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证据调查 course of evidence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-05 10:47:10


证据调查 course of evidence英语短句 例句大全

证据调查,course of evidence

1)course of evidence证据调查

1.As a result, several distinctive features show up in thecourse of evidence in the trial court.日本和意大利都通过立法手段将刑事诉讼的构造从传统的职权主义转向了当事人主义 ,但同时又保留了一些传统的原则和做法 ,由此在庭审的证据调查程序上形成了不同于职权主义或当事人主义的鲜明特点 ,这些特点反映了两国对“实体真实”与“正当程序”两大诉讼理念的调和。


1.On the Evidence Investigation Power of the Procuratorial Organ in Civil Procedure;论民事诉讼中检察机关的证据调查权

2.On the Basic Theoretical Issue of Civil Evidence Investigation Procedure;论民事证据调查程序的基本理论问题

3.Distribution of the Burden of Proof and the Judges Power of Investigation of Evidence;刑事诉讼证明责任的分配与法官的证据调查权

4.Research on Evidence Investigation of Security Accident in Windows System;针对安全性突发事件中Windows系统证据调查的研究

5.The police investigation hasn"t turned up any new evidence.警方的调查没有查出什么新的证据。

6.Direct and indirect evidences used in fire investigation;火灾调查中直接证据与间接证据的运用

7.No new evidence emerged during the enquiry.在调查过程中未发现新证据.

8.The investigators also turned up evidence of battered wives.调查人员还提出了妇女受折磨的证据。

9.The FBI began gathering evidence against him.联邦调查局开始收集对他起诉的证据。

10.Stress should be laid on the weight of evidence and on investigation and study, and it is strictly forbidden to obtain confessions compulsion and to give them credence要重证据,重调查研究,严禁逼供信

11.The edtective is now following up new evidence in connection with the case.侦探正在调查与那案子有关的新证据。

12.Investigators said there was no evidence of Syrian involvement.调查人员说没有叙利亚牵连的证据。

13."The medical panels found no evidence of torture."“医学调查小组并没发现有拷打的证据。”

14.The Object of Forensic Accounting Investigation: Accounting Evidence Analysis;法务调查会计的对象:会计证据研究

15.A Theoretical Analysis and Investigation Evidence of National Audit Objectives;国家审计目标的理论分析及调查证据

16.On the Civil Court System for Investigating and Collecting Evidence论民事诉讼中法院调查收集证据制度

17.The Evidence Analysis of Social Investigation Report in the Cases of Juvenile Delinquency《未成年人社会调查报告》的证据学分析

18.Where the illegal facts are not clear and the evidence is insufficient, suggesting the investors to make supplementation and correction;违法事实不清,证据不足的,建议调查人员补正;


evidence investigation证据调查

1.In modern legal countries, criminalevidence investigation on trial is the center of criminal trial, which the whole process of the criminal trial goes around, The investigation of physical evidence and documentary evidence is advanced in the way of the established procedure.在现代法治国家,证据调查是刑事庭审的核心,法庭庭审程序的进行是围绕着证据调查而展开,物证、书证、人证的调查都是通过既定的程序进行。

3)investigation of evidence调查证据

4)evidence of investigation调查的证据

5)Right of Investigating Evidence证据调查权

6)evidence investigative procedure证据调查程序


