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刑法解释 interpretation of criminal law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-14 16:00:23


刑法解释 interpretation of criminal law英语短句 例句大全

刑法解释,interpretation of criminal law

1)interpretation of criminal law刑法解释

1.A list of interpretative law that fulfill justice and legitimacy include theinterpretation of criminal law that fulfill justice and legitimacy,only the participators are equal and they can freely argument and confer that can let us achieve the scientific,reasonable and legitimate interpretation conclusion.一项充满正义、合法的法律解释,当然包括刑法解释。

2.There is inherently a reciprocal connection between the criminal policy and theinterpretation of criminal law,but the criminal policy is not the principle of theinterpretation of criminal law.刑事政策与刑法解释之间具有内在的互动关系,但刑事政策本身并不是刑法解释的原则。

3.Theinterpretation of criminal law should conform to principle of legality and be limited to the "range of original text", which can be foreseen by ordinary person.刑法解释是刑法适用的基本途径。


1.On Judges Interpretation of Criminal Law Under Principle Of "no Criminal and Penalty without Law";论罪刑法定原则下法官的刑法解释权

2.Harmonization between Legislative and Judicial Interpretation of Criminal Law刑法立法解释与司法解释之协调——刑法解释权配置的反思与重构

3.Reconstituting the Conception of Interpretation of Criminal Law by the Value of Guarantee of Criminal Law;刑法保障价值对刑法解释理念的重塑

4.On the Goal of the Legislative Interpretation of Criminal Law in China论我国刑法立法解释的目标——兼论我国刑法解释的目标

5.On the Synchronous Effectiveness of Criminal Law Interpretation and the Interpretation Text--And on the Logical Route Applied to Criminal Law论刑法解释与解释文本的同步效力——兼论刑法适用的逻辑路径

6.A Study on the Stand of the Interpretation about Criminal Law According to Historical View--Advocating the subjectivism;刑法解释立场的历史考察——主观解释论之提倡

7.Substantive Resources of Criminal Adjudication;刑事司法的实体法渊源——罪刑法定原则的刑法解释学分析

8.On the Limitation of Interpretation of Criminal Law --The Difference Between Rational Expanding Interpretation And Analogizing Interpretation;刑法解释的限度——合理的扩大解释与类推解释的区分

9.On the Connection between the Criminal Policy and Interpretation of Criminal Law;宽严相济的刑事政策与刑法解释关系论

10.Discuss on the Nature of Injury to Infant from Criminal Explanatory Aspect刑法解释论上对伤害“胎儿”行为的探讨

11.Reform in interpretation system of criminal law in China--from the perspective of constitutionalism;宪政视野中的中国刑法解释体制改革

12.Research on Distribution Pattern of Interpretation Power of Criminal Law from "Xu Ting Case"从“许霆案”看我国刑法解释权的分配

13.Explanation Method of Criminal Law and Realization of Safeguarding Human Rights;刑法解释方法与人权保障的实现——从类推解释、扩张解释、限制解释谈起

14.Improvement of China s Criminal Judicial Interpretation under Principle of Legally;罪刑法定下我国刑法司法解释的完善

15.Doubts on Legislative Interpretation:A Discussion Surrounding Criminal Legislative Interpretation;立法解释的疑问——以刑法立法解释为中心

16.The application of law needs to explain, a judge should be a subject that explain.刑法的适用需要解释,法官应是解释的主体。

17.The Filling of the Loophole in Criminal Law and the Improvements of the Judicial Interpretation;刑法漏洞的填补与刑法司法解释的完善

mentary on the Rules of Crime s Legal Definition and Legal Explanation in Chinese Criminal Law;试论我国刑法的罪刑法定原则与司法解释


criminal law interpretation刑法解释

1.The aim ofcriminal law interpretation is the law content that should be attained and clarified by interpreting the penal code norm.刑法解释的目标是通过对刑法规范的解释所应达到和阐明的法律意蕴,其既是解释的理想境地,亦是评判解释结论的标准,直接决定着刑法解释的总方向。

2.The justice ofcriminal law interpretation demands that, for conforming to the substance justice of the interpretation, criminal law should be treated reasonably, objectively and justly, so as to achieve the claim o.刑法解释作为联结刑事立法和刑法适用的桥梁和纽带,是揭示作为法理念的正义的重要途径。

3.Semantic interpretation is the foundation of thecriminal law interpretation.词义解释是刑法解释的基础,只有理解了词义才能掌握语篇的意义,而词义只有在语篇中才能得到正确理解。

3)criminal law explanation刑法解释

1.Criminal law explanation and proof responsibilities are a matter of harmony.刑法解释与证明责任具有一种值得玩味的契合关系。

4)interpret of criminal law刑法的解释

5)Concept of interpretation of Criminal Law刑法解释观

6)criminal law hermeneutics刑法解释学

1.As to the three external conditions, firstly,criminal law hermeneutics can not be covered by criminal jurisprudence in narrow sense, that is, these two are different from each other.刑法解释学属于广义刑法学的一个核心分支学科,并具有自身独立的学科品格。


《德意志联邦共和国刑法典》德意志联邦共和国现行刑法典,是对1871年帝国《刑法典》进行多次修改后,于1969、1974年分别通过总则和分则,1975年1月1日生效。 全文358条,分总则、分则两编。总则5章,规定适用范围、犯罪、行为的后果、亲告和时效。分则28章,规定各种具体罪行和法定刑。这部法典是经过多年准备和反复争论后制定的,对各种犯罪行为规定得相当详细,不仅罪行种类较全,而且在每一罪行中又规定了在不同情节下法院应采取的措施,以减少分散的单行法规,并给法院以裁量的余地。该法典的主要特点有:①采取报应刑与矫正刑相结合的量刑办法;②实行多种多样的保安与矫正措施;③绝对废除死刑;④无期徒刑仅限于个别犯罪(如发动或准备侵略战争、谋杀、以灭绝种族为目的而杀人);⑤严格限制适用短期自由刑(6个月以下),而代之以罚金;⑥实行"日数罚金制"(Tagesbussensystem),即在刑法分则各条中只规定处罚金而不定数额,法院在判决时,根据罪行和被告经济情况,在法定幅度(5~360天,每天2~10000马克)内,宣告被告应处若干日罚金,每日罚金额为若干马克,共应缴纳罚金若干马克。日数罚金制原系19先在瑞典提出的,195月芬兰刑法首先采用,后来墨西哥(1929)、瑞典(1931)、巴西(1935)、古巴(1936)、丹麦(1939)各国陆续采用。联邦德国的采用,使这一制度受到了一些国家的法学家的注意。
