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国际科技名刊 famous international science and technology publication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-20 01:23:59


国际科技名刊 famous international science and technology publication英语短句 例句大全

国际科技名刊,famous international science and technology publication

1)famous international science and technology publication国际科技名刊

1.Whether a country ownsfamous international science and technology publication is a reflection of the national scientific and technological strength and is a symbol of the core research capacity of a worldwide subject.一个国家是否有国际科技名刊,既是一个国家科技实力的体现,又是一个国家能否形成世界范围内某一学科科研核心能力的象征。

2)internationalization of sci-tech periodicals科技期刊国际化

1.This paper probes into theinternationalization of sci-tech periodicals.指出科技期刊的国际化除了要实现语种的国际化,学术质量国际化,编校、装帧印刷、整体版式设计国际化,编委、审稿人和作者、读者群体的国际化外,最根本的是实现体制的国际化和运行机制的国际化,这是中国科技期刊国际化的根本动力,是中国科技期刊业发展的趋势、改革的方向。


1.SCI-Reference for Internationalization of Chinese Sci-tech Journals;SCI——中国科技期刊国际化的参照

2.Internationalization of Scientific and Technological Journals in China Situation, Problems and Solutions;我国科技期刊国际化的现状、问题和建议

3.Discussion on the Internationalisation of Sci-tech Journals in China;对我国科技期刊国际化若干问题的探讨

4.The internationalization of the food science and technology periodicals is irreversible.食品类科技期刊国际化是时代发展不可逆转的潮流。

5.A Study of Internationalization of Scientific Journals and the Development of Chinese Scientific Journals;期刊国际化与中国科技期刊发展研究

6.The Internationalization and Digitalization Development Strategy of China"s Scientific and Technical Journals from the View of Journals Editor从期刊编辑角度看中国科技期刊的国际化数字化发展战略

7.On the Development Strategy of S& T Journals in China;论种国科技期刊的发展战略——兼论期刊国际化鱼期刊面向世界的两种发展战略

8.The Internationalization and Getting onto the International Path of Sci-tech Periodicals in Chinese Universities after China Entering WTO;中国入世后高校科技期刊的国际化及其与国际接轨

9.Innovation of Sci-tech Journals in the Global Publication Environment;国际出版环境下科技期刊的创新思路

10.Digital publish strategy of international corporation and revelations to Chinese journal国际出版公司数字化策略及对我国科技期刊的启示

11.Influence of international publishing group entering Chinese market on the development of English science journals published by Chinese universities;国际出版集团进军中国期刊市场对高校英文版科技期刊的影响

12.Status quo and prospects of the international scientific and technological editing --Abstracts of the 11th Conference of the International Scientific and Technological Editing;国际科技期刊编辑的现状与展望——第11届国际科技编辑大会综述


14.Mutual benefits of cooperation between international publishing groups and Chinese sci-tech journals国际出版集团与中国科技期刊合作的互利分析

15.Analysis of trend and strategy of online journals期刊网络化趋势及科技期刊应对策略

16.The Superiority of Scientific and Technogical Periodical Network and the Development Situation of China’s Periodical Network科技期刊网络化优势及我国期刊网络化发展现状

17.Interdynamic Situation of 《Journal of Heilongjiang Hydraulic Engineering》 and 《Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodical》我刊与《中国科技期刊研究》的互动情况

18.Motivation,Current Situation and Countermeasures on Digital Construction of China "s Sci-Tech Periodicals我国科技期刊数字化建设动因、现状及对策


internationalization of sci-tech periodicals科技期刊国际化

1.This paper probes into theinternationalization of sci-tech periodicals.指出科技期刊的国际化除了要实现语种的国际化,学术质量国际化,编校、装帧印刷、整体版式设计国际化,编委、审稿人和作者、读者群体的国际化外,最根本的是实现体制的国际化和运行机制的国际化,这是中国科技期刊国际化的根本动力,是中国科技期刊业发展的趋势、改革的方向。

3)international scientific journal国际科技期刊

4)international famous academic journals国际学术名刊

1.As an important window to reflect the scientific research achievements, the chinese academic journals can carry out its society responsibility and take on the task that prevail the latest scientific research achievements precisely, so it s very important for us to create theinternational famous academic journals.我国学术期刊作为反映科学研究成果的重要窗口,只有把创办国际学术名刊作为第一要务,才能很好地履行它的社会职责,承担起及时准确地在世界范围内传播最新科学研究成果的重任。

5)international science and technology国际科技

6)history of sci-tech periodicals in China中国科技期刊史


