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心血管系统用药 drug for cardiovascular disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-18 02:02:20


心血管系统用药 drug for cardiovascular disease英语短句 例句大全

心血管系统用药,drug for cardiovascular disease

1)drug for cardiovascular disease心血管系统用药

2)cardiovascular system/DE心血管系统/药物作用

3)cardiovascular drug心血管系统药物

1.Objective:To evaluate the situation ofcardiovascular drugs used in outpatients of Shanghai Huashan Hospital in 2000-2002 years.结论:心血管系统药物临床应用广泛,用药金额呈逐年增长的趋势,应注意监测其用药变化趋势。


1.Utilization of Cardiovascular Drugs in Our Hospital During the Period ~~我院心血管系统药物利用分析

2.Analysis for the uses of cardiovascular drugs in 22 hospitals in Nanjing city during --南京市22家医院心血管系统药物利用分析

3.Analysis of Cardiovascular Medisatir Usase in 17 Chengdu Local Hospitals 成都地区17家医院心血管系统药物利用状况分析

4.Effect of Four Species of Characteristic Vegetable Drugs in Xinjiang on Cardiovascular System新疆4种特色植物药对心血管系统的影响

5.Safety pharmacology studies on test article to central nervous system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system and digestive system of animals are available in our center.本中心可开展受试物对动物中枢神经系统、血管系统、吸系统及消化系统的安全性药理试验。

6.Analysis on Utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections in Treating Cardio-cerebrovascular Diseases中药注射剂治疗心脑血管系统疾病用药分析

7.The Cardiovascular Effect of Dendranthema Morifolium Ramat. and Its Active Compositions;中药杭白菊心血管系统作用及活性成分研究

8.The Research of Effects of Sulfonylurea Drugs on the Cardiovascular System磺脲类药对心血管系统影响的研究进展

9.Correlation between the safety of cardiovascular drug-eluting stent implantation and vascular restenosis心血管药物洗脱支架置入安全性与血管再狭窄的关系

10.The Quality Evaluation and Isoeffect Study on the Cardiovascular System of Dragon s Blood and Resina Draconis;进口与国产血竭药材质量评价及对心血管系统的等效性研究

11.Investigation and Analysis of Antihypertensive Medication Use in Cardiovascular Hospital Inpatients心血管医院住院患者抗高血压药物用药分析

12.Role of RAS in the Pathogenesis of Hypertension and Development of Antihypertensive Drugs;肾素-血管紧张素系统在高血压发病机制及药物治疗中的作用

13.cardiovascular system alteration during weightlessness失重时心血管系统变化

14.X-ray cardiovascular examination system心血管X线检查系统

15.Acute Adverse Effect of Air Particulate Matter (PM_(10)) Pollution on Cardiovascular Diseases(CVD):a Meta-analysis可吸入颗粒物对心血管系统急性效应的meta分析

16.Biocompatibility of cardiovascular stent materials心血管支架材料生物相容性的系统评价

17.Biomineralization of phosphate in the cardiovascular system of the human body人体心血管系统中磷酸盐矿物矿化作用

18.any of various drugs used in treating hypertension or arrhythmia; decreases force and rate of heart contractions by blocking beta-adrenergic receptors of the autonomic nervous system.用来治疗高血压和心律不齐的药物;通过阻止神经系统肾上腺接受器来减少心脏收缩力的药物。


cardiovascular system/DE心血管系统/药物作用

3)cardiovascular drug心血管系统药物

1.Objective:To evaluate the situation ofcardiovascular drugs used in outpatients of Shanghai Huashan Hospital in 2000-2002 years.结论:心血管系统药物临床应用广泛,用药金额呈逐年增长的趋势,应注意监测其用药变化趋势。

4)Cardiovascular drugs心血管系统药物

1.OBJECTIVE:To analyse the current situation of consumption of cardiovascular drugs used in the main hospitals of Nanjing in recent 3 years, so as to provide information for the research, production, sale and clinical application of these drugs.结论 :随着我国社会经济的迅速发展 ,心血管系统药物的市场需求潜力巨大 ,开发前景广阔。

2.RESULTS: The total 198 cardiovascular drugs over the 500 commercial names were used in these hospitals.目的 :调查分析和评估 2 0 0 0年~ 2 0 0 2年西南 4省市医院中心血管系统药物的应用现状和趋势。

3.Objective:To evaluate the current situation and the trend of cardiovascular drugs used in chengdu city in .目的:了解成都地区17家医院间心血管系统药物的使用状况。

5)cardiovascular side effect心血管系统副作用

6)cardiovascular system心血管系统

1.Effects of oxidative stress induced by cigarette smoking oncardiovascular system and endothelial cells;吸烟介导的氧化应激及其对心血管系统和内皮细胞的影响

2.Clinical analysis of 17 cases withcardiovascular system complication following mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia;肺炎支原体肺炎并发心血管系统损害17例临床分析

3.Adverse Impact of Aldosterone on Cardiovascular System and Its Theray;醛固酮对心血管系统的不良影响与治疗


