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大爱育人 education with humanistic love英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-06 18:46:12


大爱育人 education with humanistic love英语短句 例句大全

大爱育人,education with humanistic love

1)education with humanistic love大爱育人

1.To reach the target,the concept ofeducation with humanistic love should be carried out in the administration of college.要达到这一目标,必须以"大爱育人"理念统领学校教育工作的方方面面,每一个教育工作者都必须以大爱的胸怀来共同营造大爱的育人环境,让大爱育人成果惠及每一个学生,让"以人为本"的教育思想得到充分贯彻。

2.Colleges or universities which believe in the idea ofeducation with humanistic love should build a set of scientific testing and assessing system precipitating the spirit of educating under the guidance of humanistic concern.一个以大爱育人为理念的学校必须建立一套充分体现大爱育人精神的科学的干部考评体系。


1.Love and Cultivate People, Love the Person:"Chinese Traditional Culture" Teaching Love Educating People to Explore大爱育人,育大爱之人——《中国传统文化》课程教学中大爱育人的探索

2.Cultivation of Students with Humanistic Love and Construction of Soft Environment of Higher Vocational College大爱育人理念与高职院校软环境建设

3.On the Effect and Practice of Logistic Services for Education with Humanistic Love后勤服务在大爱育人中的作用与实践

4.Education with Humanistic Love with Vocational Training System to Build Professional Quality大爱育人与高职职业素质培养体系构建

5.Education with Humanistic Love and Emotional Teaching in Ideological and Political Course in Higher Vocational College大爱育人与高职思想政治理论课情感教学

6.Education with Humanistic Love and Construction of Campus Culture System in Higher Vocational College论大爱育人与高职特色校园文化体系构建

7.On the Practice of Education with Humanistic Love in Taizhou Polytechnic College泰州职业技术学院大爱育人工作的实践与思考

8.Speech at the Celebration of the 25th Teachers’ Day and the Forum of Education with Humanistic Love在第25个教师节庆祝大会暨大爱育人论坛上的讲话

9.Construction of Middle-level Management Cadre Testing and Assessing System Based on Education with Humanistic Love基于大爱育人组织文化的学校中层干部考评体系的构建

10.Education with Humanistic Love as a Guide to Promote Skills Development in Accounting Students Posts以“大爱育人”理念为引导,推进会计专业岗位技能培养

11.Sh: It seems that Australians aren"t keen on education and job skills.(好象澳大利亚人并不热衷热爱教育和职业培训。

12.Liberty and Benevolence, the Spirit Essence of Higher Liberal Education;自由与仁爱:大学人文教育的基本精神内涵

13.Humanistic Love in the Teaching at Higher Vocational Colleges高职院校管理育人中体现大爱精神的思考

14.To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of existence爱人和得到人爱是人生最大的幸福

15.The state of today s university students love view and the education of their love view;当代大学生恋爱观现状及恋爱观教育

16.This event, lit by hundreds of millions of Chinese people and great patriotic fervor and sports enthusiasm!这一盛举,彻底点燃了亿万中国人巨大的爱国热情和体育热情!

17.Most people like apples.大多数人喜爱苹果。

18.Taking care of a family is a big responsibility.关爱家人,责任重大。


love personality大爱人格

3)a lover of nature热爱大自然的人

4)Patriotic Education of College Students大学生爱国主义教育

1.A Research on thePatriotic Education of College Students Against the Background of Economic Globalization;经济全球化背景下大学生爱国主义教育研究

5)Adult Education大成人教育

1.Set up a Wide Notion aboutAdult Education Up-Build The SolidAdult Education Market Together;树立大成人教育观念共建立体化成教市场

6)humanistic love大爱

1.The connotation ofhumanistic love is as follows:loving education,loving people,and loving wisdom.本文提出了"爱教育"、"爱人"、"爱智慧"是"大爱"的内涵;分析了"爱"是教育的灵根,是道;指出了"大爱"是"道"中之"大道",它统领着大学精神,是现代大学功能和大学文化建设的核心力量。

2.The teacherhumanistic love is one professional responsibility,One professional custom,One kind of life boundary,one kind of motion.师者大爱是一种职业责任,一种职业习惯,一种人生境界,是有行的。

3.This paper start from the essence and meanings of great love spirit,describing a concrete manifestation ofhumanistic love spirit in Taizhou Polytechnic College.文章从大爱精神的实质和内涵入手,阐述了大爱精神在泰州职业技术学院的具体体现,同时结合学院开展的各项工作实践以及发展目标提出了大爱精神对学院管理者、教师和学生提出的各项要求。


