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FDA染色法 FDA staining method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-02 12:58:35


FDA染色法 FDA staining method英语短句 例句大全

FDA染色法,FDA staining method

1)FDA staining methodFDA染色法

1.The pollen viability of Miscanthus sinensis was determined by in vitro pollen germination method, I2-KI staining method andFDA staining method, respectively.采用离体萌发法、FDA染色法和I2-KI染色法测定芒离体花粉的生活力,并对测定效果进行比较。

2)FDA"s new regulationsFDA新法规


4)FDA-PI double fluorescent dyesFDA-PI双色荧光

5)dyeing method染色方法

1.Thedyeing method and condition for Vat Pink R Powder on the cellulose fibre were studied.本文对还原桃红R普通粉在纤维素纤维上的还原染色条件、染色方法进行了研究。

2.The classification,dyeing method,application and progress of natural dyes are introduced.文章介绍了天然染料的分类、染色方法、应用及天然染料研究的进展。


1.Dyeing method and performances of reactive dye containing bis(monofluoro-s-triazine) groups双一氟三嗪活性染料的染色方法与染色性能

2.cool-down method降温[后加碱]法(活性染料染色方法)

3.At the same time,the chronosome is observed easily after the plant cells are dyed by Gentian Violet (0.2%).同时,改进染色方法(用0.2%龙胆紫染色)易于染色体的辨认。

parison of Staining Effects of Three Staining Techniques for Observation of Sphaerotheca fuliginea三种不同染色方法对黄瓜白粉病菌的染色观察

5.Modified procedure for the histochemical demonstration of myosin ATPase改良骨骼肌肌纤维分型ATP酶染色方法

6.Determination of relative dye-uptake of disperse dyestuffs at high temperature dyeingGB/T9337-1988分散染料高温染色相对上色率测定方法

7.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for dyeing disperse dyesGB/T2394-1980分散染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

8.Basic dyes--Determination of shade and colour strengthGB/T4465-1984碱性染料染色色光和强度测定方法

9.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for sulfur dyesGB/T2376-1980硫化染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

10.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for dyeing reactive dyesGB/T2387-1980活性染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

11.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for cationic dyesGB/T2399-1980阳离子染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

12.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for direct dyesGB/T2375-1980直接染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

13.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for acid dyesGB/T2378-1980酸性染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

14.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for reduced dyesGB/T2377-1980还原染料染色色光和强度的测定方法

15.Numerical Analysis Method for Computer Color Match in Textile Dyeing织物染色计算机配色的数值分析方法

16.dyed style printing媒染剂印花后染色法(一种早期的印花方法)

17.A new method of selecting primary color dyestuff by spectral reflectance光谱法原色染料筛选的方法研究(英文)

18.Method for the determination of shade and colouring strength for acid mordant dyesGB/T2380-1980酸性媒染染料染色色光和强度的测定方法


FDA"s new regulationsFDA新法规


4)FDA-PI double fluorescent dyesFDA-PI双色荧光

5)dyeing method染色方法

1.Thedyeing method and condition for Vat Pink R Powder on the cellulose fibre were studied.本文对还原桃红R普通粉在纤维素纤维上的还原染色条件、染色方法进行了研究。

2.The classification,dyeing method,application and progress of natural dyes are introduced.文章介绍了天然染料的分类、染色方法、应用及天然染料研究的进展。

6)dyeing method染色法

1.Determination of Raw Cotton Maturity by Dyeing Method;用染色法测量棉花成熟度

2.Recording of high power ultrasonic field distribution in a liquid withdyeing method;B4用染色法记录液体中大功率超声场的分布

3.The distribution of pressure is analyzed starting with the theory of onedimensional plane wave and measured by hydrophone anddyeing method.从一维平面波理论入手分析了超声清洗槽内的声场分布特性,用水听器法和染色法测量了超声清洗槽内的声场分布。


