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成人英语 Adult English英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-20 12:54:00


成人英语 Adult English英语短句 例句大全

成人英语,Adult English

1)Adult English成人英语

1.In this paper,we will introduce how this technology is applied in our adult English teaching practice in order to make learning more interesting.本文讲述多媒体技术在成人英语教学实践中的应用,使成人学员学习英语不再是一件枯燥无味的事情,从而把教师从繁重教学中解放出来。

2.One of the aims of adult English teaching is to elevate cross-culture communication ability of the learners.成人英语教学的目标之一是提升学习者的跨文化交际能力。


1.Several Thoughts on Adult English Teaching in TV University;高校英语教学中成人英语教学之思考

2.The Particularity of Adults English Learning and the Cultivation of Capability for Adults Communication in English;成人学习英语的特殊性与成人英语语言交际能力的培养

3.A Study of Oral English Learning Strategies by the Adult Learners in Shanghai;上海地区成人英语口语学习策略调查

munication Strategies in Oral English Course for Adult Students;成人英语口语教学中的交际策略研究

5.An Investigation into Adult Learners Motivation in English Learning and Its Implications for English Teaching;成人英语学习动机的调查及对英语教学的启示

6.A Survey Study of English Learning Strategies of Adult Learners in Distance and Open Education;远程开放教育成人英语学习策略研究

7.Application of Communicative Approach in English Teaching to Adult Learners;交际教学法在成人英语教学中的应用

8.The Application of Cooperative Learning Approach in Adult English Learning;合作学习法在成人英语学习中的运用

9.On the Training of the Strategies of Metacognition in Adult English Teaching;论成人英语教学中元认知策略的培养

10.A Tentative Study on the Functions of Audiovisual Course in Adult English Language Teaching;浅议视听课在成人英语教学中的作用

11.How to Tackle Adult s English Education After Accession to the WTO;加入WTO后如何应对成人英语教育

12.On a Tentative Discussion of Communicative Approach s Appliance in English Teaching for Adults;试论交际法在成人英语教学中的应用

13.Practice and thinking on the adult English teaching;成人英语教学模式改革的实践与思考

14.On the Connection between EGP and ESP at Adult Colleges论成人高校专业英语和基础英语的衔接

15.The Orientation of College English,Junior College English and Adult Junior College English and the Relations Between Them;专科英语、本科英语及成人专科英语的定位和相互关系

16.Corpus and the Cultivation of Language Awareness in Adult English Language Learners;英语教学中语料库与成人学生语言意识的培养

17.We need someone who can translate French into either Japanese or English, preferably Japanese.我们需要一位能将法语译成日语或英语的人,最好是译成日语。

18.A Study of EFL Learning Strategies Adopted by Part-time Adult Learners;成人在职英语学习人员语言学习策略研究


adult junior college English成人专科英语

1.The paper discusses theoretically the orientation of college English,junior college English andadult junior college English and the relations between them.本文从ESP理论的角度探讨了专科英语,本科英语及成人专科英语的定位和相互关系。

3)adult English teaching成人英语教学

1.Survey and Countermeasures of Students Intercultural Communication Competence in Adult English Teaching;成人英语教学中学生跨文化交际能力的现状调查与对策研究

2.The ideal pattern ofadult English teaching is the combination of person and computer.以现代信息技术特别是网络技术为支撑、以课堂和计算机为平台、以教师课堂面授和学员网上自学为主轴的人机结合教学模式,不失为成人英语教学的理想模式。

3.This essay mainly introduces how to createadult English teaching context by phonetic interaction techniques, and discusses its technical support: phonetic recognition and phonetic combination.本文主要介绍了利用语音交互技术来创建成人英语教学情景 ,并就其支持技术 :语音识别、语音合成进行了介绍与探

4)adult English learners成人英语学习者

1.Among English learners,adult English learners are a special group.在英语学习者中,成人英语学习者是一个特殊群体。

5)adult English learning成人英语习得

1.Enlightened by Krashen s Affective Filtration Hypothesis, this paper argues that the students affective factors are of great importance to English learning and that effective measures should be taken to reduce the effect of the affective filtration inadult English learning in China.文章联系克拉申的情感过滤假说理论 ,阐明情感因素的内涵及对英语学习的重要影响 ,并探讨成人英语习得中降低情感过滤 ,增加可理解性输入的有效途

6)adult english writing成人英语写作


外贸英语--货物保险英语表达F.P.A. stands for "Free from Particular Average".FPA代表平安险。 W.P.A. stands for "With Particular Average".WPA代表水渍险。insurance free of (from) particular average (FPA). 平安险(单独海损不赔)insurance with particular average (WPA), basic risks. insurance against all risks. 综合险,应保一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting) 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO) 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss)? 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC) 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TRND) 盗窃提货不着险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting) 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险risk of bad odour(change of flavour) 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险
