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SRAP种质资源 SRAP germplasm resources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-24 04:33:00


SRAP种质资源 SRAP germplasm resources英语短句 例句大全

SRAP种质资源,SRAP germplasm resources

1)SRAP germplasm resourcesSRAP种质资源

2)germplasm resources种质资源

1.An overview of research ongermplasm resources of Radix Codonopsis and their utilization;药用党参种质资源研究与开发利用概况

2.RAPD Analysis ongermplasm resources in different populations of Dendrobium loddigesii;不同居群美花石斛种质资源的RAPD分析

3.Researches on categories, characteristics, and utilization value of cultivated ginsenggermplasm resources;栽培人参种质资源的类别、特点和利用价值研究概况


1.Diversity Analysis and Quality Evaluation of Chinese Kal E (Brassica Oleracea Var. Alboglabra Bailey) Germplasm Resources;芥蓝种质资源多样性分析与品质评价

2.Germplasm resources of Polygala tenuifolia and determination of presenegenin in processing productsHPLC评价远志种质资源及炮制品的质量

3.Investigation of the Germplasm Resources and Biological Characteristics of Seeds of Radix Platycodonis;桔梗种质资源及种子生物学特性研究

4.Collection, Evaluation, Selection and Breeding of Salvia Miltiorrhiza Bunge Varieties;丹参种质资源的收集评价与品种选育

5.Overview of Species and Distribution of Tobacco Germplasm Resources in China我国烟草种质资源的种类与分布概况

6.Advances in Research on Genetic Resources,Breeding and Genetics of Mungbean(Vigna radiata L.)绿豆种质资源、育种及遗传研究进展

7.Investigation on Germplasm Resources of Energy Plant--Saccharum arundinaceum Ratz.in Sichuan Province生物质能源潜力植物——斑茅种质资源考察与收集

8.Geographic Variation and Initial Selection for Wild Provenances of Polygonum Multiflorum;何首乌野生种质资源地理变异与种源初步选择

9.Genetic Diversity and Super Quality Germplasm Selection of Natural Dactylis Glomerata L.;野生鸭茅种质资源遗传多样性及优异种质筛选

10.Studies and Utilization on High-Quality Wild Grass Germplasm Resources in Tibet;西藏几种野生优质牧草种质资源研究与利用

11.Fruit Nourishment Component Analysis of Wild Jujube Germplasm Resources and Germplasm Evaluation;酸枣种质资源果实营养成份分析及种质评价

12.Evaluation of Wild Lentinual Edodes Germplasm Resource and Excavation of the Specific Germplasm野生香菇种质资源的评价及特异种质发掘

13.Cultivating High Quality and Yield Camellia oleifera Species Utilizing Germplasm Resources利用种质资源培育优质高产的油茶树种

14.The Utilization of Tea Germplasm of Yabukita Seedings and Research for ‘Yusun’and‘Yulu’Cultivars茶树种质资源薮北种利用与玉绿、玉笋品种创新

15.Conservation principle and method of germplasm resources of forest treesGB/T14072-1993林木种质资源保存原则与方法

16.The Resources of Pine、Bamboo and Mei Flower in Shanxi Province and the Associative Landscaping山西省松、竹、梅种质资源及其造景途径

17.Protection and Research of Forage Grass Germplasm Resources in Australia.澳大利亚牧草种质资源的保护与研究

18.Molecular Identification and Enhancement of Germplasms in Hawthorn;山楂种质资源的分子鉴定及创新研究


germplasm resources种质资源

1.An overview of research ongermplasm resources of Radix Codonopsis and their utilization;药用党参种质资源研究与开发利用概况

2.RAPD Analysis ongermplasm resources in different populations of Dendrobium loddigesii;不同居群美花石斛种质资源的RAPD分析

3.Researches on categories, characteristics, and utilization value of cultivated ginsenggermplasm resources;栽培人参种质资源的类别、特点和利用价值研究概况

3)germplasm resource种质资源

1.Review of studies on resistance of wild ricegermplasm resources;野生稻的种质资源抗性研究概述

2.Design and Implementation of Tea Germplasm Resource Information System Based on .NET;基于.NET技术的茶树种质资源信息系统的设计与实现

3.Selection of assessment indexes used on salt tolerance of large-scalegermplasm resources of Warm season turfgrasses;暖季型草坪草大规模种质资源抗盐性评价指标的选择


1.Theory and Practices of the Infrastructure Establishment on Parasite Germplasm Resources in China;中国寄生虫种质资源平台建设的理论与实践

2.RAPD analysis of genetic diversity of non-heading Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis Makino)germplasm;不结球白菜种质资源遗传多样性RAPD分析

3.Effect of the Ecological Environment on Ophiopogonis japonicus Germplasm Resource;生态环境对麦冬种质资源影响的研究

5)genetic resources种质资源

1.Summary of the situation for applyinggenetic resources from Elytrigia in Triticum aestivum breeding;偃麦草属种质资源在普通小麦育种中的应用现状简介

2.Conservation,utility and development strategy forgenetic resources of China fir;杉木种质资源保存利用现状及发展策略

3.Indroduction, Evaluation and Utilization of Potato Genetic Resources in Sichuan;四川省马铃薯种质资源材料引进、评价及利用

6)Germ plasm resources种质资源

1.Preliminary identification and evaluation on maize germ plasm resources in Guizhou;贵州玉米优良种质资源鉴评初报

2.In this paper,the present situation of studies on germ plasm resources,chemical compositions and tissue culture of Discorea zingiberesis C.对黄姜种质资源、化学成分及组织培养研究概况进行了综述。


