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亲本筛选 selection of parents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-26 15:34:15


亲本筛选 selection of parents英语短句 例句大全

亲本筛选,selection of parents

1)selection of parents亲本筛选


1.Selection of Parents for Breeding of Sweetpotato Food Varieties of High Carotene Content甘薯高胡萝卜素食用品种的亲本筛选

2.Selecting and Crossing after Ultraviolet Radiation Induced of Pleurotus Ferulae Lenzi Parents Strains and the Predicting of the Heterosis of F1 Generation Strains;白灵菇亲本筛选与紫外线诱变、杂交及杂种优势预测

3.Retrospective Analysis of Hybrid Parents and Efficient Hybrid Cross Screen Protocol反推亲本式玉米杂交组配及组合高效筛选思路

4.Screening and utilization of two parents in cabbage and identification of hybrid F_1 target characters2个甘蓝亲本的筛选利用及其F_1目标性状鉴定

5.Selecting of 14 Pleurotus Eryngii Parent Strains and the Predicting of the Heterosis of F1 Generation Strains;杏鲍菇杂交亲本的筛选及F1代菌株杂种优势的预测

6.Screening of Conjugated Peptides of Endoglin and Assessment of the Binding Function;Endoglin结合肽的筛选及其亲和力的鉴定

7.Gene Sequence Panning of High and Special Affinity of Humanized Single-Chain Antibody Against Human Bladder Carcinoma高亲和力抗膀胱癌单链抗体筛选及亲和力测定

8.The results indicated that the dwarf plants of Iris germanica could be obtained through repeated backcrossing to the dwarf parent.以花色为主要观赏指标的鸢尾矮生植株需通过与矮生亲本的反复回交筛选得到。

9.Screening, Identification and Characterization of Differentially Expressed Genes in Muscle Tissue between F_1 of Meishan×Largewhite and Largewhite;杂种一代梅大与亲本大白肌肉组织间差异表达基因的筛选、鉴定及其初步分析

10.Use this button to filter the offline copy of this folder.用筛选按钮筛选出该文件夹的脱机副本。

11.These Abs were used for biopanning of a phage-displayed random15- peptide library.并以此为筛选配基,对噬菌体表面展示的随机15肽库进行亲和筛选。

12.Screening Human Single Chain Fv Antibodies Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Determining Their Affinity;肝癌靶向单链抗体的筛选与亲和力测定

13.Screening the Ligands of Alpha-amylase from the Phage Heptapeptide Library;从噬菌体肽库中筛选淀粉酶亲和配基的研究

14.Selections Stock-scion Combination and Studies on Graft Affinity in Early Stage of Different Combination of Rootstocks and Scions of Grape;葡萄砧穗组合筛选及嫁接早期亲和力研究

15.Utilization and Selection of Self-Incompatibility Varieties in Brassica Oleracea Var.Acephala;羽衣甘蓝自交不亲和系的筛选及其利用

16.Screening of Affinity Nucleic Acids for Human TGF-β RⅡfrom ssDNA Random Library by SELEX;SELEX技术筛选人TGF-β RⅡ亲和核酸库方法的建立

17.The Screening of a High Affinity Mutant of MIF Receptor by DNA Shuffling;基于DNA改组的MIF高亲和力受体突变体的筛选

18.Study on the Screen of Rootstocks and Graft Affinity Mechanism for Cucumber黄瓜嫁接砧木的筛选及亲和性机理研究




1.The purified protein coated on polystyrene plate was used as the target to carry out four rounds ofbio-panning.以此纯化蛋白为靶,采用固体包被法对噬菌体展示随机十二肽库及环七肽库进行亲和筛选。

4)affinity selection亲和筛选

5)parent selection亲本选择

1.Theparent selection of red-seed-using watermelon based on data mining by neural network基于神经网络数据挖掘的红色籽用西瓜亲本选择方法研究

6)parent selection亲本选配

1.Studies on the genetic law ofparent selection of plant type breeding in maize;玉米株型育种亲本选配的遗传规律研究


