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综合治理规划 comprehensive management and planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-23 08:03:31


综合治理规划 comprehensive management and planning英语短句 例句大全

综合治理规划,comprehensive management and planning

1)comprehensive management and planning综合治理规划

1.The direct query and calculation on the block were achieved,which means thecomprehensive management and planning of small watershed has informationized.利用MAPINFO软件和MAPX控件,在VB环境下开发了规划系统用户界面的GIS基本功能模块,建立了系统所需的数据库以及数据库与模块的直接连接,实现了地块的直接查询和计算,达到了小流域综合治理规划的信息化。


1.General rule of planning for comprehensive control of soil erosionGB/T15772-1995水土保持综合治理规划通则

2.Research on Comprehensive Treatment and Planning of Small Watershed on the Basis of Analysis of Peasant Households Behavior;基于农户行为分析的小流域综合治理规划研究

3.Design of Watershed Management Planning System Based on GIS Technology基于GIS技术的流域综合治理规划系统设计

4.Studies on Reclamation Planning of Watershed Using GIS-Based Methods;基于地理信息系统(GIS)的小流域综合治理规划的研究

5.The Comprehensive Management Plan of the BeiYun River from under Yang Wa Sluice to TuMenLou Sluice北运河杨洼闸下至土门楼闸河段综合治理规划研究

6.The Research on Management and Integrated Utilization of Water Resource on Tibet Autonomous Region;西藏自治区水资源管理及综合利用规划研究

7.Reasonable Scale of Multimodal Transportation Network of Linear Programming线性规划综合运输网络合理规模研究

8.The comprehensive plans referred to in this Law mean those for the exploration of water resources and the prevention and control of water disasters.本法所称综合规划是指开发利用水资源和防治水害的综合规划。

9.Study of Water Environment Comprehensive Prevention and Planning on Cihu Lake in Huangshi City;黄石市磁湖水环境综合防治规划研究

10.The control of rivers and lakes and the construction of flood control works should conform to the comprehensive plans for river basins and be integrated with the comprehensive exploration of water resources in river basins.江河、湖泊治理以及防洪工程设施建设,应当符合流域综合规划,与流域水资源的综合开发相结合。

11.Study on Planning and Designing of Tourism Landscape and Integrated Rehabilitation of Rock Desertification in the Karst Areas喀斯特地区旅游景观规划设计与石漠化综合治理研究

12.Planning and Design of Ecological Environment Comprehensive Control Project in Dulaerewenke Ethnic Township杜拉尔鄂温克民族乡生态环境综合治理工程规划设计

13.Layout of Monitoring Sites of Comprehensive Control Project of Karst Rocky Desertification in Guizhou Province贵州省喀斯特石漠化综合治理工程监测点布局规划

14.Article 23 The plans for the comprehensive control, development and utilization of rivers and lakes should be in accordance with the general plans for land use.第二十三条 江河、湖泊综合治理和开发利用规划,应当与土地利用总体规划相衔接。

15.Plans are classified into comprehensive plans and speciality plans.规划分为综合规划和专业规划。

16.Evaluation of camp planning based on Rough sets theory;基于Rough集理论的营区规划综合评价


18.The Water Environment Sythetically Regulation Planning and Research of Da-Xi-Gang River and Xiao-Xi-Gang River;大溪港、小溪港水环境综合整治规划研究


comprehensive plan and government综合规划治理

1.The inquiry ofcomprehensive plan and government of water environment of city river in China;我国城市河流水环境综合规划治理探讨

3)comprehensive improvement and planning综合整治规划

1.Based on the recent improvement practice and the current research results of urban traffic,the perception ofcomprehensive improvement and planning is advocated;the basic concept and approach is defined;the general structure and scheme ofcomprehensive improvement and planning system is established;.文章在对城市交通问题进行近期整治的实践和对现有研究成果的基础上,提出了交通综合整治规划的理念,明确了交通综合整治规划的基本概念和基本思路,探讨构建交通综合整治规划体系结构和体系框架,并总结交通综合整治规划的工作流程,最后以合肥市老城区交通综合整治规划研究为实例对所构建的理论体系进行了实证分析。

4)comprehensive planning and management综合规划管理

5)Rational Unified Planning理性的综合规划

6)comprehensive plan综合规划

1.Several considerations oncomprehensive plan of the Dongting lake area;对洞庭湖区综合规划的几点认识

2.The idea of the course design andcomprehensive planning in continuing education is that we have not given careful consideration to the need of teacher education.继续教育应以教师专业发展阶段理论作为课程设计的依据,综合规划课程。

3.My thesis gives a foundation and first condition to the waste water controlling of the tu-hai river by establishing the mathematical model of the tu-hai river and giving the river acomprehensive plan of water quality.本论文通过建立聊城市徒骇河一维水质数学模型,并在此基础上对徒骇河聊城段进行了水质综合规划,这些工作奠定了对徒骇河聊城段进行水污染防治的基础,提供了对徒骇河聊城段进行水污染防治的先决条件。


