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打瓜白粉病 watermelon powdery mildew英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-24 09:29:07


打瓜白粉病 watermelon powdery mildew英语短句 例句大全

打瓜白粉病,watermelon powdery mildew

1)watermelon powdery mildew打瓜白粉病

1.The results from the investigation carried out in showed thatwatermelon powdery mildew happened at the beginning of July in Fuhai County,when climatic conditions was suitable for occurrence of the diseases,it reached high peak at the end of July or early August,percent infection was up to 100%,in wide area with serious damage.打瓜白粉病是打瓜上最严重病害之一,给生产带来了严重影响。


1.The Occurrence and Chemical Controlling of Watermelon Powdery Mildew打瓜白粉病的发生及化学药剂防治试验

2.powdery mildew of cucumber etc黄瓜及其它寄生白粉病

3.SCAR Markers for Identification of Cucumber Powdery Mildew Resistance用于黄瓜白粉病抗病性鉴定的SCAR标记

4.Pumpkin Powdery Mildew Control with a 99% Mineral Oil EC99%矿物油乳油防治南瓜白粉病试验

5.Studies on Amistar for Controlling Sphaerotheca Fuliginea;阿米西达防治黄瓜白粉病的技术研究

6.Study on Cucumber Resistance to Powder Mildew不同黄瓜品种(材料)抗白粉病性研究

7.Control Effects of Five Bactericide on Powdery Mildew of Calabash Gourd5种杀菌剂对长瓜白粉病的防效研究

8.The Resistance and Mechanisms of Pumpkin Varietis Against Pumpkin Powdery Mildew南瓜白粉病品种抗病性及抗病机理研究

9.Study on controlling cucumber and apple powdery mildew by different Ampelomyces quisqualis strains白粉寄生孢不同菌株对控制黄瓜和苹果白粉病病菌的试验研究

10.Identification of pathogen and evaluation the resistance to pumpkin pow-dery mildew in Heilongjiang Province南瓜白粉病病原菌鉴定及抗性鉴定方法研究

11.Fig. 3. Effect of temperature on the conidium germination of powdery mildew fungi in cucurbits.图3.温度对于瓜类白粉病菌孢子发芽的影响。

12.Fig. 1. Fibrosin bodies in mature conidia of the melon powdery mildew fungus.图1.存在甜瓜白粉病菌孢子内的皿状物。

13.Effects of Osthol on Pumpkin Powdery Mildew (Sphaerotheca Fuliginea) and Its Mode of Action to Pathogen;蛇床子素对南瓜白粉病的防治效果与作用模式

14.Studies on Physiological Mechanisms of Powdery Mildew Improved by Silicon in Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.);硅提高黄瓜白粉病抗性的生理机制研究

15.Study and Screening on Plant Extracts against Powdery Mildew of Cucumber;防治黄瓜白粉病植物提取物的筛选与研究

16.Studies on Mix Up Inductor of Melon Resistance to Powdery Mildew: Induction Effect复合诱抗剂对甜瓜白粉病抗性诱导效果研究

17.Genetic Analysis and Preliminary Mapping of QTL Associated with Powdery Mildew Resistance in Cucumber黄瓜白粉病抗性遗传分析及相关QTL初步定位

parison of Staining Effects of Three Staining Techniques for Observation of Sphaerotheca fuliginea三种不同染色方法对黄瓜白粉病菌的染色观察


cucumber powdery mildew黄瓜白粉病

1.Development of a hexaconazole 5% microemulsion and efficacy in controllingcucumber powdery mildew;己唑醇微乳剂的研制及其在黄瓜白粉病防治上的应用

2.Control effects of multifunctional biological agent oncucumber powdery mildew;多功能生物制剂对黄瓜白粉病的防治效应

3.Forecasting models for epidemics ofcucumber powdery mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis)under simulated plastic tunnel condition;室内模拟塑料大棚黄瓜白粉病流行预测模型的建立

3)sphaerotheca fuliginea黄瓜白粉病

1.The Effects of A04034 and A4008 againstsphaerotheca fuliginea;新化合物A04034、A04008对黄瓜白粉病的室内杀菌活性和田间药效研究

2.Antifungal activity of camptothecin on Rhizoctonia solani,Sphaerotheca fuliginea and Pseudoperonospora cubensis;喜树碱对黄瓜白粉病和霜霉病及水稻纹枯病的抑菌活性

3.The expression of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to Sphaerotheca fuliginea in cucumber,Cucumis sativus L.结果显示,用寡聚糖诱抗剂在接种前处理黄瓜叶片,可以减轻黄瓜白粉病的发生,表现为菌落稀疏、变小,产孢期延迟、以及潜育期延长。

4)Powdery mildew of cucumber黄瓜白粉病

1.The relative control effect against powdery mildew of cucumber.并且经水杨酸处理的植株抗病性明显增强,处理后7d对黄瓜白粉病的相对防治效果为51 23%。

5)muskmelon powdery mildew甜瓜白粉病

6)Cucurbits Powdery Mildew瓜类白粉病

1.Research of Regularity of Outbreak and Synthetical Control Measures onCucurbits Powdery Mildew in Jilin Province;吉林省主要瓜类白粉病发生规律及综合防治措施的研究


