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车轮热负荷 heat load of wheel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-22 01:34:38


车轮热负荷 heat load of wheel英语短句 例句大全

车轮热负荷,heat load of wheel

1)heat load of wheel车轮热负荷

2)wheel load车轮负荷

3)hot run test热负荷试车

1.The product gauges,varieties,main equipment,main technical parameters and advanced technologies of 1780 mm hot strip rolling line are reported briefly The experience of thehot run test,including the choice of steel grade and coil size,technical parameters,rolling schedule for test,as well as the acceptance test,is introduce着重介绍了热负荷试车过程中通板钢种和规格的选择、通板主要技术参数的确定、通板方案的确定、产品规格扩展和最终产品质量验收等方面的经


1.The performance test shall be finished within the trial production period of 2 months after completion of hot commissioning of production line.验收时间:验收考核在机组热负荷试车结束后2个月的试生产时间内进行。

2.Analysis of Heat Load in Tread Braking of Metro Vehicles with the Speed of 100 km/h时速100km地铁车辆踏面制动热负荷分析

3.Thermal Load and strength in Internal Combustion Engine ?内燃机热负荷与热强度

4.Study on Parallel Data Acquisition System of F6 Load-testing Vehicle;F6负荷测试车并行数据采集系统的研究

5.The Stress Strain Conditions of Wheels with Different Web Plates under Braking Heat Load不同辐板车轮在制动热负荷作用下的应力变形状态

6.Metal - Axial load fatigue testing???金属--轴向负荷疲劳试验

7.dynamic test for cargo gear起货设备动负荷试验

8.auxiliary steam turbine load turnover test辅汽轮机转移负荷试验

9.low-load Vickers hardness test小负荷维氏硬度试验

10.An Experimental Study of Relation between Intake Pressure and Load on One Cylinder Motorcycle Engine;摩托车单缸发动机进气压力—负荷关系的试验研究

11.Evaluation of Maximum Electrocardiogram Cycle Ergometer Exercise Test on the Cardiac Reserve in Children with Heart Disease;心电图极量踏车运动负荷试验对心脏病患儿心脏贮备功能的评价

12.By the industrial experiment, the distribution of continuous casting billet preheating temperature is measured, and the economic load range of reheating furnace is established.在工业生産条件下测量了铸坯加热温度分布,工业试验确定了加热炉经济负荷运行区。

13.Determination of indexes of heat stress in wearing capstan pressure vest anti-G suit with breathing bladder带呼吸囊管式背心抗荷服的热负荷测定

14.Calculation method of heat duty in refinery engineering炼油厂设计热力负荷计算方法

15.These withstand heavy loads and thermal stresses well.它们能很好地耐受重负荷和热应力。

16.The resulting system has an even heat loading.这样的系统有均匀的热负荷。

17.Analysis of Temperature Field for the Piston of 6DE1 Diesel Engine;6DE1大功率柴油机活塞热负荷分析研究

18.Thermal Load Analysis and Structure Optimization for CA4GC Gasoline EngineCA4GC汽油机热负荷分析及结构优化


wheel load车轮负荷

3)hot run test热负荷试车

1.The product gauges,varieties,main equipment,main technical parameters and advanced technologies of 1780 mm hot strip rolling line are reported briefly The experience of thehot run test,including the choice of steel grade and coil size,technical parameters,rolling schedule for test,as well as the acceptance test,is introduce着重介绍了热负荷试车过程中通板钢种和规格的选择、通板主要技术参数的确定、通板方案的确定、产品规格扩展和最终产品质量验收等方面的经

4)heat load of passenger car客车热负荷

5)Sand adhesion负荷车轮粘附砂量

6)gear loading齿轮负荷


