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第一句子网 > 数据加工 data processing英语短句 例句大全

数据加工 data processing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-25 09:24:04


数据加工 data processing英语短句 例句大全

数据加工,data processing

1)data processing数据加工

1.This paper takes production of the 1:10000 Taining digital topomap as an example,and discussesdata processing and quality control on Geoway platform in the medium and small-scaled project.以泰宁县1∶10000数字地形图的生产为例,探讨了在中小型项目中应用Geoway数据加工平台进行数字地形图生产的加工流程、质量控制等问题。

2.This paper takes production of the 1: 10000 Sangzhi DLG as an example,and discussesdata processing and quality control on Geoway platform in the medium and small-scaled project.以张家界市桑植县1:1万数字线画图(DLC)的生产为例,探讨了在中小型项目中应用Geoway数据加工平台进行DLC生产的加工流程、质量控制等问题,取得了一定的经验,为测绘部门和相关工作者提供参考。


1.Traditionally, consolidated data vendors process all data at centralized locations.传统上,数据加工者集中处理所有数据。

2.Methods on improve data processing efficiency with the DB2 database environment以DB2数据库环境提高数据加工效率的方法

3.electronic data processing system电子计算机数据加工系统

4.Semantic Annotation Based Traditional Chinese Medicine Data Process Platform;基于语义标注的中医药数据加工平台

5.microcomputer data acquisition and processing system微机数据采集加工系统

6.Raw data: Data which has not been processed or prepared.原始数据:未经加工或处理的数据。

7.Research on Data Transmission in CNC Networking;网络数控加工中数据传输技术的研究

8.A Syudy on Ecm Database of Operating Parameter and Basic Process Law of Ecm电解加工工艺参数数据库及电解加工基本工艺规律研究

9.The database of operating parameter of mould ECM is established on thebasis of test data.在大量试验数据的基础上,创建了模具电解加工工艺参数数据库。

10.Study on the table and database of operation parameter of mould ECM模具电解加工工艺参数表和数据库的研究

11.to create or manufacture a specific amount.制造或者加工精确的数据。

12.The Tailoring of Population Data in Ten Counties of Guangxi,1959-1961;1959~1961年广西十县人口数据的“加工”

13.Application of database technology to virtual machining system数据库技术在虚拟加工系统中的应用

14.The basic data was prepared for production processing in NC machine tool.为在数控机床上进行生产加工准备了基础数据。

15.Study on Data Security Technology of Cooperative Product in NC Manufacturing;产品外协数控加工中的数据安全技术研究

16.Study on NURBS Surface Modeling and NC Machining Technique of Scattered Data;散乱数据的NURBS曲面建模与数控加工技术研究

17.Study of Disposal Method about Graphics Data Based on NC Machining;基于数控加工图形数据处理方法的研究

18.Research on Directly CNC Machining of Free-form Surfaces from Points Data;关于自由曲面数据点云直接数控加工的研究


working data加工数据

1.By method of vector calculation,the data of three-dimensional numerical bender from X、Y、Z geometric data was changed to Y、B、Cworking data,this process through the procedure was finished.以向量运算的方法,把三维数控弯管的X、Y、Z几何数据变换成Y、B、C加工数据,并用程序实现之,并指导了对弯管数据的形成。

3)machining library加工数据库

1.In this paper,a practical solution based on UGmachining library was put forward.本文提出了 UG 加工数据库的一种实用解决方案,通过 UG 内置加工数据库与外部数据库的集成,实现刀具参数、切削参数的统一管理与共享。

4)Information Extraction数控加工数据库

1.Information Extraction and Layout for NC Machining Database Based on STEP-NC Program;STEP-NC数控程序信息提取和数控加工数据库初步规划

5)NC machining data数控加工数据

1.The calculation of the pipe s curve angle and elongation is difficult with lots of factors affecting curve pipe,NC machining data is modified with experiment value.介绍了空间管件的管形数据和数控加工数据信息,详细分析了矢量法从管形数据到数控加工数据的转换算法。

6)NC manufacturing system数据加工系统

1.The paper relates to the 3D square projected simulation calculation of theNC manufacturing system and its advantages as well as disadvantages.本文讨论了数据加工系统的正方体投影仿真算法的核心内容及优缺点。


数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication networkshu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。
