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绿色技术标准 green technical standard英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-17 16:29:01


绿色技术标准 green technical standard英语短句 例句大全

绿色技术标准,green technical standard

1)green technical standard绿色技术标准

2)green standard绿色标准

1.The construction of green ecological EP residence must have green consciousness andgreen standard.建设绿色生态环保住宅要有绿色意识和绿色标准。

3)green technology绿色技术

1.Study on Externalities and Compensation in the Development of Green Technology;绿色技术发展的外部经济性及其补偿研究

2.Research on functional Sources of Green Technology Innovation;绿色技术创新功能源研究

3.Countermeasures for the rise and development ofgreen technology innovation;绿色技术创新的兴起及发展对策


1.Green technology and green technological innovation--ontemporary form of sustainable development;绿色技术和绿色技术创新——可持续发展的当代形式

2.Research on Measurement Methods of the Green Technological Innovation Auditing Indicator System绿色技术创新审计指标测度方法研究

3.The Characteristics of Green Technologies and Its Influence on the Investment and Financing;绿色技术的特点及其对投融资的影响

4.Strategy of Coping with Green Technology of Chinese Non-timber Forest;我国经济林应对绿色技术壁垒的战略

5.Discussion on the Corresponding Measures to the “Green Technical Barrier” for Textile Enterprises;纺织企业应对“绿色技术壁垒”的探讨

6.Study of Green Technology Innovation Based on ISO14000基于ISO14000的绿色技术创新研究

7.The Research on Tax Planning in Enterprises" Green Technology Innovation企业绿色技术创新中的税收筹划研究

8.Integration of Green Enterprises, Green Products and Electromechanical Technology;绿色企业、绿色产品与机电一体化技术

9.Discussion on the Green Management and Green Maintenance of TBM浅谈TBM绿色管理与绿色维修保养技术

10.Iron (Ⅵ) Chemistry: A Study on Green Oxidation for Organic Synthesis;Fe(Ⅵ)化学:绿色有机氧化合成技术研究

11.Study on Key Technology of Green Reverse Osmosis Scale Inhibitor;反渗透阻垢剂绿色化关键性技术研究

12.Studies on the Green Chemical Technics--Freezed-Dried of Manufacturing Nutrient Sugar;绿色化工过程制造营养糖的技术研究

13.The Progress and Actualization of Green Manufacturing Technic;TRICM绿色制造技术的进步与实施

14.Piloting the Trend of Car-making Technology:Green Manufacturing;绿色制造引领未来汽车生产技术潮流

15.Innovating in High-efficiency Welding Technology to Construct a Green Shipbuilding Enterprise;创新高效焊接技术,打造绿色造船企业

16.Green Innovation--The Way of Building Material Enterprises Technology Innovation;绿色创新——建材企业的技术创新之路

17.On the Protection Service of Unpolluted Plants and Application of IPM Technology;浅谈绿色植保服务与IPM技术应用

18.Make use of biologic technology and promote green marketing innovation;利用生物技术推动我国绿色营销创新


green standard绿色标准

1.The construction of green ecological EP residence must have green consciousness andgreen standard.建设绿色生态环保住宅要有绿色意识和绿色标准。

3)green technology绿色技术

1.Study on Externalities and Compensation in the Development of Green Technology;绿色技术发展的外部经济性及其补偿研究

2.Research on functional Sources of Green Technology Innovation;绿色技术创新功能源研究

3.Countermeasures for the rise and development ofgreen technology innovation;绿色技术创新的兴起及发展对策

4)green technique绿色技术

1.This paper analyses the connotation of green consumer,green technique and green design,expounds the procedure of chain reaction ofgreen technique and green design,which has been brought about by green consumer,and discusses the causes of “green wave”.分析了绿色消费、绿色技术、绿色设计的内涵;阐述了由绿色消费引起绿色技术和绿色设计的链式反应过程;讨论了“绿色浪潮”的成因。

2.Setting up the new system of the green high vocational education about"green occupation adding togreen technique" will be new words in modern times of the eco.构建"绿色职业+绿色技术"的绿色高职教育新体系,成为生态文明建设新时代的新话语。

5)the green technology index system绿色技术指标体系

1.The essay first deals with theory foundation and forms of the green trade vallums,then analyzes the influences of the green trade vallums to our country s foreign trade, and next suggests the related counterpolicies from three sides ofthe green technology index system,the green law system and the strengthening of international consultations and cooperation本文从绿色贸易壁垒的理论基础及其表现形式出发 ,分析了绿色贸易壁垒对我国外贸的影响 ,最后从绿色技术指标体系、绿色法律制度、加强国际磋商与合作三个方面提出了相关法律对策。

6)technical standard技术标准

1.Cognition and suggestion ontechnical standardization of cement slurry in our country;对我国固井水泥浆技术标准化工作的认识与建议

2.Highway technical Standard research on the feasibility of the project;浅析工程可行性研究阶段公路技术标准的确定

3.Development oftechnical standards for water resources protection;保护水(资源)的技术标准发展浅议


