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偏振角 polarization angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-23 07:14:44


偏振角 polarization angle英语短句 例句大全

偏振角,polarization angle

1)polarization angle偏振角

1.using the model to compute reflection angles corresponding to all samplingpoints on every trace to solving for thepolarization angle of downgoing P-wave by using the ampli tude ratio between the direct waves from the two horizontal components.此法有三个步骤构成:(1)用模型计算每一道、每一个采样点所对应的反射角;(2)用三分量中两个水平分量的直达波振幅比先求取下行P渡的偏振角,然后经过时不变角度旋转求取合成后的水平分量;(3)用三分量资料的直达P波垂直分量和合成后的水平分量振幅比先求出直达P波的入射角,然后把三分量资料向直达P波偏损方向投影求得最佳下行波能量的WD记录,向上行P波偏振方向投影求得最佳上行P波能量的记录WU。

2.By varying the incident and detectionpolarization angles in a fixed increments, a series of images corresponding to different combinations of incident and detection polarizations are recorded.提出一种基于旋转偏振角的新的偏振光成像方法:改变入射线偏振光偏振角和检偏角,采集样品图像系列,总结出背向散射光2个正交偏振分量的光强差关于入射线偏振光偏振角和检偏角的函数关系式。

3.Shearwave will split into fast shearwave parallel to fracture strike and slow shearwave vertical to fracture strike when shear-wave passes through fractured medium, itspolarization angle varies with traveling time and space of shear-wave.横波在穿越裂隙介质时会分裂成平行裂隙的快横波和垂直裂隙的慢横波,其偏振角随着波传播的时间和空间而变化。


1.Influence of Oxide Skin Thickness on Photoemissivity of Polarizing Angle from Surface of Continuous Casting Billets氧化层厚度对铸坯表面偏振角发射率的影响

2.Effect of concentric zones phase plate on gradient force pattern of radially polarized beam相位板偏振偏转角对径向偏振光的梯度力分布的影响

3.Polarization State of Linear Polarized Light at an Angle of Incidence;线偏振光电矢量与入射面有夹角入射时的偏振态

4.The optimization theory of detection angle in polarization measurement using polarization interference imaging spectrometer利用偏振干涉成像光谱仪进行偏振检测的最佳角度分析

5.The interferential image can be seen clearly as long as the angle betwee n the polarizing of two beams is less than45° in accordance with one dimensio nal polarization.对一维偏振光干涉,只要两偏振片的偏振化方向之间的夹角<5°可看到清晰的干涉条纹.

6.A Novel Polarization Angle Sensor and Error Compensation Algorithm for Navigation新型仿生偏振测角传感器及角度误差补偿算法

7.deflection angle偏角;偏角;偏离角;偏斜角;偏转角;变位角;致偏角

8.polarizing disc (= polaroid)(人造)偏振片,起偏振片.

9.Research of the Photo-electricity Test System on the Platform of Polarization Angle Measurement;基于偏振测角平台的光电测试系统的研究

10.The Mathematic Study on Multi-angle Polarization Information of Suspended Sediment;悬浮泥沙的多角度偏振信息量化分析研究

11.The Water Body Suspended Silt Many Angle Polarization Reflection the Quantitative Research of the Characteristic;水体悬浮泥沙多角度偏振反射特性定量研究

12.The Aerial Experiment Designing of Multi-angle Polarization CCD Imager and Implementation多角度偏振CCD成像仪航空试验设计及实现

13.Effects of Multi-Angle Hyperspectral Polarized Reflection by Forest Soil森林土壤多角度高光谱偏振反射影响研究初探

14.The paper presents the method accurat determining direction of transmission axis of the polarizer to be based upon Brewster angle reflection polarizers.本文提出了以布儒斯特角反射偏振为基准精确确定偏振元件透光轴方位的方法。

15.The pointer oscillates for some time before setting down to a steady deflection.指针会振荡一段时间然后才静止到一个稳定的偏转角。


17.The Research on the Suspended Sediments in the Yellow River with Highspectrum and Multi-angles Polarization;黄河花园口段水体悬浮泥沙的高光谱、多角度偏振信息探究

18.Output Mirror Design and Thermal Stability Analysis of Corner Cube-Based Non-Planar Ring Laser角锥型非平面环形激光器偏振反射镜的影响及热稳定性分析


polarizing angle偏振角

1.According to the theory of Jones matrix and ray tracing method,the distribution of light intensity and the change ofpolarizing angle out of plane-convex lens with a polarized incident light have been abtained.根据琼斯矩阵理论,采用光线追迹的分析方法,推导得到线偏振光通过平凸透镜的偏振角改变量和出射面光强分布,主要讨论了光轴上点光源和平行光入射时,透镜出射面偏振状态的改变规律,理论与实验结果基本一致。

3)polarized angle偏振角

1.It was found that the phenomenon of pulse trapping occurred when thepolarized angle was deviated from 0 degree and 90 degrees of the fast axis.当输入脉冲位于反常色散区且偏振角偏离光纤快轴0°和90°时可观察到脉冲俘获现象,脉冲俘获效率在偏振角为45°时最小,当脉冲的入射角度互余时,小角度的脉冲俘获效率更高。

4)polarizing angle起偏振角,偏振角

5)angle of polarization偏振光角

6)quasi-polarizing angle准偏振角


定风波 商角调 商角调 西江客舍【诗文】:恨行云、特地高寒,牢笼好梦不定。婉娩年华,凄凉客况,泥酒浑成病。画阑深,碧窗静。一树瑶花可怜影。低映。怕月明照见,青禽相并。素衾自冷。又寒香、枕上薰愁醒。甚银床霜冻,山童未起,谁汲墙阴井。玉笙残,锦书迥。应是多情道薄*。争肯。便等闲孤负,西湖春兴。【注释】:【出处】:
