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迁巢 colony movement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-17 23:51:14


迁巢 colony movement英语短句 例句大全

迁巢,colony movement

1)colony movement迁巢

1.The effect of the three processing methods oncolony movement of Solenopsis invicta Buren in the field was studied,including artificial destroying nests,water drenching and insecticide drenching.在野外条件下观察了挖巢、灌水和灌药对红火蚁迁巢的影响。


1.Effect of Artificial Destroying Nests,Water Drenching and Insecticide Drenching on Colony Movement of Solenopsis invicta Buren挖巢、水灌巢和杀虫剂灌巢对红火蚁迁巢的影响

2.Feeding. Foraging or Stalking; Prey Capture; Storage/ Hoarding; Consummation. Tool Use. Cooperation among Conspecifics.栖息地选择。巢穴选择;地盘;分布;迁移。

3.Study on the Information Extraction and Evolution of Old River Channel by Using RS Data in East of Chaohu Lake;巢湖东部古河道遥感信息提取及水系变迁研究

4.A Study on Transportation Process and Regularity of Soil and Water in Middle-Eastern Section of the North Shore of Lake Chaohu;巢湖北岸中东部水土迁移过程及规律研究

5.From "Lair of Thieves" to "Country of Culture":The Social Changes in Baihou Village in Dapu County in the East of Guangdong in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties;从“贼巢”到“邹鲁乡”:明末清初粤东大埔县白堠乡村社会变迁

6.Small interfering RNA-mediated COX-2 gene silencing inhibits the proliferation and migration of human ovarian cancer cell line CAOV-3siRNA沉默COX-2基因对人卵巢癌细胞的增殖及迁移能力的影响

7.Effect of human peritoneal mesothelial cells on adhesion,migration and invasion of ovarian carcinoma SKOV3 cell line人腹膜间皮细胞对卵巢癌SKOV3细胞黏附、迁移和侵袭力的影响

8.Mechanism of Donor T cell Migration and Homing in the Pathophysiology of Acute Graft-versus-Host Disease--Review急性移植物抗宿主病发生过程中供者T细胞迁移和归巢的机制

9.gregarious bird having plumage with dark metallic gloss; builds nests around dwellings and other structures; naturalized worldwide.羽毛有金属光泽的群居鸟;在民居或其它建筑物周围筑巢的鸟;迁栖至世界各地。

10.Effects of Mesothelin RNAi on Cell Growth Characteristics as Well as Adhesion, Invasion Ability in Human Ovarian Cell;间皮素小干扰RNA对卵巢上皮性癌细胞生长特性以及粘附侵袭迁移功能的影响

11.Primary Culture of Human Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells and Study the Impact Peritoneal Mesothelial Cells to Human Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Line SKOV3 in Invasion Adhesion and Migration;人腹膜间皮细胞的原代培养及其对卵巢癌SKOV3细胞黏附迁移侵袭力的影响

12.A nest or colony of wasps or hornets.胡蜂巢胡蜂或黄蜂的巢

13.Ovarian cancer: Malignant tumour of the ovaries.卵巢癌:卵巢的恶性肿瘤。

14.The den of certain animals, such as the dome - shaped structure built by beavers.巢动物的巢穴,如海狸造的一种穹顶的巢

15.To remove the ovaries of(a female); spay.切除卵巢去除(雌性动物)的卵巢;切除卵巢

16.The nest of a bird, such as an eagle, built on a cliff or other high place.猛禽的巢鸟巢,如鹰巢,筑于悬崖或其他高处

17.homing instinct归巢 [回归] 本能

18.The small hole or holes in a pigeon loft for nesting.鸽巢鸽棚里筑巢用的小洞


migration homing迁移归巢


1.Spatial Pattern ofNests of Breeding Birds in Natural Forests on Lake Hillock in Xingkai Lake National Nature Reserve;兴凯湖自然保护区湖岗天然带状林中繁殖鸟巢的空间格局

2.Preliminary Study onNest-site Selection of Gorsachius magnificus;海南(升鸟)巢址选择的初步调查

3.In March to middle of June of ,fifty random selected nests of Phalacrocorax carbo in Majuan Island of Sanjiang National Nature Reserve of Haiqing town of Fuyuan county of Heilongjiang province were numbered and measured one by one to study the materials,location and direction,and size of the nests.3~6月,在黑龙江省三江国家级自然保护区海青保护站马圈岛,采用随机抽样法,对随机选取的50个普通鸬鹚(Phalacrocorax carbo)巢逐一进行编号和测量,进行巢材、巢位和巢大小等的研究;采用总面积调查法(样方大小为30m×30m),对普通鸬鹚巢的分布格局、分布特点进行了研究。


5)Chaohu Lake巢湖

parison of Overwintering and Rrecruitment of Cyanobacteria in Taihu Lake andChaohu Lake;太湖与巢湖水华蓝藻越冬和春季复苏的比较研究

2.Forms of Phosphorus and Nitrogen Existing in Sediments inChaohu Lake.;巢湖沉积物中氮与磷赋存形态研究

3.Study on pollutant characters of sediment in the estuary of Shiwuli River in theChaohu Lake basin;巢湖十五里河河口沉积物污染特征研究


1.Effect of benzo(a) pyrene on contents of reduced-glutathione in the liver andovary of Boleophthalmus pectinirostris;苯并(a)芘对大弹涂鱼肝脏和卵巢还原型谷胱甘肽含量影响的比较研究

2.Morphology and function of allograftedovary in Kunming mice and severe combined immunodeficiency mice;小鼠同种异体移植卵巢组织的功能及形态学差异

3.Study Progress of Fetal Ovary Transplantation;胚胎卵巢移植的研究进展


百鸟归巢菜 名: 百鸟归巢主 料: 鲜花虾3斤配 料: 白肉、马蹄、芹菜、蛋液、盐、味精、肉脯做 法: 鲜虾剥肉打成虾胶,加入白肉、马蹄、芹菜盐、味精、蛋液和匀挤成小鸟形状,用肉脯、虾尾、黑芝麻装饰,然后放入蒸笼5分钟取出摆上彩盘,淋上芡汁即成。特 点: 造形逼真、口感爽滑
