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元老 senior members英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-05 14:19:00


元老 senior members英语短句 例句大全

元老,senior members

1)senior members元老

1.In the modern history of Japan, the system of emperorship experienced the politics of the feudatorysenior members, the politics of the political parties, and the politics of the fascist army headquarters.在日本近代史上 ,近代天皇制经历了藩阀元老政治、政党政治和军部法西斯政治三种主要形态。


1.(in ancient Rome)highest council of state(古罗马的)元老院.

2.I call myself Monsieur le Comte Nought, senator.我叫做一无所有伯爵,元老院元老。

3.The Roman Senate under the Principate (From 30B. C. to A. D. 96);元首制下的罗马元老院(公元前30年—公元96年)

4.an august body of elder statesmen德高望重的政界元老们.

5.A member of the senate in ancient Rome.元老古罗马议会的一员

6.He is a veteran of the law.他是一位法律界元老。

7.The senator was encouraged, and went on:--元老兴致勃发,接着说:

8.the position of vizier.伊斯兰国家元老的地位。

9.Senatus consultum Silanianum希拉尼奥元老院决议

10.The senate of400founded by Solon in ancient Athens.元老会古代雅典由梭伦创建的由400人组成的元老院

11.Senate was leading the-three-facts.元老院在三大要素中居主导地位。

12.Then the Fathers tried to persuade him to stay.这时,元老们劝他留下来不要走。

13.Roosevelt was never able to dominate the veterans on Capitol Hill.罗斯福从未能控制国会中的这些元老。

14."Like yourself, Count," interposed the Bishop.“和您自己一样,元老先生,”主教抢着说。

15.the senate prohibited them from doing so.元老院则禁止它们这样做。

16.However, the pope has far more personality than the senate ever did.然后,教皇比元老院人格化得多。

17.Adults 7.00$ children/seniors 4.50$成人7.00 美元儿童/老人 4.5 美元

18.Study on the Pluralistic-supplied Principal Part of the Elderly Service under the Background of Aging of Population;老龄化背景下养老服务的多元供给主体研究



1.On thesenate of Roman Republic in its expanding period;论罗马共和国扩张期的元老院

2.The Roman Senate under the Principate (From 30B. C. to A. D. 96);元首制下的罗马元老院(公元前30年—公元96年)

3.Senate is an ancient Rome s most important national institutions, is an important component of the ancient Rome political life.其中,元老院这一机构十分引人注目。

3)senior important officials元老重臣

4)the senate元老院

1.The center of the Roman constitutional government was the balance of power, which was embodied in the following systems: the system of executive officials headed by the executive officer; the system of the Senate based on the political elites and the system of the Citizens Co.它主要体现为三大要素:以执政官为核心的行政长官制度,以政界精英为基础的元老院制度以及以全体公民为主体的公民大会制度。

2.However, emperors have to be elected bythe senate because of the republican tradition.但由于共和传统的影响,元首的产生应由元老院来选举产生。

5)the theory of Lao Tse in the Song and the Yuan dynasties宋元老学

6)an elder statesman政界元老


