated Encryption Scheme;一种基于身份的认证加密方案的改进及实现

7.RSA Rivest Shamir Adlemen一种因特网加密和认证体系

8.PKI-Based Identity Authentication and Data Encryption Research;基于PKI的身份认证和数据加密的研究

9.An Authentication Protocol for OSGi Based on Hybrid Encryption;一种基于混合加密的OSGi认证协议研究

10.Database Encryption and Identity Authentication Based on Java Implementation;数据库加密及身份认证的Java实现

11.NTRU Cryptography Based Mutual Authentication Protocol for RFID System基于NTRU加密系统的RFID认证协议

12.The design of FPGA encrypted and authentication system based on DS28E01基于DS28E01的FPGA加密认证系统的设计

13.Construction of Secure E-mail System Based on IPv6IPv6环境下邮件系统的加密和认证研究

14.Certificate-based hybrid encryption scheme in the standard model标准模型下基于认证的混合加密算法

15.Research on Optimizing Encryption-authentication Mode of EAX in AES AlgorithmAES算法EAX加密认证模式优化技术研究

16.A mutual authentication protocol based on public key encryption is presented for mobile communication system.给出了一个基于公开密钥加密的认证协议。

17.The proposed security and authentication protocol made use to the combination of public key and secret key to provide such ploy.这种方法采用的认证协议同时结合了公钥加密和密钥加密技术。

18.Secure multimedia transmission based on authentication and encryption technologies基于认证和加密技术的安全多媒体传输方案


authentication and encryption认证加密

1.For the application of intelligent memory IC card, it is critical to design a suitable method ofauthentication and encryption.从逻辑加密 IC卡的特点与认证加密设计的原则出发 ,比较了当前密码学领域中常用加解密算法的优缺点 ,提出了一个便于芯片实现 ,经济合理的逻辑加密 IC卡认证加密方案 。

2.In the existingauthentication and encryption program,if the signer denies his signatures to any other receiver cannot verify the honesty of the signature verification.现有的认证加密方案中,如果签名者否认签名,接收者不能向其它任何验证者证实签名者的诚实性。

3)authenticated encryption加密认证

1.The TAE (tweakableauthenticated encryption) mode is anauthenticated encryption mode which is based on a tweakable block cipher.TAE(tweakable authenticated encryption)模式是一种基于可调分组密码的加密认证模式。


5)keyed authentication code加密认证码

6)Authentic Encryption可认证加密


自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)自愿性认证(见产品合格认证)voluntary certification: see product conformity certificationZ叨anxing renzheng自愿性认证(volun娜cert讥cation)合格认证。见产品
