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后突畸形 serious kyphosis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-23 17:55:57


后突畸形 serious kyphosis英语短句 例句大全

后突畸形,serious kyphosis

1)serious kyphosis后突畸形


1.She appeared to be thin with a fairly poor nutritional status. There was a gibbous deformity at the level of the first lumbar vertebra with local tenderness and limitation of the lumbar movement营养状态差,消瘦,第一腰椎处脊椎后突畸形,局部有压疼,腰部活动受限。

2.Soft-tissue and hard-tissue profile changes following orthodontic treatment of bimaxillary protrusion in adults with teeth extraction成人双颌前突错畸形患者拔牙正畸治疗后颅面软硬组织的变化

3.A Clinical Study of Orthognathic Surgery for Mandibular Protrusion正颌外科矫治下颌前突畸形术后疗效分析

4.Application of sternocleidomastoid muscle flap during parotidectomy on the repair of facial deformity胸锁乳突肌肌瓣修复腮腺术后缺损畸形的应用

5.Changes of the Morphology and Function of Tongue and Oropharyngeal Airway in Adult Patients with Skeletal Mandibular Prognathism after Combined Orthodontic and Orthognathic Treatment;正畸正颌联合治疗骨性下颌前突畸形前后舌咽形态及功能变化的研究

6.Study of Condyle Movement Traceings in Angle Ⅱ~2 Malocclusion Pretreatment and Post-Treatment安氏Ⅱ类2分类错(牙合)畸形正畸治疗前后髁突运动轨迹特征的对比研究

7.Ultimately a two-headed monster was produced.最后产生了双头畸形。

8.The prevention and treatment of secondary dento-maxillofacial deformities with orthodontics and orthognathic surgery following the repair of cleft lip and palate正畸-正颌联合防治唇腭裂术后牙颌面畸形

9.Surgical strategy for thoracolumbar kyphosis secondary to surgical treatment of fracture胸腰段骨折术后后凸畸形的手术治疗

10.The Clinical Study of Mandibular Protrusion Deviation Treated with Orthadontic and Orthgnathic Treatment;正畸正颌联合治疗下颌前突伴偏斜畸形的疗效研究

11.A Case-control Study of the Association between MTHFR Gene Mutation and Neural Tube Defects;MTHFR基因突变与神经管畸形关系的病例对照研究

12.Molecular Genetics of Limb Malformations: Mutation Identification in HOXD13, TNNI2 and TPM2;不同肢端畸形中HOXD13、TNNI2和TPM2基因的突变鉴定

13.Study of Mutation Identification and Pathogenic Mechanism in Limb Malformations不同肢端畸形中基因突变鉴定及致病机制研究

14.Study of Condyle Movement with Facial Asymmetry颜面不对称畸形患者髁突运动轨迹的研究

15.Detection of Coding Region Mutations in PAX9, MSX1 and AXIN2 in Eleven Patients with Severe Oligodontia Phenotype11名少牙畸形患者PAX9,MSX1及AXIN2基因突变的检测

16.Correction of premaxillary bone protrusion deformity in bilateral lip cleft using improved black method改良Black术式纠正双侧唇裂前颌骨前突畸形

17.The current research situation about the effect of Angle class Ⅲ malocclusion orthopedic force on condyle安氏Ⅲ类错畸形矫治对髁突影响的研究现状

18.The comprehensive correction of the secondary lip-nasal deformities of cleft lip唇裂术后继发唇鼻畸形的综合修复


protrusion deformity前突畸形

1.Correction of premaxillary boneprotrusion deformity in bilateral lip cleft using improved black method改良Black术式对双侧唇裂前颌骨前突畸形的矫治

2.Objective To explore the effect of the correction of the premaxillary boneprotrusion deformity in bilateral lip cleft using improved black method.目的探讨改良Black术式对于双侧唇裂前颌骨前突畸形的矫正作用。


1.Lumbar spinal pedicle subtraction osteotomy on single segment for correction of kyphosis in ankylosing spondylitis;腰椎单节段经椎弓根椎体截骨术矫治强直性脊柱炎后凸畸形

2.Mechanical Analysis of Occasional Failure for Anterior Distraction to Correct SpinalKyphosis;前路撑开矫正后凸畸形可能加重后凸的力学原因分析

3.Spinal tuberculosis with focus-healed kyphosis and compression of spinal cord in thoracolumbar region;病变治愈型脊柱结核脊柱后凸畸形及脊髓压迫的外科治疗

4)laterognathism of the mandible偏突颌畸形

1.Influence of oral lips after orthognathic surgery oflaterognathism of the mandible;偏突颌畸形正颌治疗对口唇软组织的影响


6)mandibular prognathism deformity下颌前突畸形

1.Sagittal split ramus osteotomy and rapid orthodontics postoperation for correction ofmandibular prognathism deformity;下颌升支矢状劈开术联合术后快速正畸矫治下颌前突畸形


