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网络丢包 Packet Loss英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 21:52:28


网络丢包 Packet Loss英语短句 例句大全

网络丢包,Packet Loss

1)Packet Loss网络丢包

1.To solve the limitation of the traditional evaluating models of video quality in accessing the quality of video over a packet network,such as unsuitable for on-line usage,not considering human visual perception,this paper introduces a video quality evaluating model based on packet loss.针对传统的视频质量评估模型对于在包交换网络中传输的压缩视频(网络视频)进行质量评估的局限性,如对视频质量进行评估时实时性差、没考虑人眼的视觉感知等问题,提出了一种基于网络丢包的网络视频质量评估模型。


1.Method correcting network packet losses based on (2,1,N) convolutional code基于(2,1,N)卷积码的网络丢包纠错方法

2.Generalized Predictive Control for Unilateral Networked Control System with Data Packet Dropout单边网络的NCS中针对网络丢包的广义预测控制

3.The Analysis of Networked Control System with Packets Drop;具有数据丢包的网络控制系统的分析

4.Loss Performance Inference Algorithm Based on Network Tomography基于网络层析的丢包率推断算法研究

5.Research of packet loss model in wireless Ad hoc networks无线Ad hoc网络中的丢包分析模型研究

6.Analysis and Compensation of Networks Control System with Data Packet Losses;具有数据包丢失的网络控制系统的分析与丢包补偿

7.Simulation and Analysis of Packet Loss Ratio and Packet Loss Factors in City Vehicular Ad Hoc Network城市车载Ad Hoc网络中丢包率与丢包因素的仿真分析

8.Analysis and Control of Networked Control Systems with Time-delay and Packet-dropout;具有时延和丢包的网络控制系统的分析与控制

9.Research on Loss Inference Algorithm Based on Network Tomography;基于网络透视技术的丢包率推理算法研究

work Link-Level Loss Inference Based on End-to-End Measurement;基于端到端测量的网络链路丢包性能推测

11.Stabilization Control of Networked Control Systems with Data Packet Dropout and Network Delays;有时延和数据包丢失的网络系统的稳定化控制

12.Robustly Networked Control Systems Subject to Network-induced Delay and Packet Dropout;具有时延和丢包的鲁棒网络控制系统研究

13.The Analysis and Control of Networked Control Systems with Multiple Packet Dropouts具有多步丢包的网络化控制系统的分析与控制

14.Inference of Network Bottleneck Link Based on End-to-End Loss Measurements基于端到端丢包测量的网络瓶颈链路推断方法

15.Robust H_∞ filtering for networked control systems with data packet dropout and delays一类丢包时延网络控制系统的鲁棒H_∞滤波

16.Predictive control of uncertain systems under networked environment with bounded packet loss有界丢包网络环境下不确定系统的预测控制

17.Active fault-tolerant control for networked control systems with packet dropout具有数据包丢失的网络控制系统主动容错控制

18.Research on Packet Loss Rate in Wireless Sensor Networks基于传感器网络的无线链路丢包率研究


network data packet dropout网络数据包丢失

3)network loss measurement网络丢包测试

4)network loss probability网络丢失率

1.It exists the cell loss probability that includes three components, one of which is thenetwork loss probability π n .这种Open LoopShuffleout的ATM交换结构的信元丢失率包括三部分 ,其中之一就是网络丢失率πn。

5)packet loss丢包

1.Novel intelligentpacket loss differentiating mechanism for mobile ad hoc network;移动自组网中新的智能丢包区分机制

2.State estimation for discrete-time systems with Markovian time-delay andpacket loss具有Markovian时延与丢包的离散系统的状态估计

3.Effect ofpacket loss probability of transmission on greenhouse WSN measurement and control system网络传输丢包率对温室WSN测控系统的影响

6)packet dropout丢包

pensation for networked control systemspacket dropout based on gray control theory;基于灰色控制的网络控制系统丢包补偿

2.Fault detection for networked control systems with long time-delay andpacket dropout;具有长时延和丢包的网络控制系统的故障检测

3.Modeling and design of networked control system withpacket dropout fault at the actuator执行器端丢包故障的网络控制系统建模与设计


丢包1.旧时江湖上的一种诈骗术。诈骗者远远看见有人来,故意把一个包裹抛在路上,然后躲起来,若有人拾取,就装做寻找失物,说包内有珍宝,对拾者恐吓勒索,拾者只好给钱了事。 2.小偷或流氓突然抢夺别人的手提包或其他值钱的东西,然后立即逃跑,也叫"丢包"。 3.傣族等西南少数民族男女青年常在新年时聚集于旷场或草地上,用荞壳装在枕形的布袋里,互相投抛为戏,谓之"丢包"。
