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企业价值增值 The value added of enterprise英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-31 10:53:44


企业价值增值 The value added of enterprise英语短句 例句大全

企业价值增值,The value added of enterprise

1)The value added of enterprise企业价值增值


1.Thinking about Making the Value Chain of Enterprise s Value Appreciation;关于打造企业价值增值的价值链的思考

2.Analyzing Ways to Promote Enterprise s Value Added through Enterprise Informationization;企业信息化促进企业价值增值的途径分析

3.Research on Value Rising of 3rd Sile Goods Circulation Enterprise,Based on Value Chain Management基于价值链管理的第三方物流企业价值增值研究

4.The application of internal audit to increasing enterprise value--Based on enterprise risk management;内部审计在企业价值增值中的运用——基于企业风险管理视角

5.Practical Analysis on the Appreciation Reaction of Enterprise ValuationImposed by SMEs Informalization;中小企业信息化对企业价值增值作用的实证分析

6.The CVA Model to Evaluate the Enterprise Strategic Value;评价企业战略价值的现金增加值模型

7.The Structure Model and Increment Character of Upriver Value Chains in Project-Oriented Enterprises;项目制造型企业上游价值链增值特征

8.Improving Enterprise s "IQ":A New Growth Point for Enterprises;企业新的价值增长点——提高企业“智商”

9.Improve Enterprise Efficiency Valuation and Financial Policy Making on the Orientation of Value Advancement;从价值增值出发改善企业绩效评价和财务决策

10.Use of Economic Value Added Value Management System to Evaluate Forest Enterprise Economy;经济增加值价值管理体系在林业企业的运用

11.The application of EVA in corporate performance measurement;经济增加值在企业业绩评价中的应用

12.Empirical Research between Intellectual Capital and Market Value of Companies;智力资本增值能力与企业市场价值的实证研究

13.EVA and Its Application in Enterprise s Valuation;经济增加值(EVA)及其在企业价值评估中的应用

14.The Research on Enterprise s Value Management Based on EVA;基于经济增加值(EVA)的企业价值管理研究

15.The Structure Model and Increment Characters of Value Chains in Manufacture Enterprises;制造型企业价值链增值特征和结构模型

16.Enterprises value management system with core of economic value added;经济增加值为核心的企业价值管理体系研究

17.Studies on the Value- Adding Oriented Corporate- Level Strategies;以价值增值为导向的企业总体战略研究

18.Knowledge Value Chain Based on the Course of Knowledge Growth基于知识增值过程的企业知识价值链研究


Corporate Value Growth企业价值增长

1.Research on Management Stock Incentive Based onCorporate Value Growth;基于企业价值增长的管理层股权激励研究

3)enterprise value企业价值

1.The philosophic wisdom andenterprise value of double-self spirits——Taking Liuzhou railway bureau for example;“双自”精神的哲学智慧和企业价值——以柳州铁路局为例

2.Application of EVA in process of Chineseenterprise value-add strategy choice;EVA在我国企业价值增长战略选择中的应用

3.Use EVA to improve the creation ofenterprise value;EVA促进企业价值创造

4)Company value企业价值

1.Based on an empirical analysis on the private listed companies in China by ,this paper discussed the cash-flow rights,control rights and diversities between them and the influence on the company value.在对截止底沪深两地上市的中国民营企业现金权、控制权及其分离系数对企业价值影响的实证研究基础上,得出现金权的增加有利于企业价值的提高,现金权小而控制权过大的股权结构使得大股东侵占小股东利益更为便利,导致企业价值的降低,称为“隧道效应”。

2.The intellectual capital can be classified as structuralized capital, non-structuralized internal capital and non-structuralized external capital in terms of the company value.智力资本从企业价值的角度可以分为结构化的智力资本、非结构化的内部智力资本和非结构化的外部智力资本三类。

paring with other assessment methods nowadays,this method is more easy to be explained and applied,which can give a better mathematics explanation of the relation between company value and core competence.相比于核心能力评估的其它方法,核心能力的期权评估能很好地对核心能力与企业绩效(企业价值)之间的关系进行数学解释。

5)firm value企业价值

1.Rights Departure,Board Behavior and Firm Value:Comparative Empirical Study of the Panel Data in Listed Companies Cotrolled by Private;控股股东两权偏离、董事会行为与企业价值:基于中国民营上市公司面板数据的比较研究

2.Ultimate control rights,cash flow rights andfirm value—Empirical research of Chinese publicly listed companies based on recessive ultimate control rights;终极控制权、现金流量权与企业价值——基于隐性终极控制论的中国上市公司治理实证研究

3.Managerial Ownership and Firm Value:Empirical Evi-dence Based on the Convergence of Interest Effects and the Entrenchment Effects;高管持股与企业价值——基于利益趋同效应与壕沟防守效应的经验研究

6)corporate value企业价值

1.In the age of knowledge, intellectual capital becomes robust in upgradingcorporate value level.在知识经济时代,智力资本提升企业价值的功能明显增强,其作用机制可以从强化企业核心竞争力和增加企业现金流水平两个层次加以说明。


