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底吹位置优化 optimization of position of bottom blowing elements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-03 15:00:04


底吹位置优化 optimization of position of bottom blowing elements英语短句 例句大全

底吹位置优化,optimization of position of bottom blowing elements

1)optimization of position of bottom blowing elements底吹位置优化


1.Optimization of bottom blowing position on the 300 ton converter and its effect300t转炉底吹位置优化及其效果

2.Numerical Simulation of Optimized Location and Temperature Field of 150 ton LF in Bao Gang包钢150吨LF炉最佳吹气位置及温度分布优化模拟研究

3.Cold modeling experiment of 100 t LF bottom blowing process optimization and its application100t LF底吹工艺优化冷态模拟及应用

4.Reformation and Optimization of the HV452 Ring Blowing Quench;HV452环吹冷却装置改造和优化

5.Simulation Study on Optimization of the Structure and Bottom Gas Blowing of Slab Continuous Casting Tundish板坯连铸中间包结构优化及底吹气模拟研究

6.A Study of Water Model for Effect of Ladle Bottom Argon Blowing Position on Inclusion Removal from Liquid Steel钢包底吹氩位置对钢水去夹杂影响的水模型研究

7.situated at the bottom or lowest position.位于底部或最低的位置。

8.Research on operator allocation of chassis assembly line based on Petri nets基于Petri网的底盘总装线人员配置优化研究

9.Numerical Optimization of Iodine Injector Position for Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser氧碘化学激光入碘孔位置的数值优化

10.Optimal Design of Splitting Point of Ackerman Steering Linkage of Automobile汽车转向梯形断开点位置的优化设计

11.The Optimization Research on the Capacity and Location of MV Distribution Transformer;中压配电变压器容量位置的优化研究

12.Optimizing allocation of human resources of fishery sciences institutions;水产科研单位人力资源优化配置研究

13.Optimization of Hinge Point for Direct-lift Construction;直顶式举升机构铰支点位置优化设计

14.Administration and Optimization of Position Switching in Three-person Officiating篮球三人裁判制位置转换管理及优化

15.Optimal design of the clamp of the sensor in surveying ice-jamming position of pipe管道冰堵位置检测传感器的卡具优化

16.The experiments suggest that both bottom and bottom side argon blowing techniques provide better metallurgical effects than top blowing process, obtaining steel quality satisfactory to continuous casting requirements.结果表明,底侧吹氩和底吹氩工艺的冶金效果均优于顶吹氩工艺,钢水质量均能满足连铸要求。

17.Study on the Optimal Layout of Deep Drift Under High-stress Conditions高应力环境下深部巷道布置位置的优化研究

18.sink the cable into position on the sea bed把电缆沉到海底的位置


Bottom blowing location底吹位置

3)position optimization位置优化

1.Three basic principles for theposition optimization of equipment rooms,such as the environment priority,the principle of shortest network length and the smallest ball adjustment principles,were introduced.实践证明,这3个原则及具体实现方法在设备间位置优化中取得了很好的应用效果。

2.An optimization combining structure optimization withposition optimization is developed,and more attention is given to structure optimization in comparision with old optimization method.本文对有限元平面三角形网格优化的基础上,系统地提出了“结构优化”的概念,并对以往的网格光顺算法做了改进,提出了一种将结构优化和位置优化相结合的网格优化方法,弥补了以往的优化方法中对结构优化的忽视,使网格优化更加完善。

4)location optimization位置优化

1.Meanwhile, thelocation optimization considering curvature and torsional curvature is performed and four location areas are obtained to locate the chip for increa.并且对某航空用SMT电路板进行模态测试,发现芯片位置对焊点的影响很大,在此基础上进行了芯片的位置优化,提出优化措施以提高焊点的可靠性。

2.A new mathematic model oflocation optimization for viscoelastic dampers is established.首先假定优化模型的五种加权系数组合,在阻尼器数量一定的前提下,利用遗传算法对不同形式的结构在四类场地条件地震动作用下的粘弹性阻尼器进行位置优化。

5)optimal placement位置优化

1.Based on the object of minimizing the control energy, a criterion for theoptimal placement of piezoelectric actuators patched on beams was proposed.以输入的控制信号能量最小为目标,提出了梁结构振动控制中压电作动器的位置优化准则,基于压电片层合简支弹性梁的模态振动方程,给出了反映各压电作动器上控制电压与模态控制力之间关系的控制电压影响系数的表达式;详细推导了控制信号能量的表达式,并根据控制能量最小的准则对压电作动器的位置进行优化。

6)placement optimization位置优化

1.The model ofplacement optimization for proxies was constructed on the basis of graphic theory and a tree-like structure was built from Web servers to clients.以图论为基础,构建了代理服务器位置优化模型,从Web服务器到客户构成一个树型结构。

2.In this paper D optimal criteria is extended from one dimensional case to two dimensional case to investigate theplacement optimization problem of piezoelectric patches bonded to the flexible plate for active vibration control.将D优化法推广应用于二维悬臂机敏柔性板上的压电传感/执行器的位置优化研究中,并用实验证明了该方法的合理性,为进一步深入开展机敏柔性板的振动主动控制奠定了良好的基础。


