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Agent团队 agent team英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-31 12:45:58


Agent团队 agent team英语短句 例句大全

Agent团队,agent team

1)agent teamAgent团队

anizational structure of Agent team adjusting based on task基于任务的Agent团队组织结构调整

2.In this paper, a novel model for reinforcement learning based onagent team is proposed.以单 Agent强化学习 Q - learning算法为基础 ,提出了一种基于Agent团队的强化学习模型 ,这个模型的最大特点是引入主导 Agent作为团队学习的主角 ,并通过主导Agent的角色变换实现整个团队的学习 。

3.Agent team can do complex works in dynamic environments,path planning is one of key problems inagent team researching.Agent团队能够在动态环境中完成复杂的任务,路径规划问题是Agent团队研究的主要问题之一。


1.A Path Planning Algorithm with Agent Team Formation Maintained一种保持Agent团队队形的路径规划方法

anizational structure of Agent team adjusting based on task基于任务的Agent团队组织结构调整

3.Study of Knowledge Creation in Human-Agent TeamsHuman-Agent团队中的知识创造过程研究

4.Learning in Cooperative Multi-agent Team;多agent协作团队的学习方法研究

5.The Study of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Methods for Cooperative Team;多Agent协作团队的强化学习方法研究

6.Research on R&D Team Management Based on Agent Theory;基于Agent理论的研发团队管理研究

7.The Research of Building Artificial Group Based on Agent;基于Agent的人工团队组织构建研究

8.Research on Simulation of Team Learning Based on Multi-Agent Interactions基于多Agent交互的团队学习仿真研究

9.Accident Information Interaction in the Virtual Team Based on Multi-agent基于多Agent的协同开发虚拟团队突发交互通讯模型研究

10.Analyzes of Team Cooperation Team Competition and Team Efficiency对团队合作团队竞争团队效率的探讨

11.a regimental mascot, band, parade, etc团队的吉祥物、 乐队、 队列

12.then I organize one successful team around me.再组织一个团结的团队。

13.The Impact of Team Diversity and Team Conflict on Team Cooperated-learning;团队异质性、团队冲突对团队合作学习的影响

14.The Effects of Team Task and Team Type on Team Performance;团队作业特征与团队类型对团队绩效的影响

15.Team Personality Composition and Team Effectiveness:The Mediating Effects of Team Process;团队人格组成、团队过程对团队有效性的作用

16.The Impact of Team Empowerment and Team Competence on Team Performance团队授权和团队胜任力对团队绩效的影响研究

17.Interview teams and timing【访谈团队和时刻】

18.Application and Research on Queuing Algorithm of Multi-Agent System;多Agent系统排队算法及应用研究


Human-Agent TeamsHuman-Agent团队

1.Study of Knowledge Creation inHuman-Agent TeamsHuman-Agent团队中的知识创造过程研究


1.Survey and Analysis of Efficiency of Community General PractitionersTeam;全科团队运行效率调查与分析

2.The practice and effect of the construction of research-oriented nursing team;我科实施科研型团队建设的实践与成效

3.Building up a team of medical engineeres and technicians for managemce of medical equipments;医疗设备维修管理之团队建设


1.In order to make good use of resources in collaborative design and shorten product developing time, the principle on task decomposition with methods of assignment from tasks to dynamic and staticteams are proposed on the basis of task decomposition tool.项目的成功依赖于全体参与者的协同工作 ,为保证协同设计资源的合理利用及缩短开发时间 ,文章在分析模块化产品开发过程的基础上 ,提出了在任务分解器基础上任务分解的原则 ,以及任务到动态及静态开发团队分配的模型 ,并在此基础上给出了任务调度器的框架。

2.But in the concurrent engineering, the overlay and conflict of tasks are popular because of the difference of work styles between polyfunctionalteams on the network.为解决这些问题 ,保证资源的合理利用及缩短开发时间 ,本文提出了在产品开发过程中任务分解的原则 ,给出了任务到团队及基于均衡 -适度原则的任务到团队内各个参与人员分配的数学模型 ,该模型有效地支持了并行工程中的资源配

3.Solutions of some particular problem, such as organization principle ofteams, construction of cooperation environment, solution of conflict, are brought forward in this paper.并行工程是为适应现代市场的特点而出现的一种管理技术 ,其核心是打破传统组织机构单元的界限 ,强调团队精神的工作模式 ,实现人、技术和管理的集成。


1.Research on the mechanism of organizational knowledge transformation on the basis ofgroup knowledge exchange;基于团队知识交流的组织知识转化机制研究

2.Importance ofgroup buildin.结合研制过程,深刻体会到以人为本的团队建设的重要。

3.Based on forthcoming incentive theory,a newgroup incentive model is made on the base of classic incentive theories, Which are requirement-arrangement theory and Expection Theory.在现有的激励理论基础之上,将经典的激励理论需求层次论与期望理论有机地进行了整合,提出新的团队激励模型,着重强调团队激励的三大要素,即期望值、工作可行性及各种要素的满足度。


1.Some Thoughts on Cultivating Students Teamwork Spirit in Guiding Undergraduate s Dissertation;毕业设计中学生团队能力的培养及思考

2.Psychological contracts for dynamic knowledge-basedteamwork;动态知识团队心理契约的建立

3.By analyzing the necessities of establishing dynamic knowledgeteamwork and the characteristics of knowledge workers, this article raises questions on some typical assumptions in the management of dynamic team management.从分析建立动态知识团队的必要性和知识员工的特点入手 ,对动态知识团队的管理过程中常见的几种假设提出了质疑 ,并在此基础上对如何管理好动态知识团队提出了新的观点 :需要改变传统的绩效考核与激励办法 ,强调对知识员工进行兑现承诺的激励和对其价值观进行报偿 ;只有那些能够与员工达成心理契约的管理者才能成为真正的团队领袖。


