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正反交杂种F1 Reciprocal hybrids F1英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 20:53:58


正反交杂种F1 Reciprocal hybrids F1英语短句 例句大全

正反交杂种F1,Reciprocal hybrids F1

1)Reciprocal hybrids F1正反交杂种F1

2)F 1 generations of positive cross and reciprocal cross正反交F1

3)Reciprocal hybrid正反交杂种


1.Study of Immature Embryo in vitro Culture in Reciprocal Cross Hybrid Between Commom Wheat and Cultvate Barley小麦与大麦正反交杂种幼胚离体培养效果研究

2.Stadies on Chromosome Doubling Plants of Reciprocal Hybrids F_1 between Agropyron Mongolicum and A. Cristatum cv. Fariway;蒙古冰草与航道冰草正反交杂种F_1染色体加倍研究

3.A Novel Lower Complexity Quasi-orthogonal Unitary Space-Time Modulation一种新的低复杂度准正交酉空时调制

4.crossing and heterosis of animal杂交和杂种优势(家畜)

5.Lily Distant Hybridization and Seed Characteristics百合杂交育种及杂交种子特性的研究

6.Interspecific hybridization of nucleic acids is a method of this type currently being developed.核酸的种间杂交便是当前正在发展的这样一种方法。

7.Research on the production of propolis of different races of Apis mellifera and their crossbreeds西方蜜蜂不同蜂种及其正反交组合采胶力研究

8.Of mixed breed; not thoroughbred.劣种的杂交的,非纯种的

9.Reciprocals react similarly.正反交的反应是相似的。

10.The Heterosis Analysis of Two Types Castors两种类型蓖麻杂交种杂种优势的分析

11.Rapid Detection and Identification of Mycobacterium Species by Amplification of rpoB Squences and Reverse Dot Blot Hybridization Assay;rpoB基因-PCR-反向斑点杂交快速鉴定分枝杆菌菌种的研究

12.Purity Measurement of Hybrid Rice Seed Yixiang 725 with Visible-Near Infrared Reflectance Spectra杂交稻种宜香725纯度的可见-近红外反射光谱鉴定

13.A Low Complexity User Selection Algorithm for Orthogonal Space-Division Multiplexing正交空分复用系统中一种低复杂度用户选择算法

14.A Low Complexity Decoding Algorithm for Orthogonal Space Time Block Codes in Frequency Selective Fading Channels频率选择性衰落信道中一种低复杂度的正交空时分组码译码算法

15.Low-complexity Deficient-rank Orthogonal Random Beamforming Algorithm一种低复杂度非满秩正交随机波束成型传输方法

16.Studies on Cross Breeding and Application of Hippeatrum Hybridum;杂种朱顶红(Hippeatrum Hybridum)杂交育种与栽培研究

17.Studies on the crossing between Myrica rubra and M. nana and embryo culture in vitro of its hybrid F_1杨梅种间杂交及杂种F_1的胚培养

18.Somatic cell hybridization is technique.体细胞杂交是一种技术。


F 1 generations of positive cross and reciprocal cross正反交F1

3)Reciprocal hybrid正反交杂种

4)Hybrid rice seed F_1杂交稻种子F1

5)Reciprocal hybrid F_1正反交杂种F_1

6)Hybrid F1杂种F1

1.sibiricus and theirHybrid F1,F2 were analyzed by using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD)markers.利用随机扩增多态性DNA技术(RAPD)对加拿大披碱草和老芒麦及其杂种F1,F2做了比较分析。

2.Purity of hybrid F1 of E.通过RAPD分子标记方法,对加拿大披碱草×老芒麦的杂种F1进行了鉴定,结果表明:F1是真杂种,而且F1的遗传物质偏向母本加拿大披碱草;双亲的亲缘关系相对较远;RAPD可快速灵活检测杂种的纯度。

3.To provide the basis for breeding wheat varieties with good qualities using hybridization method,the paper analyzed the genetic laws of hybrid F1between 9 wheat varieties and Jinnong 190,as well as interspecific hybrid F1 between 7 triticale varieties and Jinnong 190.为给杂交选育优良小麦品种提供基础,以普通小麦品种晋农190为父本,分别与9个普通小麦品种、7个六倍体小黑麦品种为母本配置杂交组合,对杂种F1代的农艺性状进行分析,发现除了无芒对有芒为显性之外,其余农艺性状均表现为数量遗传,F1代表现为超亲遗传或介于双亲之间。


