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动画素材 flash materials英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-06 08:38:26


动画素材 flash materials英语短句 例句大全

动画素材,flash materials

1)flash materials动画素材

1.To control the method of making flash and choose the suitableflash materials to create the multi-media courseware can make the courseware more active, novel, imaginable and attractive.掌握动画的制作方法,选择合适的动画素材制作多媒体课件,可以提高课件的主动性,使其更加新颖、形象、有吸引力。


1.Multimedia Semantic Retrieval of Cartoon-Objected Material;面向卡通动画素材的多媒体语义检索

2.Research on Pose-oblivious Retrieval of 3D Animation Material Model;姿态无关的三维动画素材模型检索方法研究

3.Research on Domain Ontology Model and Semantic Reasoning of Animation Material动画素材的领域本体模型与语义推理研究

4.Research on Ontology-Based Image Semantic Annotation of Animation Material基于本体的动画素材图像语义标注研究

5.Design of Ontology-based Animation Material Retrieval System and Research on Retrieval Model基于本体的动画素材检索系统设计与检索模型研究

6.Design of Ontology-based Semantic Retrieval Engine for Animation Material and Ranking Research基于本体的动画素材语义检索引擎设计与排序研究

7.Wider and Deeper Research & Explore of Material in Animation Film;动画电影艺术创作素材的再挖掘与整合研究

8."Shape-Spirit" and "Implication-Image"--Elements of Traditional Chinese Painting in Animation Design;“形神”与“意象”——动画设计中的国画元素

9.Discussion on Nationality Feature of Chinese Animations Subject-matter;试论中国动画片题材选取的民族特色

10.The Impact of Material Usage on Animation Designing and Making材料的运用对动画设计与制作的影响

11.In What Sense Are Cartoons Materials for Social History?: An Analysis of Feng Zikai s Cartoons;漫画:在何种意义上成为社会史素材——以丰子恺漫画为对象的分析

12.On Toner as a Medium of Representation of Art in Modern Sketch Drawing;谈色粉材料在现代素描绘画中的艺术表现

13.Square in Western Figure Paintings;规矩天地——西方人物题材绘画里的方形元素

14.The Using of Material Performance on Design Sketch in Fashion Draw设计素描中材质感的表现在时装画中的应用

15.Some Questions about Animation Sketch Teaching at College高校动画专业素描教学中的几个问题

16.The Study on Creative Performance of the Element Roles in Modern Animation"s Local Culture动画本土文化元素角色的创造性表现

17.The Application of Non-PhotoRealistic Rendering in 3D Animations on Education;反真实材质在三维教学动画中的应用探索

18.Thinking on Inheriting and Innovation in Animation Creation Traditional Theme;动画创作中传统题材继承和创新的思考


Animation material search动画素材检索

3)material animation材料动画

1.A significant role, thematerial animation has played in the top animation pictures of various animation festivals, and it also finds its outstanding way in commercial films.材料动画是一种独特的动画形式,在世界各个动画节出现的优秀艺术动画片中,材料动画占据了相当大的比重,在商业片中同样彰显了独特魅力。

4)animation material动画材料

5)animation sketch动画素描

6)action material动作素材

1.Basic function of popular aerobics has been probed into in the article, meanwhile, the design and arrangement ofaction material has been required.本文对大众健美操的基本功能作一些探讨,并就其功能提出动作素材的创编要求,以供参考。


