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零漂处理 removing zero drift英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 00:23:52


零漂处理 removing zero drift英语短句 例句大全

零漂处理,removing zero drift

1)removing zero drift零漂处理

1.This paper has introduced the major function of the data processing system that applied in bogie dynamic strain testing,which uses LabVIEW platform,and also introduced the principle ofremoving zero drift.本文介绍了以LabVIEW为开发平台的转向架动应变测试数据处理系统的主要功能,零漂处理原理及零漂处理、异常点去除、单点修正和滤波处理的实现方法与手段。

2.This system has perfected continuously in actual application and it can make the processing manner ofremoving zero drift,processing and correcting unusual point,calculating strain rosette etc true.系统已在实际应用中不断完善,能够实现零漂处理、异常点处理和修正、应变花计算等处理方式。

2)scalding treatment漂烫处理


1.The ginkgo seeds bleached with different methods (sunshine, lime water,bleaching powder, hot air, and SO_2), and then stored at ambient temperature were used to study the effects ofbleaching methods on hardening.)为研究对象,研究了漂白粉液漂洗法、SO2熏蒸法、石灰水浸泡法、阳光曝晒法、热风干燥法等漂白方法对银杏种子贮藏期间硬化的影响;对贮藏期间呼吸强度、细胞膜透性、α-淀粉酶活性、β-淀粉酶活性等指标进行了测定,对漂白处理的抑制机理进行了探讨。


1.Bleaching is carried out in the yarn as well as cloth stage of manufacturing.漂白处理可以在纱线阶段,也可以在织物阶段进行。

2.testing method for percentage of breaking and bursting strength lowering of textiles to oxygen-bleaching氧化物漂白处理纺织品断裂强力和断裂伸长率变化测定法

3.Washing, Bleaching and Wet Treatment洗涤、漂白及湿式处理机

4.The Implication of Microwave Radiation on Plant Fiber Blanch and Bleached Wastewater Handle;微波在植物纤维漂白和漂白废水处理上的应用

5.Treated Chlorine Bleaching Effluents with Fludized Bed Bioreactor;生物流化床处理含氯漂白废水之研究

6.A Study on the Treatment of E Bleaching Effluent by Flocculation-Fenton Oxidation;絮凝-Fenton氧化处理E段漂白废水的研究

7.Research on the Treatment of CEH Bleaching Effluent by Photocatalysis with TiO_2;TiO_2光催化处理CEH漂白废水研究

8.Treatment of Bleaching Effluent of Pulp and Paper Mill by Combined Photocatalytic-aerobic Activated Sludge Processes光催化-好氧活性污泥法处理漂白废水

9.The better bleaching method and conditions have been chosen by determining the relations between quality of products to bleach concentration, time treatment and bleach method.探索了漂白剂浓度,处理时间及漂白方法与产品质量的关系,选出较佳的漂白方法及条件。

10.Influences of ultrasonic treatment on fiber morphology structure in bleaching process漂白中超声波处理对纤维结构及性能的影响

11.The study of xylanase treatment on mechanism of acidic hydrogen peroxide bleaching of sulfite pulp木聚糖酶处理对亚硫酸镁浆酸性过氧化氢漂白机理的研究

12."I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of Bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E."我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题

13.No. 125EC.我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第125EC 号100 吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。

14.It is sometimes so treated prior to processing into edible product by bleaching and deodorization.用它加工食品时,有时需要预先进行漂白和脱味处理。

15.The silver in the stripe is converted to silver halide by treating it with a ferricyanide-bromide bleach.至于胶片上的银,用铁氰溴化物漂白液处理以转换成卤化银。

16.lattice-conveyer reaction chamber平板履带汽蒸箱(一种平幅连续前处理设备,可供织物煮练和漂白用)

17.Effect of Enzymatic Treatment on the Wet-End Characteristics of Bleached Softwood Pulp;生物酶处理漂白针叶木浆对湿部化学特性的影响

18.Effect of Lipase Pretreatment on Hydrogen Peroxide Bleaching at High Consistency of Bambusa Chung Ⅱ SCMP脂肪酶预处理对粉丹竹SCMP过氧化氢高浓漂白的影响


scalding treatment漂烫处理


1.The ginkgo seeds bleached with different methods (sunshine, lime water,bleaching powder, hot air, and SO_2), and then stored at ambient temperature were used to study the effects ofbleaching methods on hardening.)为研究对象,研究了漂白粉液漂洗法、SO2熏蒸法、石灰水浸泡法、阳光曝晒法、热风干燥法等漂白方法对银杏种子贮藏期间硬化的影响;对贮藏期间呼吸强度、细胞膜透性、α-淀粉酶活性、β-淀粉酶活性等指标进行了测定,对漂白处理的抑制机理进行了探讨。

4)auxiliary biobleaching助漂处理


6)deal with return to zero归零处理


