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后旋 backward spin英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-16 00:14:27


后旋 backward spin英语短句 例句大全

后旋,backward spin

1)backward spin后旋

1.Results showed compared with palm-up volo technique,which is characterized by forward spin and low peak flying,plam-down volo technique is easy to produce quickbackward spin high peak flying,therefore,increasing the ball s hitting ratio and residing ratio.运用力学理论和方法对正、反手抛击技术动作进行了分析 ,结果发现 :与产生前旋、低平飞行的抛击球为主要特征的正手抛击技术相比 ,反手抛击技术易产生较大后旋速度的高吊抛击球 ,有利于增加击球的命中率和留球率。


1.United kicked off and scored almost immediately.联队开球后旋即得分.

2.Rotate knob to full-closed and back to full-open to test for free rotation.将旋钮旋转到全闭的位置,然后旋回到全开的位置,测试是否旋转灵活。

3.a curved support that permits the supported object to rotate to and fro.能让被支撑物前后旋转的弯曲的撑架。

4.A Probe into the Use of Ball Back Spinning in Middle-Long Distance Shooting;球的后旋对中远距离投篮作用的探讨

5.forward and backward movement knob载物台前后运动螺旋

6.They wheeled their horses around and left.他们旋转马头后离开了。

7.hasty words that are soon regretted脱口而出旋即后悔的话.

8.The final design had one main rotator, or rotor.最后的设计具有一个主旋转器,也就是旋翼。

9.Forward rotation imparted to a ball by a stroke, as in tennis.上旋击球后产生的球向前旋转,例如在网球中

10.Manipulative reduction and external fixation for the treatment of the trimalleolar fracture of postrotatory extorsion手法整复外固定治疗旋后外旋型三踝骨折

11.Half pirouette: The same as a pirouette, except executed only in a half-circle.后肢半旋转:类似一种单脚旋转,但只转半圈。

12.The Clinical Research on External Fixation Porsture of Supination-eversion Fracture of Ankle旋后外旋型踝关节骨折外固定体位的临床研究

13.Aligning intermediate shaft and propeller shaft after launching.下水后中间轴和螺旋桨连接后校中。

14.The females have a club-shaped posterior extremity, the male (have) a flatly spiralled end.雌虫有棒状后端,雄虫有扁平螺旋后端。

15.You can move it from side to side or up and down, But you cannot twist it.你可以左右前后移动,但是不能旋转。

16.according to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it.传说古时后,曾有10个太阳绕地球旋转。

17.and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.然后推动旋转栅门就可以进入站台了。

18.Soon after the nurse left, Juliet said to herself,奶妈走了后,茱丽茱旋即对着自己说:




4)Supinate and Extorsion旋后外旋型




(一) Erycibe obtusifolia Benth 旋花科植物。(二)Caulis Erycibes 中药分子式:CAS号:性质:丁公藤或光叶丁公藤(Erycibe schmidtii Craib)的干燥藤茎。辛,温;有小毒。主要含香豆素类、酚酯类、有机胺,如东莨菪素、丁公藤碱Ⅱ、东莨菪-7-葡萄糖甙、2β,6β-二羟基去甲莨菪烷等化学成分。具有祛风除湿、消肿止痛、消炎、增强细胞免疫功能等作用。用于风湿痹痛,半身不遂,跌扑肿痛等。可致强烈发汗,虚弱者慎用,孕妇忌服。
