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波动说 wave theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-02 23:05:00


波动说 wave theory英语短句 例句大全

波动说,wave theory

1)wave theory波动说

1.The understanding of electromagnetic radiation underwent particle theory,wave theory ,wave-particle theory.电磁辐射的认识经历了微粒说、波动说、波粒二象性的过程。

2)light fluctuation theory光波动说

1.This paper indicates,through talking about the historical process and debates of the establishment of light corpuscle theory andlight fluctuation theory,that physical hypothesis plays a pioneering,bridging and promoting function.通过评价对光微粒说及光波动说建立的历史过程及它们的争论 ,说明物理假说在物理学发展过程中的先导和桥梁作用以及推动作

3)undulatory theory波动学说

4)wave theory波动论,波动说

5)Wave theory of light光的波动说

6)Variability Hypothesis波动性假说

1.The "Fisher Effect" and "Variability Hypothesis" Test in Chinese Stock Market;对中国股票市场费雪效应及相关“波动性假说”的检验


1.The "Fisher Effect" and "Variability Hypothesis" Test in Chinese Stock Market;对中国股票市场费雪效应及相关“波动性假说”的检验

2.The Hypothesis of Growth Regimes and Testing for Fluctuation Spillover Effect;经济增长的阶段性假说和波动性溢出效应检验

3.Study of the Waves in China s M&A Activity on the Basis of Industry Shocks;行业冲击假说下的我国并购活动波动性实证研究

4.An Empirical Analysis of Volatility and Trading Volume in ChinaStock Market on the Hypothesis of Mixture of Distribution;中国股市波动性与交易量的关系:基于混合分布假说的实证研究

5.An Empirical Analysis of Volatility and Trading Volume in China Stock Market --Basing on the Mixture of Distribution Hypothesis;中国股市波动性与交易量的关系——基于混合分布假说的实证研究

6.Time Varying Volatility Features of Shanghai Composite Index: Behavioral Proxy and Three Conjectures;上证指数的时变波动特征:行为指标和三个假说

7."Trail Hypothesis" of imlicit learning of sports skills运动技能内隐性学习的“痕迹假说”

8.Light is assumed to be a wave phenomenon.假设光是一种波动现象。

9.The Empirical Study of the Relationship between "Financial Hoarding Hypothesis" and the Stock Price Volatility in China“金融窖藏假说”与我国股票价格波动关系的实证研究

10.The Effects of Inflation on China"s Stock Prices:An Explanation Based on Money Illusion Hypothesis通货膨胀与中国股票价格波动——基于货币幻觉假说的解释

11.Mechanism Study about the Liquidity of Stoek Market Based on Phase Transition Hypothesis of Stock Market;股票市场相变假说下的股市流动性产生机理

12.An Comparative Study on Forecasting Volatility of Shanghai Stock Index Using GARCH Model with Different Distributions;基于不同分布假设GARCH模型对上证指数波动性预测能力的比较研究

13.The nonlinear framework is intimately related to the fractal market hypothesis, irrational trader and fractional Brownian motion.该研究范式主要理论假说有:有限理性人、形市场假说与分数布朗运动。

14.It is hard to say that any level is “normal”; volatility is in itself volatile.很难说清哪一个层次属于“正常”,波动性自身也在波动之中。

15.specific neuron code hypothesis特异性神经元密码假说

16.We assume that students are familiar with the wave character of light such as the fact that the wavelength can be determined from interference effects.我们假定读者都熟悉光的波动性,例如从干涉效应可以测定波长这样的事实。

17.Re-entry Hypothesis Testing Within Pulmonary Vein-atrium as a Mechanism for Sustaining Atrial Fibrillation in Dogs;犬持续性心房颤动维持机制:肺静脉—左房折返假说的验证

18.The Analysis of Factors Resulting in Change of Income Difference between Rural and Urban Residents of China:Also To Discuss the Applicability of Hypothesis of Down “U”;中国城乡收入差距变动的成因分析:兼论“倒U”假说的适用性


light fluctuation theory光波动说

1.This paper indicates,through talking about the historical process and debates of the establishment of light corpuscle theory andlight fluctuation theory,that physical hypothesis plays a pioneering,bridging and promoting function.通过评价对光微粒说及光波动说建立的历史过程及它们的争论 ,说明物理假说在物理学发展过程中的先导和桥梁作用以及推动作

3)undulatory theory波动学说

4)wave theory波动论,波动说

5)Wave theory of light光的波动说

6)Variability Hypothesis波动性假说

1.The "Fisher Effect" and "Variability Hypothesis" Test in Chinese Stock Market;对中国股票市场费雪效应及相关“波动性假说”的检验


