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冰重 icing amount英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-02 10:57:14


冰重 icing amount英语短句 例句大全

冰重,icing amount

1)icing amount冰重


1.The tremendous weight of the ice causes an imbalance on the globe.地球上巨大的冰重量产生了不平衡。

2.Ice water aggravated my toothache.冰水使我的牙痛加重了。

3.The thin ice cannot bear truckloads.薄冰承不住卡车重量。

4.The ice of the lake fractured under the weight of the students skating on it.湖面的冰在滑冰学生们的重量下裂开了。

5.turned into ice; affected by freezing or by long and severe cold.变成了冰;受冰冻或者长期的、严重的寒冷的影响。

6.mechanical ice crusher weighing 10kg or less碎冰机,机械的,重10kg或10kg以下

7.The ice is thick enough to bear up under your weight这冰的厚度足以承受你的重量。

8.Even heavy lorries could cross the frozen-over rivers.甚至连载重汽车也能驶过结了冰的河。

9.Eventually this mass of snow and ice gets very heavy.最后这雪冰块变得异常沉重。

10.The ice gave under his weight.冰层支撑不住他的重量塌陷了。

11.Will the ice on the lake bear your weight?湖上的冰承受得了你的体重吗?

12.The ice is too thin to bear your weight.这冰太薄,支持不住你的重量。

13.The ice is too thin to bear your weights.冰太薄,承受不了你们的重量。

14.They call that 320-pound bruiser “the Fridge”.他们称那个320磅重的彪形大汉为“冰箱”。

15.Maintenance Key Points for Icicle Proofing of Aerial Cable Links架空电(光)缆线路防冰凌维修重点

16.Introducing the Spaghetti Ice Cream Maker.隆重介绍意大利肉酱面冰淇淋制造器。

17.I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes.我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。

18.A Poet for ever --Re-read Li Ruo-bing and his proses;永远的诗人——重读李若冰和他的散文


weight of ice accretion覆冰冰重

1.Simple models for calculatingweight of ice accretion on transmission lines输电线路导线覆冰冰重简单模型

3)heavy ice重冰

4)heavy icing section重冰段

1.Design features of Guanshanheavy icing section of Liutianguan Line,the nation s first 330 kV transmission line,can be summarized as following,using-shaped suspension tower,no separated conductor suspension points on the crossarm,60 included angled V-shaped insulater string,metal assembled foundation.我国第1条330 kV刘天关输电线路关山重冰段设计的特点,可归纳为:采用门型直线铁塔,横担导线挂点不设隔面,60°夹角的V型串,金属装配式基础。

5)heavy ice area重冰区

1.Forheavy ice area, there are usually high altitude, tanglesome terrain, severe weather and bad traffic condition, the conductor choose should satisfy running safely and reliably, hence the choice of conductor type is one of very important topic for studying.为了合理地选择云广±800kV直流输电工程重冰区的导线型号,采用CISPR的无线电干扰预估公式、美国BPA与EPRI的可听噪声预估公式预估了不同型号导线的电磁环境参数,分析极导线不同分裂根数时的无线电干扰、可听噪声、导线振荡、次档距振荡、覆冰跳跃以及覆冰舞动等后确定了极导线的分裂根数与分裂间距;计算、比较了不同型式导线的单丝性能、外层单丝应力、覆冰过载能力、弧垂特性等因素对杆塔荷载的影响;在采用年费用最小法比较不同导线组合,并评价整个工程供电安全性后推荐云广±800kV工程20mm重冰区采用普通钢芯铝绞线6×LGJ-630/45,30mm重冰区采用钢芯铝合金导线6×LJHA1/G3A-630-54/19。

6)design of serious icing重冰设计


