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重度昏迷 Severe coma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-21 08:53:12


重度昏迷 Severe coma英语短句 例句大全

重度昏迷,Severe coma

1)Severe coma重度昏迷

1.Clinical analysis to etiology and emergency treatment of acute severe comatose(413 cases were appended)急性重度昏迷的病因与急救临床分析(附413例病例报告)


1.Clinical analysis to etiology and emergency treatment of acute severe comatose(413 cases were appended)急性重度昏迷的病因与急救临床分析(附413例病例报告)

2.He lay in a deep coma.他处于深度昏迷之中。

3.Prognostic Value of Cerebral CT and MRI in Comatose Patients after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury头颅CT和MRI对重度颅脑损伤后昏迷患者的预后评估

4.relating to or associated with a coma.与昏迷有关或伴随昏迷。

5.Studys on Predictive Value of Amplitude-integrated Electroencephalography on Severity and Prognosis in Comatose Patients振幅整合脑电图对昏迷病人昏迷程度及其预后的预测研究

6.Severe cases progress to convulsions and Blackout.严重者发生抽搐和暂时性昏迷。

7.relapse into unconsciousness, silence, crime再度昏迷、 恢复平静、 再次犯罪

8.The patient entered into a deep coma.病人陷入极度昏迷的状态。

9.If the patient is unconscious these features lose importance.如果病人已昏迷,那么这些条件就无关重要了。

10.The application of nursing vocatively in severe craniocerebral injury patients in coma呼唤式护理在重型颅脑损伤昏迷期患者的应用

11.making so many turns to the right and then the left was completely disorienting; a sharp blow to the head can be disorienting.右转了这么多次以后就迷失了方向;对脑部的重击会导致昏迷。

12.a deep breath; a deep sigh; deep concentration; deep emotion; a deep trance; in a deep sleep.深呼吸;深深的叹息;高度集中;深厚的感情;深度昏迷;睡得深。

13.Regular discharge wave coma brought about severe sequelae even though the patients may survive.周期性放电型昏迷 ,即使能存活下来 ,也留有严重的后遗症。

14."Severe liver, kidney, and central-nervous-system damage lead to coma. Over half the victims die."严重时伤及肝、肾和中枢神经系统导致昏迷。死亡率超过50%。

15.The mortally wounded man was unconscious but still alive when taken to the hospital.?那个受到致命伤〔重伤〕的人昏迷不醒,但是被送到医院时还活著。)?

16.The Clinical Study of HHNC Complicated by Moderate and Severe Head Injury;中重型颅脑损伤并发高渗性高血糖非酮症昏迷的临床研究

17.A Study on the Effection of Barbiturates Coma Therapy on Intracranial Pressure and Cerebral Blood Flow Levels after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Humans;巴比妥昏迷疗法对重型颅脑创伤患者颅内压和脑血流的影响

18.Observation and study for radial artery and the dorsalis pedis artery non-coma patients with critical非昏迷危重患者桡动脉与足背动脉置管的对比观察



1.Modifying the four vessel occlusion to establish ischemic brain injury coma model in rats;改良四血管阻塞法建立大鼠缺血性脑损伤昏迷模型

2.Application of transcranial Doppler to seriously illed children with coma;经颅多普勒超声在昏迷危重患儿中的应用

3.Revival effect of electrostimulation in Pericardium Channel of Hand Jueyin in coma patients induced by severe craniocerebral trauma;手厥阴经电刺激对重症脑外伤昏迷患者促醒作用的初步研究


1.Clinic Study on Predicting Prognoses of Comatose Patients with Restoration of Spontaneous Circulation after Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with Score用评分法预测心肺复苏术后昏迷病人预后的临床研究

2.A comparative study on Two Scoring Approaches to Prognosis ofcomatose patients with return of spontaneous circulation after cardiopulmonary resuscitation两种评分法对心肺复苏自主循环恢复昏迷病人预后预测的比较

4)To pass out; faint.昏倒;昏迷

5)To render unconscious;knock out.使昏迷;击昏

6)Brain coma脑性昏迷


