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会话原则 Conversational principles英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-11 17:48:28


会话原则 Conversational principles英语短句 例句大全

会话原则,Conversational principles

1)Conversational principles会话原则

1.The paper analyzes the ways of language expression in tourism English and introduces some conversational principles proposed by Grice.分析了旅游英语中的话语表达方式,在介绍语言学家Grice所提出的语言交流中应遵守的一些基本原则的基础上,认为在对客服务中还应遵循关注他人尊重他人、少用第一人称等会话原则。

2.The central roles of a participant are mainly reflected in his choice of time and space for communication, in his determination of the styles of communication, in his manipulation of conversational principles and in his interpretation of cultural meanings, etc.交际者的核心地位主要表现在对交际时空的选择、交际模式的选择、对会话原则的支配以及对文化意义的支配等方面。

3.This thesis is a tentative endeavor to investigate the linguistic mechanisms of humor from the perspective of discourse analysis, and carries out an analysis of humor in American situation comedy Friends on formal links, conversational principles and contextual dimensions of discourse.其中,语篇衔接理论介绍了构成语篇的不同衔接手段;言语行为理论和两个会话原则——合作原则和礼貌原则将语篇作为一种社会行为和社会交际;语篇的语境则强调语篇作为社会交际的情景语境和文化语境因素。


1.On the Euphemism death in Chinese and its Conversational Principle;汉语中关于“死”的委婉语及其会话原则

2.The Pragmatic Functions of English Hedges Analyzed from the Perspective of Conversational Principles;从会话原则看模糊限制语的语用功能

3.Conversational Principles and Communicational Stratigies in Intercultural Communication;跨文化交际中的会话原则和交际策略

4.American philosopher Paul Grice concluded that natural language had its own logic.美国哲学家保罗.格赖斯提出的会话原则旨在解释会话意义。

5.The Pragmatic Analysis of Ellipses in Japanese Conversation日语会话中省略现象的语用分析——利奇会话原则的运用研究之一

6.The Characteristics of Medical Language Analyzed from the Viewpoint of Grice Cooperation Principles and the Use of Fuzzy Modifiers;从Grice的会话原则和模糊语谈医用语言的会话特征

7.This general principle is called the Cooperative Principle (CP).他认为会话的最高原则是合作,称为合作原则。

8.Social Power Relations and the Violation of the Cooperative Principle;社会权势关系与会话合作原则的背离

9.Analysis on Interactive Speech Repair Internal Structure from the Perspective of Interactive Nature of Speech;从会话互动原则评析会话修补内部结构模型

10.Grice′s Conversational Cooperative PrincipleApplied in Chinese Conversations;浅议汉语会话中的格莱斯会话合作原则

11.On Conversational Implicature from an Analysis of Violation of Cooperative Principle;违反合作原则所生成的会话含义研究

12.Application of Conversational Cooperative Principle in Loanword Translation;会话合作原则在外来语翻译中的应用

13."Cooperative Principle of Conversation" Applied in Teaching Design;谈“会话合作原则”在设计教学中的运用

14.Violations of Conversational Cooperative Principle in Blackmail;谈《勒索》中对会话合作原则的违反

15.On the Application of Cooperative Principle in the Compliments between English and Chinese;会话合作原则在英汉称赞语中的应用

16.Non-cooperation Phenomenon in Conversation Because of Politeness Principle;礼貌原则导致的会话“不合作”现象

17.Conversational Goal Plays a Decisive Role in the Choice of Pragmatic Principles;会话目的对语用原则选择的决定作用

18.The Art of Dialogue Restrained by the Politeness Principle of Host s Language in the Talk Show Program;谈话节目主持人礼貌原则制约下的会话艺术


conversational principle会话原则

1.The approach of adopting the integration of twoconversational principles (Grice\"s cooperative principle and Leech\"s politeness principle) and some theories about dramatic conflicts to analyze TV series is in the field of dramatic stylistics.本文选取电视剧《幸福在哪里》中的一段场景,分析违反会话原则和产生戏剧冲突的关系,从而证明:英语会话原则能够用于对中国部分电视剧作品的批评和欣赏。

3)cooperative principle会话合作原则

1.Grice s Cooperative Principle and English Translation of Tour Guide Manuals;格莱斯的会话合作原则与导游词的英语翻译

2.Social Power Relations and the Violation of the Cooperative Principle;社会权势关系与会话合作原则的背离

3.The Role of the "Stereo Thinking Modes"and"Cooperative Principle" in Translation --Analysis of the Two Versions of Translation;立体思维方式和会话合作原则在翻译中的作用——析《葬花辞》两种译本

4)cooperative principles会话合作原则

1.This article defines euphemism semantically and pragmatically, discussed the forming methods of English euphemism from perspective of semantics, phonetics and pragmatics, analyzes euphemism s relationship between context andcooperative principles, and puts forward the ways to use and interpret a euphemism in pragmatic terms.从语义与语用学两方面给委婉语下定义,讨论英语委婉语的构造方式,分析委婉语与语境及会话合作原则的关系,从语用角度探讨委婉语的使用原则及其解读策略。

2.So linguists think people should obey thecooperative principles in communications if they want the conversations to go on successfully.本文主要从话语分析的角度出发,论述了会话合作原则和双向协调在会话中的重要性。

5)co-operative principle会话合作原则

1.Theco-operative principle includes four maxims: the maxim of Quality,the maxim of Quantity,the maxim of Relevance,and the maxim of Manner.会话合作原则主要内容包含四条准则:质量准则、数量准则、关联准则以及方式准则,它是保证会话顺利进行的有效标准与手段。

6)conversational cooperative principle会话合作原则

1.Application of Conversational Cooperative Principle in Loanword Translation;会话合作原则在外来语翻译中的应用

2.Based on this notion ,the present paper takes an attempt to provide an exposition about the significance of the theories such as macro-structure microstructure, context andconversational cooperative principle in the teaching of listening comprehension.听力理解是一个复杂的语言解码过程 ,听力理解的对象是语篇而不是孤立的句子或单词 ,受此理念的驱使 ,本文认为 ,语篇分析理论中宏观结构、微观结构、语境以及会话合作原则对外语听力教学具有理论指导意


