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任意旋转角 any rotation angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-17 20:40:41


任意旋转角 any rotation angle英语短句 例句大全

任意旋转角,any rotation angle

1)any rotation angle任意旋转角

1.A simple and convenient coordinate transformation model forany rotation angle任意旋转角坐标转换的简便模型


1.A Method of 3D rectangular coordinate transformation adapted to any rotation angle适用于任意旋转角的三维直角坐标转换方法

2.Picture Is Rotated by Random Angle in C++Builder;C++Builder下实现图象的任意角度旋转

3.Think of Beckham"s in-swinging free-kicks, his corners and central, scoring free-kicks.想想他的旋转任意球,他的角球和中路的任意球。

4.Tilt Sensitive. Controller can be rotated or rolled from side-to-side.旋转感应装置,控制器可以任意翻转,感应旋转角位移。

5.Research on Gray-Matching for Arbitrarily Rotated Images;抗任意角度旋转灰度图像匹配方法研究

6.Multi-signals transmit gradually and convert in random.多信号逐级传送,方向任意旋转。

7.The rotated parabolic equation method was presented to compute the bistatic radar cross section (RCS).并提出了旋转抛物线方程算法,实现了目标任意角度雷达散射截面的快速计算。

8.Study on Rotation and Scale-Invariant Image Matching;抗任意旋转与尺度变化的图像匹配方法研究

9.Revolution, can be move forward and backward, a good solution for material discharging.旋转角度360度,可前翻、后仰,帮您解决任何倒料之角度问题。

10.Gyroscope: A mechanical gyroscope consists of a rapidly spinning wheel set in a framework that permits it to tilt freely in any direction or to rotate about any axis.陀螺仪:主要组成部分是安装在框架内能绕任意轴高速旋转的转子。

11.The rotational angle of a ball around its rotational axis.转轴角-----球旋转时转轴的水平角度。

12.revolution of polar to Cartesian极坐标-直角坐标旋转

13.any rotating body has an angular momentum about its center of mass; angular momentum makes the world go round.角动量使地球在旋转。

14.The pivot paper technique enables a curve or angular shape to be transferred around the pattern without marking the block pattern.旋转纸技术可以不在样板上做任何标记,使一个曲形的或角形的款式围着样板转移。

15.Danger: rotating blades.危险: 叶片旋转, 注意安全.

16.Sets 3-D chart elevation, rotation, and height设置三维图表的仰角、旋转角与高度

17.Set 3-D chart elevation, rotation, and height设置三维图表的仰角、旋转角以及高度

18.Round Angle Based on Move Modeling and Control基于旋转角度的角色运动建模与控制


random angly rotation任意角度旋转

1.A method for therandom angly rotation of plane figures in the operation of electrical discharge wire-cutting machine was discussed.介绍一种在线切割机加工过程中实现平面图形的任意角度旋转的方法。

3)equal partition of helical angle螺旋角任意等分

4)any corner postiton任意转角位置

5)move at any angle任意角度转动

6)arbitrary angle任意角度

1.The paper introduces the developed calculation of thearbitrary angle yoke of equal radius in the process of installation or repair of the pipes.介绍在电力行业设备安装、检修过程中管道等径弯头任意角度、任意弯曲半径的展开计算方法。


任意1.任随其意,不受约束。 2.没有任何条件的。
