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宪法基本权利 Constitutional right英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-08 11:14:57


宪法基本权利 Constitutional right英语短句 例句大全

宪法基本权利,Constitutional right

1)Constitutional right宪法基本权利


1.Reflection on the Application of Contitutional Basic Right in the of Private Law;宪法基本权利在私法领域适用的思考

2.Discussion about the Effectiveness of Constitution s Basic Right Term on Private Law;论宪法基本权利条款在私法上的效力

3.On the Judicial Protection of Chinese Citizens Constitutional Fundamental Rights;论我国公民宪法基本权利的司法保护

4.Development of Change of Social Form and the Basic Rights in China s Constitution;社会转型与我国宪法基本权利的发展

5.From Concept to Fundamental Constitutional Rights --Several Legal Principles on the Right to Know;从观念到宪法基本权利——知情权的一般法理

6.The Investigation of Compares between the Judicial Remedies of Constitutional Basic Rights;公民宪法基本权利司法救济之比较研究

7.On the Establishment and Realization of the Effectiveness of Constitutional Basic Rights to Private Law论我国宪法基本权利私法效力的确立和实现

8.Constitutionalized Human Rights--the Essence of Fundamental Rights;宪法化的人权:公民基本权利的本质

9.Constitution Judicialized: Another Way to Protect the Citizens Basic Rights;宪法司法化:公民基本权利保障的路径

10.Constitutional Analysis on Judicial Safeguards for Fundamental Civil Rights;公民基本权利司法保障的宪法学分析

11.On Improving the Enactment of the Citizens Basic Rights in the Constitution;论宪法公民基本权利设定方式的完善

12.Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union欧洲联盟基本权利宪章

13.A Study on the Structural Characteristics of Validity of a Citizen s Basic Rights and Privatization and Judicialization of the Constitution;论公民基本权利效力的结构特点——兼辨宪法私法化与宪法司法化

14.Talking about the Constitutional Private Law and the Guarantee of Judicature for the Basic Rights of People;论宪法私法化和司法化对公民基本权利的保障

15.On the Development of Citizen Basic Right from the Angle of View of Constitution Text Vicissitude;从宪法文本变迁视角看公民基本权利的发展

16.The court ruled that Basic constitutional rights had been violated法庭裁定宪法规定的公民基本权利被侵犯了。

17.On the Safeguard of Citizens Basic Rights in the Constitution Court of Russia;论俄罗斯宪法法院对公民基本权利的保障

18.On the Constitution Foundation of the Administrative Punishment Law Setting the Basic Rights of Citizens;论行政处罚法设定公民基本权利的宪法依据


constitutional basic rights公民宪法基本权利

1.But when this is not the case, or the provisions in the law are contradictory to theconstitutional basic rights, how can we remedy the rights Some countries have established comparative consummate judicial remedy systems forconstitutional basic rights.公民宪法基本权利可以通过依宪法原则制定的法律来具体化,从而获得间接的司法救济。

3)basic constitutional rights of students学生基本的宪法权利

4)Constitution Right宪法权利

1.How Does theConstitution Rights Enter the Civil Law——A legal science ponder initiated by a "steamed bun";宪法权利如何进入私法——一个“馒头”引发的法学思考

2.civil right or constitution right,is a controversial issue in legal circles.人格权的权利属性,即人格权到底是一种民法权利还是宪法权利,在法学界一直存在争议。

3.And then it provides solution to the constitution right conflict according to Chinese national condition as well as the German experiences,and then indicates the path for the constitution right to enter the private law.对“馒头案”涉及的私法问题、宪法问题以及宪法与私法之间的博弈问题进行理论阐述,并结合德国经验,探讨符合中国国情的宪法权利冲突解决方案,为宪法权利进入私法、发展私法提供一种“实证”性的进路。

5)constitutional rights宪法权利

1.How Should the Concept of Hmnan Rights Be Written into China s Constitution——On the Presumptions and Provisions of China s Constitutional Rights;对人权概念写入中国宪法的思考——试论中国宪法权利的推定与规定

2.Research of State Obligations on the Equal Protection of the Constitutional Rights for Farmers论农民宪法权利平等保护的国家义务

6)constitutional right宪法权利

1.According to the above,theconstitutional rights are different from the civil rights in the nature,content and the exercise etc.与此相对应,宪法权利与民事权利在性质、内容和行使方式等方面存在差别,但宪法权利功能的变迁又使其有影响民事权利发展的可能性。

2.Many Countries Constitutions have no regulation about the right of privacy,however,the right can be protected as aconstitutional right,because there is deep jurisprudential basis in it.不少国家宪法没有规定隐私权,但是隐私权被作为宪法权利加以保护。

3.So it is necessary to re-construct theconstitutional rights system,reform the system of registered permanent residence and legislative hearing for migrant workers.为了加强农民工权利保护,重构我国的宪法权利体系,改革户籍制度、强化立法听证制度乃是当务之急。


