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伤害防治 injury prevention and control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-27 17:37:24


伤害防治 injury prevention and control英语短句 例句大全

伤害防治,injury prevention and control

1)injury prevention and control伤害防治

2)damage and prevention伤害与防治

3)injury treatment伤害救治



1.Rules setting safety standards for new vehicles prevent injuries far more effectively than recall actions do.确定安全标准的规则远比撤口措施更有效地防止伤害。

2.While his intentions are to save lived and prevent injuries, this manger is perceived as vindictive, uncaring and self-serving.当他的意图将解救居住问题和防止伤害,这一个职员被察觉存有恶意报仇之心,不关心和自私的。

3.shielding (or designed to shield) against harm or discomfort.防止(或意图防止)受到伤害和感到不适。

4.a razor with a guard to prevent deep cuts in the skin.有防止对皮肤深层伤害的防护装置的剃刀。

5.The stipulation protecting drivers from being injured by motor vehicle steering mechanismGB11557-1998防止汽车转向机构对驾驶员伤害的规定

6.They help the blind get around or prevent the mentally ill from hurting themselves.牠们替盲胞导盲,或是防止精神病患伤害自己。

7.How to avoid students injury in college gymnastic class;如何防止普通高校体操课中的伤害事故

8.Take the following precautions to prevent injuries caused by the improper handling of compressed gas cylinders.提高如下警惕,以防止错误操作压缩气体钢瓶造成的伤害。

9.One that conserves or preserves from injury, violation, or infraction; a protector.保护者保护或维护以防止受到伤害、侵犯或违背的人;保护者

10.“Warning! To prevent possible injury by entanglement. Remove this toy when the children begins to push up on hands and knees.11“警告!当儿童能用手和膝爬时,应移开玩具,以防止因缠绕导致伤害。”

11.secure from harm; his fortune was secure; made a secure place for himself in his field.防止受到伤害的;他一生无忧;在他的领域为自己造了一个安全地点。

12.Studies on the SO_2 Injure Preventing Techniques during Storage for Red Grape Variety;红提葡萄贮藏保鲜过程中SO_2伤害的防止技术研究

13.Recommendation on Assistance to Victims and the Prevention of Victimization关于援助受害者和防止受害的建议

14.Open closet and cabinet doors cautiously. Contents may have shifted during the shaking of an earthquake and could fall, creating further damage or injury.打开壁橱和柜子时要小心。里面的物品可能随地震晃动已经散乱,防止它们坠落造成伤害。

15.The hook rotates at a high speed while the machine is in operation. To prevent possible injury to hands, be sure to keep your hands away from the vicinity of the hook during operation.缝纫机操作中,旋梭高速地旋转。为了防止手受到伤害,运转中请绝对不要把手靠近旋梭。

16.The concept of preemptive analgesia is to decrease the incidence of hyperalgesia and allodynia by reducing central sensitization.【中英文摘要】预先镇痛是通过防止中枢敏感化来降低伤害性刺激引起的痛觉过敏和异常痛觉。

17.A thin, cushionlike mass of soft material used to fill, to give shape, or to protect against jarring, scraping, or other injury.护垫,衬薄的、象靠垫一样的柔软材料,用来填装、定形或防止挤压、刮擦或其它伤害

18.Take the following precautions to prevent injuries caused by asphyxiation, fire, explosion, high pressure, and improper handling of compressed gas cylinders.提高如下警惕,以防止窒息、起火、爆炸、高压和错误操作压缩气体钢瓶造成的伤害。


damage and prevention伤害与防治

3)injury treatment伤害救治


5)injury prevention伤害预防

6)disaster prevention灾害防治

1.Self-organization characteristics of a cut slope and itsdisaster prevention;开挖边坡自组织特性及灾害防治对策研究

2.After studying thedisaster prevention history and current treatment situation in Gansu Province, we found problems, obtained the development trend of debris flows and landslides disaster and emphasized the possibility and necessity of prevention and treatment.经过对甘肃省灾害防治历史和治理现状的研究,提出存在问题,得到泥石流、滑坡灾害的发展趋势,强调防治的可能性和必要性。

3.Based on the risk rank,the advanced forecasting program was designed for the different parts with different ranks,and thedisaster prevention measures can be made with the predictable results.以湖北沪蓉西高速公路乌池坝隧道为工程背景,通过系统的补充地质调查和地质分析,探讨了隧道的岩溶发育规律,综合考虑岩组岩性、地质构造、地下水位和预计涌水量等因素,对隧道岩溶突水突泥的风险进行了分段评价,初步提出了岩溶隧道四级风险评价体系,在风险分级的基础上,对不同风险段超前地质预报方案进行了设计,并根据预报情况制定灾害防治措施,该研究对于高风险岩溶隧道的灾害防治具有一定的意义。


《涉及人身伤害与死亡的产品责任公约》《涉及人身伤害与死亡的产品责任公约》Convention on Product Liability Related to Personal Injuries and DeathSheji Renshen Shanghai YU 51阴闪de ChanPin ZerenGa飞扮ue《涉及人身伤容与死亡的产品贵任公约》(肠砒瓜俪on乃记讹tl勿b“勿凡如沈J toPe加翔以扭加庇3and块以h)又称《斯特拉斯堡公约》。关于产品责任的区域性条约之一。由欧洲共同体理事会拟定,于l盯7年1月27日起由该理事会的成员国签字。该公约已经对成员国正式生效。公约共19条和1个附件。其主要内容为:①关于产品贵任的原则。公约对产品贵任适用严格责任归贵原则,并要求各缔约国应在不迟于公约对其生效之日起使其国内法符合公约的各项原则。②关于生产者的范围。公约将4种人列为生产者,即生产商(含装配零部件和商品的制造商);产品进口商;任何使自己的名字、商标或者其他识别特征出现在商品上面,将其作为自己产品的出示者;产品没有标明任何生产者的身份时,则每个供应商均视为生产者。③关于生产者的赔偿责任及其确认。生产者应当承担其缺陷产品造成人身伤害或死亡的赔偿责任。若数人对同一损害负有责任,则每个人应当承担全部责任。④关于受害人权索赔的人的自身过失。在考虑了索赔人自身过所有情况以后,侵害人可以减少或者拒绝赔偿。于损害赔偿及其赔偿限额。规定损害赔偿范围仅人身伤害,不包括财产的损失;受害人获得赔偿的数额取决于有关各国国内法的规定。(纪正公有的关于体﹄甘内乏入们夕口d人,嘴、、尹
