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诱集效应 attraction effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-03 00:24:18


诱集效应 attraction effect英语短句 例句大全

诱集效应,attraction effect

1)attraction effect诱集效应

2)attractive effect诱集效果

1.Theattractive effects of the reefs on Octopus ocellatus were analysed.采用鱼类行为学方法,观测了短蛸(Octopus ocellatus)对同为PVC材质的3种形状的有孔和无孔模型礁以及对同为管状的3种不同材料的单体和叠加模型礁的行为反应,并对各组内模型礁的诱集效果进行了比较。


1.The Effect of Coloration on Trapping Parnara guttata in Field不同颜色诱捕器对直纹稻弄蝶的诱集效果

2.A preliminary study of the attractiveness of artificial tile reefs to sea-cucumbers(Apostichopus japonicas)人工瓦片参礁对刺参诱集效果的初步研究

3.The Attractive Effects of Artificial Reef Models with Different Shapes and Materials on Octopus ocellatus不同形状和材料的鱼礁模型对短蛸诱集效果的初步研究

4.Study on the Insect Diversity and Trapping Effect of Different Coloured Traps on Insects;不同颜色诱捕器诱集昆虫多样性及诱捕效果研究

5.Attracting effect of Semanotus bifasciatus attractant in the forest双条杉天牛引诱剂林间引诱效果研究

6.Study on Trap Efficiency of Different Trappers and Baits on Cyrtotrachelus buqueti Guerin-Meneville不同诱捕器与诱芯对笋横锥大象虫的诱捕效果


8.Studies on Mix Up Inductor of Melon Resistance to Powdery Mildew: Induction Effect复合诱抗剂对甜瓜白粉病抗性诱导效果研究

9.The effect of three food attractant to snails and the role in molluscicides3种食物引诱剂诱螺效果及在灭螺剂中的作用

10.Study on the Phagostimulating Effect of Phagostimulating Pheromone on Japanese Eel诱食信息素对日本鳗鲡的诱食效果研究

11.The Effect of Nine Dietary Attractant Monomers Supplementation on Food Intake of Gold Carp(Carassius auratus)九种诱食物质对黄金鲫的诱食效果研究

12.Effect of Trap Lamp on Vegetable Pests and their Natural Enemies诱虫灯对蔬菜害虫的诱杀效果及对天敌的影响

13.Studies on the Resistance-induced Seed Coating Agents of Rice and Their Effects;诱抗型水稻种衣剂的初步研究与效果

14.Study on the Effect of Proso Male Sterility Induced by SQ-1;SQ-1诱导黍雄性不育效果的研究

15.Study on Induced Effects of ORYZALIN Treatments on Tetraploid Watermelon;ORYZALIN处理对西瓜四倍体诱变效果的研究

16.The Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Inducing Canine Estrus;中草药诱导犬发情和排卵效果的研究

17.Analysis on the Male Sterility in Wheat Induced by SC2053;SC2053诱导小麦雄性不育的效果研究

18.The Effect of Exogenous Hormones on Induction Bitch Synchronization of Estrus外源性激素诱导犬同期发情效果试验


attractive effect诱集效果

1.Theattractive effects of the reefs on Octopus ocellatus were analysed.采用鱼类行为学方法,观测了短蛸(Octopus ocellatus)对同为PVC材质的3种形状的有孔和无孔模型礁以及对同为管状的3种不同材料的单体和叠加模型礁的行为反应,并对各组内模型礁的诱集效果进行了比较。

3)mutagenic effect诱变效应

1.A preliminary study onmutagenic effect of ~(60)Co-γ ray irradiation in Roegneria~(60)Co-γ射线辐射鹅观草诱变效应研究初报

2.The screening of high tannase producer andmutagenic effects of Aspergillus niger 9701 with low N + ions implantation were studied.研究了单宁酸酶高产菌株的选育以及低能N+ 离子注入黑曲霉 970 1 (Aspergillusniger 970 1 )的诱变效应。

3.Objective:To study themutagenic effect of gamma-rays on Coix lacryma-jobi var.目的:研究γ射线对薏苡诱变效应。

4)Mutagenic effects诱变效应

1.Mutagenic effects of bioflocculant-producing strains by N~+ ion implantation;氮离子注入生物絮凝剂产生菌的诱变效应研究

2.Mutagenic effects of microwave irradiation on high yield L-lattic acid producing strain Lactobacillus casei;微波辐照对干酪乳杆菌高产L-乳酸的诱变效应

3.A Study onMutagenic effects of Avilamycin-producing Strain Induced by Microwave Irradiation;微波对阿维拉霉素产生菌诱变效应的研究

5)inductive effect诱导效应

1.Theinductive effect of comercial environment in modern urban;现代城市商业环境的诱导效应

2.For acetic acid,propionic acid and butyric acid with reducing of theinductive effect and increasing of the cavity effect,the apparent adsorption rated constant(k),the interaction energy between the absorbent and the absorbate and the affinity of the absorbate to the absor.实验结果表明:乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸,吸附速率常数k随着吸附质浓度的增大而逐渐减小;对乙酸、丙酸和正丁酸,因为诱导效应的减小和空腔效应的增大,表观吸附速率常数k是逐渐减小的;吸附质与吸附剂之间的相互作用能逐渐减小;吸附质对吸附剂的亲和能也逐渐减小。

3.The difference between chemical shifts of a carbon and the value when one H of the carbon is substituted by methyl is denominated as Δδ,which represents the ability ofinductive effect of the methyl.0)之间,证实甲基相对于氢原子,是一个具有吸电子诱导效应的基团,吸电子诱导效应强度随碳原子类型的不同而略有不同。

6)induced effect诱导效应

1.Theinduced effect of alkyl is supposed to penetrate organic chemistry, which pushing electron of alkyl is used to explain in most text books and reference books.烷基的诱导效应贯穿于整个有机化学,大多数教科书和参考资料都从烷基的推电子作用来解释其诱导效应。

2.The direction question of cancellation reaction could be better explained with theinduced effect index of away substituents (Cl, Br, I) and Fandehua redius.利用离去基团 (Cl、Br、I)的诱导效应指数和范德华半径较好地解释了消除反应方向问

3.This paper proposed the quantitative relationship between electron affinity andinduced effect.本文提出了电子亲合力与诱导效应之间的定量关系。


