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大型行星齿轮系统 large-scale planetary gear transmission system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-30 10:47:37


大型行星齿轮系统 large-scale planetary gear transmission system英语短句 例句大全

大型行星齿轮系统,large-scale planetary gear transmission system

1)large-scale planetary gear transmission system大型行星齿轮系统

1.Multi-objective optimization in reliability design forlarge-scale planetary gear transmission system大型行星齿轮系统可靠性设计的多目标优化


1.Multi-objective optimization in reliability design for large-scale planetary gear transmission system大型行星齿轮系统可靠性设计的多目标优化

2.main gear wheel主大齿轮行星齿轮中心齿轮

3.The Research on the Modeling and Simulating of the Planetary Gear Drive System;行星齿轮传动系统的建模与仿真研究

4.Simulation Calculation of Planetary Gear System Based on ADAMS基于ADAMS的行星齿轮系统的仿真计算

5.Modal Analysis of Planetary Gear Train Based on ANSYS基于ANSYS的直齿圆柱行星齿轮系统的模态分析

6.Research on NGW-S Planetary Gearbox CAD Parametric Design;NGW-S型行星齿轮减速器CAD系统参数化设计的研究

7.Inherent Characteristics of 3K-Ⅱ Spur Planetary Gear Trains3K-Ⅱ型直齿行星齿轮传动的固有特性

8.Study on Fuzzy Reliability of Planetary Gear Transmission for Large-scale Energy Equipments大型能源装置行星齿轮传动模糊可靠性研究

9.Reliability design calculation method of planetary geartrain行星齿轮系可靠性设计计算方法与模型

10.Study on Load-Split Characteristics and Dynamics of Two-Stage Star Gear Trains;两级星型齿轮传动系统分流特性及动力学研究

11.Research on Analytical Method of Load Sharing Characteristics of Planetary Gear Transmission;行星齿轮传动系统均载分析方法的研究

12.An experiment design of the planetary gear training system test on frequency response function;行星齿轮系统的频响特性测试试验研究

13.ADAMS planetary gear transmission system based on kinematic simulation analysis基于ADAMS的行星齿轮传动系统运动学仿真分析

14.Effects of Meshing Phase on Natural Characteristics of Planetary Gears相位对行星齿轮传动系统固有特性的影响

15.Study on characteristics of vibration and noise of plastic planetary gear system塑料行星齿轮系统振动与噪声特性的研究

16.Analysis and Research on Transmission Precision of Planetary Gear Reducer行星齿轮减速器系统传动精度的分析与研究

17.Vibration Characteristics of Planetary Transmission System with Compound Steel/Plastic Gears钢/塑齿轮组合行星传动系统的振动特性

18.The Study on Optimal Design System of 2K-H Planetary Gear Train;2K-H型行星轮系优化设计系统的研究


Planet gear system行星齿轮系统

1.In order to meet low-speed maneuverability and flexibility and high-speed handling stability of multi-axle vehicle, double phase steering system based on turning angle sensor was designed with planet gear system.为满足多轴汽车低速机动灵活性和高速操纵稳定性,利用行星齿轮系统设计了基于转角传感型的双相位转向机构,并在ADAMS/VIEW中建立了五轴车辆的多体动力学模型,进行了同相位角阶跃输入响应分析,逆相位转弯半径和行驶阻力分析。

3)planetary gear train行星齿轮系

1.The purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology for the design of the kinematic structures ofplanetary gear trains for automatic transmissions.行星齿轮系具有结构紧密、传动效率高、高减速比与差速传动等特性,被广泛应用于汽车自动变速机构的设计。

4)Star gear system星型齿轮传动系统

5)planet gear transmission"s ystem行星轮系统

6)K type planetary gear trains3K行星齿轮系

1.The 3K type planetary gear trains are the important aid units in the transmission systems.应用齿轮系的复接头图画表示法与基本回路方法,对3K行星齿轮系进行系统化的传动比、作用力矩与传动效率的分析,作为3K行星齿轮系分析与设计的依据。


