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油基钻井完井液 Oil base drill-in fluid英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-25 19:53:44


油基钻井完井液 Oil base drill-in fluid英语短句 例句大全

油基钻井完井液,Oil base drill-in fluid

1)Oil base drill-in fluid油基钻井完井液

2)oil-based completing fluid油基完井液

1.The newoil-based completing fluids technologies to protec the reservoir were reviewed,especially the low-solid high -density W/O emulsion mud was emphasized,which was successfully applied in North Sea of Norway as perforation fluid.对国外保护储层的油基完井液新技术进行了研究,着重介绍了低固相高密度油包水乳化泥浆作为射孔液在挪威北海的成功应用,该体系用溴化钙和甲酸铯调节密度,用粗目碳酸钙作为架桥粒子,较好地控制了滤失量,降低了固相粒子对储层的伤害;同时介绍了低固相油基泥浆作为水平井完井液的研究及其在非洲西部和墨西哥湾地区的应用,其最大的特点是特别适合于钻敏感性储层,以及在页岩含量未知的探井中作为砾石充填液。

3)oil base drilling fluid油基钻井液

1.In the application of ultra low-density drilling fluid,compared with conventionaloil base drilling fluid,the invert emulsion mud is easy to ignite and has poor safety while hollow micro-sphere glass beads polysulfonate drilling fluid by American 3M Company has not only technical difficulties in controlling the volume of solid phase but also high cost in drilling fluid.在超低密度钻井液的使用方面,传统的油基钻井液和油包水钻井液存在易着火、安全性差的问题,而最近使用的美国3M公司的中空玻璃微珠聚磺钻井液又存在固控困难、钻井液费用很高等难题。

2.Wettability reversal agent is an important additive foroil base drilling fluid.对于油基钻井液而言润湿反转剂是一种重要的处理剂。


1.Study and Application of Oil Base Drill-in Fluids全油基钻井液完井液体系研究及应用

2.Procedure for field testing oil-based drilling fluidsGB/T16782-1997油基钻井液现场测试程序

anic Bentonite for Use in Diesel and Mineral Oil Based Drilling Fluids柴油和白油基钻井液用有机土性能研究

4.Influence of low temperature and high pressure on rheological properties of oil-based drilling fluids in deep offshore conditions深水钻井环境下低温高压对油基钻井液流变性的影响

5.Preparation and Evaluation of the Reversible Oil Based Drilling Fluid可逆转油基钻井液体系配制及性能评价

6.Prediction model for rheological parameters of oil-based drilling fluids at high temperature and high pressure油基钻井液高温高压流变参数预测模型

7.Experimental study on inhibition of hydrate in oil-based drilling fluid for deepwater drilling深水油基钻井液中抑制水合物形成的实验研究

8.Study on Water-Based Drilling Fluid System for Horizontal Well of Daqing Oil Field;大庆油田水平井水基钻井液体系研究

9.Synthetic Base Drilling Fluid Technology for Marginal Oilfield in Nigeria尼日利亚边际油田合成基钻井液技术

10.Drilling Fluid Technology for MPD in Moderate and Deep Well in Binhai Oilfield.DFCF,滨海油田中深层控压钻井钻井液技术

11.Research of Optimization Design Drilling and Completion Fluid in Dagang Oil Field大港油田钻井液完井液优化设计研究

12.Research on the effect of abandoned water-based drilling fluid upon environment in Jianghan Oilfield江汉油田废弃水基钻井液对环境的影响研究

13.Drilling Fluid Technology for Horizontal Well YT2-6H in Tahe Oilfield塔河油田YT2-6H水平井钻井液技术

14.Foam Drilling Fluid Technology for Horizontal Well Drilling in Block M.I.S,Iran伊朗M.I.S油田水平井泡沫钻井液技术

15.Technology on Anti-High Temperature and Anti-Sloughing Drilling Fluid Used in Deep Well in Yumen Oilfield玉门油田深井抗高温防塌钻井液技术

16.Drilling Fluid Technical Problems in Well Yan106 and Solutions川口油田延106井实钻难点及钻井液对策

17.The Study of Solid-liquid Separation Technology of Discarded Object PEM Polymerization Water Base Drilling Fluid in Pohai Oil Field渤海油田PEM聚合物水基钻井液废弃物固液分离技术研究



oil-based completing fluid油基完井液

1.The newoil-based completing fluids technologies to protec the reservoir were reviewed,especially the low-solid high -density W/O emulsion mud was emphasized,which was successfully applied in North Sea of Norway as perforation fluid.对国外保护储层的油基完井液新技术进行了研究,着重介绍了低固相高密度油包水乳化泥浆作为射孔液在挪威北海的成功应用,该体系用溴化钙和甲酸铯调节密度,用粗目碳酸钙作为架桥粒子,较好地控制了滤失量,降低了固相粒子对储层的伤害;同时介绍了低固相油基泥浆作为水平井完井液的研究及其在非洲西部和墨西哥湾地区的应用,其最大的特点是特别适合于钻敏感性储层,以及在页岩含量未知的探井中作为砾石充填液。

3)oil base drilling fluid油基钻井液

1.In the application of ultra low-density drilling fluid,compared with conventionaloil base drilling fluid,the invert emulsion mud is easy to ignite and has poor safety while hollow micro-sphere glass beads polysulfonate drilling fluid by American 3M Company has not only technical difficulties in controlling the volume of solid phase but also high cost in drilling fluid.在超低密度钻井液的使用方面,传统的油基钻井液和油包水钻井液存在易着火、安全性差的问题,而最近使用的美国3M公司的中空玻璃微珠聚磺钻井液又存在固控困难、钻井液费用很高等难题。

2.Wettability reversal agent is an important additive foroil base drilling fluid.对于油基钻井液而言润湿反转剂是一种重要的处理剂。

4)oil-based drilling fluid油基钻井液

1.Technology study of pseudooil-based drilling fluid;仿油基钻井液技术的研究

2.Study on synthesis of fluid loss reducer foroil-based drilling fluid by modifing humic acid;改性腐植酸合成油基钻井液降滤失剂研究

3.At present, wasteoil-based drilling fluid is often treated by the ways of central landfill and re-injection into formation, which does not solve the problems of pollution to environment and much diesel wasting.目前现场处理废油基钻井液一般采用集中填埋或回注地层方法,这不仅难以解决其污染问题,同时也浪费了其中所含有的大量柴油资源。

5)oil-base drilling fluid油基钻井液

1.Mud logging technique improvement and practice withoil-base drilling fluid;油基钻井液环境下的录井方法及实践

2.Meanwhile,the paper proposes that usingoil-base drilling fluid can prevent the reservoir damage.要解决该类储层的伤害问题 ,可采用油基钻井液施工。

6)oil based mud油基钻井液

1.Removing technique ofoil based mud cake in open hole completion of horizontal well.;水平井裸眼完井条件下的油基钻井液滤饼解除技术

2.On the basis of the produced oil little while drilling using theoil based mud and the difficult to injected water, this paper evaluates compatibility among the filtrate of drilling fluid,completion fluid, slurry,injected water and formation water and studies the effect of injectability on cores which are pullulated by the filtrate and oil.针对现场油基钻井液所钻井出油少、注水困难等问题 ,评价了油基钻井液滤液、完井液、水泥浆、注入水、地层水间的配伍性 ,以及油基钻井液滤液、原油对岩心动静污染后吸水能力的影响。


完井液体系分子式:CAS号:性质:新井从钻开产层至正式投产前,由于作业需要而用于井眼的流体称为完井液。完井液广义上包括了修井液(work-over fluid)。在具体生产过程中,将试油以前所使用的接触油气层的外来液体称为完井液;从投产开始为维持或提高产能而进行的作业中使用的液体统称修井液。目前,习惯将完井液和修井液并提,作为一个统一的名称。包括隔离液、封隔液、射孔液、压裂液二酸化液、砾石填充液、水泥浆等几个类型。
