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朋辈辅导员 Peer counselor英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-05 21:46:34


朋辈辅导员 Peer counselor英语短句 例句大全

朋辈辅导员,Peer counselor

1)Peer counselor朋辈辅导员

1.To carry out the activities of peer counseling effectively, peer counselors are requested not only to acquire a certain amount of psychological counseling knowledge and skills, but also have a good psychological quality.朋辈辅导活动的有效开展,要求朋辈辅导员不仅要掌握一定的心理辅导的知识和技能,还应具备良好的心理素质。

2.The paper presents college peer counselors\" important role in college students\" daily ideological and political education.打开思路,创新方法,发挥心理健康教育实践中的朋辈辅导的优势,使朋辈辅导员不仅在心理健康教育中发挥作用,更能在大学生日常思想政治教育中发挥作用,从而促进高校日常思想政治教育工作进一步打开工作思路,补充队伍,解决师生沟通问题、情感交流问题,以实现结合学生心理活动、人际关系、学习方式、个性发展及职业选择等现实问题,开展更具实效性的思想政治教育。

3.This article discusses the positive function of peer counselors for solving adaptability problems of college freshmen,and the work of selection,training,distribution and evaluation of peer counselor is talked about as well.朋辈辅导员作为一种新型帮学手段,对于解决大学新生适应问题有着重要的意义。


1.The Function of the Peer Counselors Work for Students Work in Higher Vocational Colleges;朋辈辅导员在高职院校学生工作中的作用

2.Analysis on the Effect of Peer Counselors in Ideological and Political Education浅析朋辈辅导员在思想政治教育中的作用

3.Effect of the Peer-counselor Training on the Polytechnic College Student s Mental Health;朋辈辅导员培训促进高职大学生心理健康水平提高的研究

4.The Influence of the Developing Group Counseling on the Self-concept and Coping Style of the College Peer Counselors发展性团体心理咨询对高校朋辈辅导员的自我概念及应对方式的影响研究

5.The Functions of Peer Counseling Instructors in Psychological Crisis Intervention;朋辈心理辅导员在心理危机干预中的作用

6.Study on the Personality Traits of Peer Counsellor and the Substantial Results of Psychological Counselling in Private College;独立学院朋辈心理辅导员人格特质与辅导结果实效性的相关研究

7.Experimental Study that Improves the Mental Diathesis of Psychological Counselors of the Friends Generation through Group s Mental Consultation;团体心理辅导提高朋辈心理咨询员心理素质的实验研究

8.Study on Effect of Peer Counselor Psychological Systemic Training in University;高校大学生朋辈心理辅导员培训体系的实效研究

9.Reflection of constructing model of compeer mental health tutorship;构建大学生朋辈心理辅导模式的思考

10.Improving the Adaptability of Freshman by Peer Counselling;朋辈心理辅导对提高大学新生适应能力的探索

11.Peer Counseling: A New Model of College Mental Health Education;朋辈心理辅导:高校心理健康教育的新模式

12.Inter-Peer Psychological Counseling on Campus: Theoretical Consideration and Practical Research;校园朋辈心理辅导的理论思考与实践探索

13.Peer Counseling on College Campus;高校共青团组织如何开展朋辈团体心理辅导

14.The Mode of Peer Psychological Counselling for College Students and Its Effect Analysis大学生朋辈心理辅导的模式与效果探析

15.Research on the Design and Implement of Peer Group Psychological Consultation Project in Colleges and Universities浅析高校朋辈团体心理辅导方案的设计与实施

16.Analysis on Effect of Peer Counseling in Universities;“朋辈心理辅导模式”在高校心理辅导中的效能性分析

17.The Important Method of Psychological Health Education for College Students: Psychological Guidance by Peer Group;大学生心理健康教育的重要途径:朋辈群体心理辅导

18.Exploration of BAN-peer Counseling in the Multi-compus University Mental Health Education楼栋朋辈心理辅导在多校区高校心理健康教育中的探新


peer counseling instructor朋辈心理辅导员

1.Whilepeer counseling instructors can take the advantages of the directness of information getting,the simplicity of communication,and the flexibility of crisis intervention to participate in the various stages of psychological cris.而朋辈心理辅导员可以利用其信息获取直接性、沟通交流简便性、危机干预灵活性等优势参与到心理危机干预的各阶段中,成为高校心理危机干预中的重要力量。

3)peer counseling朋辈辅导

1.It is a new attempt to carry outpeer counseling for scholastic mental health education in our country.开展大学生朋辈辅导是我国高校心理健康教育的一种新尝试。

4)friends counseling朋辈辅导法

5)peer counseling朋辈心理辅导

1.This article first overviews the meaning and the feature of thepeer counseling,and then it analyzes the feasibility and the necessity of carrying out thepeer counseling in the university,finally it proposes hierarchical psychological mutual aid based on the psychological development characteristics of the college students.概述朋辈心理辅导的涵义及特点,分析了在高校开展朋辈心理辅导的必要性和可行性,并提出了基于大学生的心理发展特点而建立的阶梯式分层心理互助模式,以期为高校朋辈心理辅导的实施提供一些可供借鉴的资料和依据。

2.As a new model of counseling,peer counseling have many good effects,such as enrich counselors,all-round counseling,and so on.作为一种新的心理辅导模式,朋辈心理辅导能够在充实辅导人员、辅导全面及时等诸多方面体现其较强的有效性,但这种模式在高校也存在一些争议与需要思考的问题。

3.In view of the fact that the mental problem has been serious among college students and that traditional psycho-logical counseling model is out of date,peer counseling arises as a new model that can be conveniently practiced and widely used in colleges.在当前高校学生心理健康问题日益突出,传统心理健康教育模式日显不足的新形势下,朋辈心理辅导是一种实施方便、优势明显、推广性强的高校心理健康教育新模式。

6)peer-counselling scheme朋辈辅导计划


