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第一句子网 > 进相 leading phase英语短句 例句大全

进相 leading phase英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-10 06:21:36


进相 leading phase英语短句 例句大全

进相,leading phase

1)leading phase进相

1.Influence ofleading phase operation of generators in Zhejiang Power Grid on system stability;浙江电网各电厂发电机机组进相对系统稳定的影响研究

2.The operating principle of generatorleading phase is described.集中讲述了发电机进相运行原理,同时对进相运行的优缺点进行了分析;介绍了下花园发电厂2号发电机励磁系统进相运行试验的过程、结果分析及实际应用情况;重点对试验数据进行了分析,对事故处理等问题进行了简要介绍。

3.This paper mainly introduces the features of automatic control systems of imported turbo-generator units, such as power system stabilizer (PSS), automatic generation control (AGC) systems, automatic voltage regulator (AVR),leading phase characteristics of generator, and primary frequency regulating feature of the unit, and etc.重点介绍进口汽轮发电机组自动控制系统的特性,如电力系统稳定器(PSS)、发电自动控制系统(AGC)、发电机进相特性、励磁自动电压调节器(AVR)、机组一次调频功能等。

2)hue improving色相改进

3)liquid-phase sample injection液相进样

1.The results showed that these hydrocarbon impurities could be well separated and with theliquid-phase sample injection valve the disproportionation of sample composition could be avoided.结果表明,该色谱柱能很好地分离异丁烯中的C1~C4烃类杂质;采用液相进样阀液态直接进样,保证样品不失真,所测定的结果有良好的准确度和精密度。

4)leading phase operation进相运行

1.Study onleading phase operation and voltage regulation test of power network for large steam turbine-generator;大型汽轮发电机组进相运行及对电网调压试验研究

2.Analysis on some problems aboutleading phase operation of No.4 unit in Daba Power Plant;大坝发电有限公司~#4机组进相运行若干问题的分析

3.Application ofleading phase operation of generation based on Matlab power system blockset;Matlab电力系统工具箱在发电机进相运行仿真中的应用


1.Modeling and simulation of leading phase operation of Powerformer能量变换器进相运行时的建模与仿真

2.The Analysis and Research for the Character of Large Turbo-Generator in Leading-Phase Operation;大型汽轮发电机进相运行特性分析与研究

3.The Influence of Generator Underexcitation on Stability of Zhejiang Power System;发电机进相运行对浙江电网稳定性的影响

4.Analysis and Research on the Character of Large Turbine Generator in Leading-phase Operation;大型汽轮发电机进相运行状态特性分析与研究

5.Analysis and Computation on Limit of Leading Phase Operation of Powerformer能量变换器进相运行极限的分析与计算

6.Analysis on Phase-lead Operation of Generator at Power Station of Changzhou Hydraulic Complex长洲水利枢纽电站发电机进相运行分析

7.Analysis and Research on Leading Phase Operation Test of Large Turbogenerator大型汽轮发电机进相运行试验的分析研究

8.Test and Analysis of Synchronous Generator Under-Excitation Operation Conditions测试分析同步发电机进相运行的限制条件

9.Calculation of Magnetic Field and Eddy Current Losses in End Zone of Large Turbogenerator at Operation under Leading Power Factor;大型汽轮发电机进相运行时端部磁场及涡流损耗计算

10.Responsible for identifying the risk and control.负责识别公司运行的风险和进行相关的控制。

11.The process of instruction selection and operation thus proceeds sequentially.指令选择和运算过程就这样相继地进行。


13.Correlation of health promotion to the exercise and cognitive beha viour in college students;健康促进与大学生运动认知行为的相关性

14."We should form a sound judicial system featuring clearly specified powers and responsibilities, mutual coordination and restraint and highly efficient operation."进一步健全权责明确、相互配合、相互制约、高效运行的司法体制。

15.In effect, each user process has the same kind of view.从运行效率考虑,每一个进程拥有相同类型的视图。

16.By investigation with questionnaire, the shame-consciousness and relative factors in athletic sports are studied in the present paper.采用问卷调查法,对竞技运动中耻意识及相关因素进行研究。

17.After analyzing and testing many factors influencing tourist market,11 factors are selected carefully by a method integrating qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis.运用定性与定量相结合的方法进行旅游客源市场分析。

18.Generally speaking, the carrier, captain and seamen collaborate with one another to commit this kind of economic crime.一般来说,承运人会与船长、船员相互勾结,共同进行这类经济犯罪。


hue improving色相改进

3)liquid-phase sample injection液相进样

1.The results showed that these hydrocarbon impurities could be well separated and with theliquid-phase sample injection valve the disproportionation of sample composition could be avoided.结果表明,该色谱柱能很好地分离异丁烯中的C1~C4烃类杂质;采用液相进样阀液态直接进样,保证样品不失真,所测定的结果有良好的准确度和精密度。

4)leading phase operation进相运行

1.Study onleading phase operation and voltage regulation test of power network for large steam turbine-generator;大型汽轮发电机组进相运行及对电网调压试验研究

2.Analysis on some problems aboutleading phase operation of No.4 unit in Daba Power Plant;大坝发电有限公司~#4机组进相运行若干问题的分析

3.Application ofleading phase operation of generation based on Matlab power system blockset;Matlab电力系统工具箱在发电机进相运行仿真中的应用

5)under-excitation operation进相运行

1.Analysis on several problems in carrying out generatorunder-excitation operation;对广东电网开展发电机进相运行若干问题的剖析

2.The necessity ofunder-excitation operation of generators is analyzed.分析了发电机进相运行的必要性,结合相关技术标准,对当前发电机的普遍运行状态改进相运行工况进行了理论分析,说明了进相试验和运行需要注意的相关事项。

6)leading-phase operation进相运行

1.Through theleading-phase operation of generators in the main power grid of Xinjiang in recent years,the characteristics ofleading-phase operation of these generators are summarized.新疆主电网近几年发电机开展了进相运行,通过进相试验总结了这些发电机进相运行的特点。


水轮发电机组进相运行水轮发电机组进相运行leading power factor operation of water turbine generator setshu一}unfodlonJ一zul}nxlong yunx一ng水轮发电机组进相运行(leading power faetoroperation of water turbine generator set)水轮发电机组处于欠励运行,以吸取电力系统刹余的容性无功功率又送出有功功率的一种运行方式。对于长距离送电的超高压、特高压线路,在轻负荷时,由于刹余容性无功功率,引起送电端电压上升,接近或超过电力系统运行电压的上限,严重地影响电力系统电压质量与安全运行。为降低此电压,可以采用并联电抗器来吸收电力系统剩余的容性无功功率,虽也能达到降低电压的目的,但设备投资较大,不如水轮发电机组进相运行简单、安全、经济、方便。水轮发电机组进相运行后,可以降低送端电压,节约电能,改善电网的供电质量,保证用户设备安全,提高电站经济效益.这是由于定子电压下降,转子电流下降,使水轮发电机的铁损也随之下降,转子铜损也降低,虽然此时定子铜损也相应增大,但综合的结果,发电机总损耗还是下降的,节能效果是明显的.水轮发电机组进相运行能力的大小,受其静态稳定极限、定子铁芯、定子端部金属结构件的温升和定子过电流的限制。更主要的是受电厂厂用母线电压限制。因此,按中国水利电力部1982年颁布的《发电机运行规程》规定:“发电机是否能进相运行,应遵守制造厂的规定,制造厂无规定时,应通过试验来确定”。水轮发电机组进相运行时,其励磁装t最好带电力系统稳定功能,或独立装设电力系统稳定装t(PSS),这样可以提高静态稳定能力,即使在功角达到或超过90。时,机组仍能稳定运行,并且励磁电流的调节也很平稳。因此,水轮发电机组在电力系统负荷低谷时,采用进相运行,可改善电力系统电压质t。
