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公安科技 public security science and technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-12 06:03:39


公安科技 public security science and technology英语短句 例句大全

公安科技,public security science and technology

1)public security science and technology公安科技

1.Making use of the idea of scientific development to instruct the administrative work inpublic security science and technology;用科学发展观指导公安科技管理工作

2.This paper introduces the "Golden Shield Project" (GSP), as well as the relationship between GSP and the " Intelligent Transportation System" (ITS) from the viewpoint of the management ofpublic security science and technology.从公安科技管理的角度,本文介绍了“金盾工程”,及其与智能交通系统(ITS)的关系。


1.Strenghthening Scientific Managrment and Fulfilling Scientific Modernization on Public Security加强公安科技管理 全面推进公安科技现代化

2.Making use of the idea of scientific development to instruct the administrative work in public security science and technology;用科学发展观指导公安科技管理工作

3.To Build up Public Security Science and Technology Capability Is A Top Priority Task in Carrying out Strategy of the Police Strengthened by Science and Technology;加强公安科技队伍建设是落实科技强警战略的当务之急

4.Analyze Basic Situation of Qualified Scientists and Technicians Doing Public Security Research;公安科技人才队伍的基本现状及战略对策

5.The Analysis of Improving the Effect of Police Technological Innovation Investment提高公安科技创新经费投入效应的对策分析

6.Strengthen the guide function of the scientific and technological policy on the development of Public Security science and technology;加强科技政策引导 推动我国公共安全科技发展

7.Guangzhou Creagiga Security Technology Co., Ltd.广州创吉安防科技有限公司

8.Shenzhen Meian Technology Co., Ltd.深圳市美安科技有限公司

9.Beijing Anapure Bioscientific Co., Ltd.北京安普生化科技有限公司

10.Luzhou Tea Processing Co., Ltd.瑞安市绿洲生物科技有限公司

puter Technology and Scientific Administration of Public Security Organs计算机技术与公安机关的科学管理

12.Xi an KangDi Technology Ltd. Development Strategy Research;西安康迪科技有限公司企业战略研究

13.A Study for Enterprise Development Strategy of Zhong An Technology Company Ltd.;中安科技有限公司企业发展战略研究

14.Practice and Ponders of The Public Security Guard Army Science and Technology Strong Police"s公安警卫部队科技强警的实践与思考

15.Tianjin Andi-Brown Sci. and Trading Co., Ltd.天津安文水溶胶科技有限公司(原天津市安迪布朗科贸有限公司)

16.Korel( Hong Kong) Ltd.- Manufactures safety helmets and accessories.安全科技有限公司-有安全帽、罩、罩、全鞋、测仪器。

17.On Subject System Construction of "Criminal Science and Technology"in Forest Public Security;论森林公安“刑事科学技术”学科体系建设

18.Application of Scientific Means to Strengthen Police Organ in Longnan City基层公安机关科技强警刍议——以陇南市公安局为例


Police scientific journal公安科技期刊

3)Police Forensic Techniques公安刑事科技

4)scientific technology of public security公安科学技术

1.In the work of public security in the new age,thescientific technology of public security is the first police strength and fight capacity;“strictly implement law and warmly serve the people” is the concrete reflection of the advanced culture in the wo rk of public security;Serving the people whole heartedly is the cardinal target fo r the work of security and the peoples police.在新时期公安工作中 ,公安科学技术是第一警力 ,是公安战斗力 ;“严格执法 ,热情服务”是新时期先进文化在公安工作中的具体体现 ;全心全意为人民服务是公安工作和公安机关人民警察的根本宗旨。

5)public security science and technology capability公安科技队伍

1.At present, we should focus on following issues: firstly, the connotation ofpublic security science and technology capability is well defined and category concerned; secondly, the present situation ofpublic security science and technology capability is analyzed and factors concerned; thirdly, basic admini.公安科技队伍是公安队伍的重要组成部分,在落实科技强警战略、促进公安工作发展中起着举足轻重的作用。

6)Department of Science and Technology公安局科技处

1.The Study of Incentive Strategy for theDepartment of Science and Technology in D City Police;D市公安局科技处激励策略研究


