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直肠阴道隔 rectovaginal septum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-19 00:05:06


直肠阴道隔 rectovaginal septum英语短句 例句大全

直肠阴道隔,rectovaginal septum

1)rectovaginal septum直肠阴道隔

1.The anatomy of therectovaginal septum and its clinical significance直肠阴道隔的解剖学研究及其临床意义


1.Surgical treatment for impairment of rectovaginal septum and perineal membr直肠阴道隔及会阴联合缺损的外科治疗

2.Cross-section anatomy of the rectovaginal septum(RVS)直肠阴道隔(RVS)区域的薄层断面解剖学研究

3.The anatomy of the rectovaginal septum and its clinical significance直肠阴道隔的解剖学研究及其临床意义

4.endometriosis of rectovaginal septum阴道直肠隔子宫内膜异位

5.Diagnosis and Management of Rectovaginal Endometriosis阴道直肠隔子宫内膜异位症的诊断及治疗

6.Diagnosis and management of 57 cases with rectovaginal endometriosis阴道直肠隔子宫内膜内异症57例的诊断与治疗

7.The Cause,Prevention and Treatment of Rectovaginal Fistula Following Total Mesorectal Excision(TME) in Rectal Cancer低位直肠癌全直肠系膜切除术后直肠阴道瘘的诊断和治疗

8.The Application and Clinical Analysis of Removing Petal of Mucous Membrane of Rectum Technology in the Low and Mid-level Rectovaginal Fistula直肠粘膜移动瓣技术在中低位直肠阴道瘘中的应用及临床分析

9.Mile"s operation腹部会阴直肠切除术

10.The portion of the body in the pelvis occupied by urogenital passages and the rectum, bounded in front by the pubic arch, in the back by the coccyx, and laterally by part of the hipbone.会阴身体上有尿道和直肠口的盆骨里的一个部分,前邻阴道,后临尾骨,再后是臀骨的一部分

11.Any of various devices worn in the vagina to support or correct the position of the uterus or rectum.子宫托,子宫套一种置于阴道内支撑或纠正子宫或直肠位置的装置

12.a small plug of medication designed for insertion into the rectum or vagina where it melts.为了插入它可以溶解的直肠或阴道而制的小药物塞。

13.Diagnostic value of trans-rectum or transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonography in bladder carcinoma经直肠(或阴道)彩色多普勒超声对膀胱癌的诊断价值

14.Typical locations for endometriosis may include: ovaries, uterine ligaments, rectovaginal septum, pelvic peritoneum, and laparotomy scars.子宫内膜移位症发生的典型部位是卵巢、宫韧带、肠阴道隔、盆腹膜、腹术瘢痕。

15.A Comparative Study of the Homology of Candida in Vagina and Intestinal Tract of Patients Suffering from Vulvovaginal Candidiasis;外阴阴道念珠菌病患者阴道和肠道念珠菌同源性的比较研究

16.The pudendal nerve has different abut in different anatomical position.在阴部管及坐骨直肠窝,阴部神经的毗邻不同.

17.Application of traditional Chinese herbs gastrointestinal decoction for bowel preparation in patients accepting sigmoid replacing vaginoplasty中药胃肠汤在乙状结肠代阴道成形术肠道准备中的应用

18.Clinical analysis of 45 cases of sigmoid vaginoplasty乙状结肠代阴道成形术36例临床分析


impairmentof rectovaginal septum直肠阴道隔缺损

3)Rectovaginal fistula直肠阴道瘘

1.Analysis of prevention and treatment in 23 cases of rectovaginal fistula;直肠阴道瘘23例临床治疗

2.Pathogenic analysis and clinical strategy for rectovaginal fistula;直肠阴道瘘的病因分析和临床对策

3.Prognosis and effect of rectovaginal fistula operation on patients life quality;直肠阴道瘘手术预后及对患者生活质量的影响

4)the Rectovaginal fistula阴道直肠瘘


6)rectovaginal endometriosis直肠阴道隔子宫内膜异位症


