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投资性房地产公司 investing companies of real estate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-28 17:59:55


投资性房地产公司 investing companies of real estate英语短句 例句大全

投资性房地产公司,investing companies of real estate

1)investing companies of real estate投资性房地产公司


1.The Impact of New Accounting Standard on Investment Property Enterprices新会计准则对投资性房地产公司的影响

2.(housing) developer房地产开发投资公司

3.Research on the Investment Real Estates of Listed Companies上市公司投资性房地产相关会计问题研究

4.We are a Dallas-based real estate investment company.美国鸟王房地产公司驻达拉斯的一家房地产投资公司。

5.We are a private, international investment firm focusing primarily on real estate-related assets and operating companies.美国侨民资本公司是私有的国际投资公司,重点投资房地产相关资产和运作公司。

6.Analysis on the Fair Value Measurement Mode of Investment Property;投资性房地产公允价值计量模式分析

7.The Research of the Real Estate Business s Risk Management in the Trust Investment Company;信托投资公司房地产业务风险管理研究

8.Discussion on operating mechanism of item investment control in real estate developing corporation;房地产开发公司项目投资控制运作机制的探讨

9.Analysis on the measurement of sound value model for investment real estates;基于公允模式计量的投资性房地产比较分析

10.The Application of Fair Value Measurement in the Investment Real Estate公允价值计量模式在投资性房地产中的应用

11.The Application of Fair Value in the Investment of Real Estate公允价值在投资性房地产准则中的应用

12.Analysis on the Application of Fair Value in Investment Real Estate Criterion投资性房地产准则中公允价值计量模式的应用

13.At present, Soufun has become one of the leading companies in the fields and one of the best companies of investment of IDG in China as well.搜房凭借着自己创新的房地产信息化的产业特征,成为IDG公司在华最佳的投资公司之一。

14.The Study of Industrial Investment Strategy Matching Extent Between West China and the MNC in China;西部地区与跨国公司产业投资战略匹配性分析

15.Goldman, Sachs&Company"s most recent attempt at raising money for real estate investments did not get off ground.戈德曼-萨克斯[投资]公司最近为投资房地产筹资一事,胎死腹中(未能实现)。

16.The New Idea for Broadening Real Estate Investment --Investing Apartments for College Students;开拓房地产投资的新思路——投资高校学生公寓

17.The Research on Asset Restructuring of Real Estate Industry Listed Corporations in China我国房地产业上市公司资产重组研究

18.Correlation Analysis between Real Estate Entironment and the Amount of Real Estate Developing Investment of City;房地产生态环境与城市房地产投资相关性分析


REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust)不动产投资信托公司;房地产投资信托公司

3)Real Estate Investment Trusts房地产投资信托基金;不动产投资信托公司

4)investment property投资性房地产

1.Investment Property as a new form of investment is much favored by enterprises.投资性房地产作为一种新颖投资保值方式,备受一些企业青睐。

2.As a new type of investment,investment property is to be regulated within the frame of the accounting standards.投资性房地产作为一种新颖投资保值方式 ,备受一些企业青睐。

3.The thesis stands for real estate owners and research on risk management ofinvestment property from financial angle.随着经济的发展和投资观念的改变,以赚取租金或资本增值为目的的投资性房地产已成为人们青睐的投资工具。

5)non-investment property非投资性房地产

6)investment real estate投资性房地产

1.This article analyse application of fair value in subsequent measurement ofinvestment real estate, and it is also reveal the effect of the profits and the possibility of the potential risks, so as to facilitate the user of ststement make a rational decision.对投资性房地产的后续计量中应用公允价值计量进行分析,从而揭示公允价值计量对利润产生的影响以及可能带来的潜在风险,以便报表使用者做出理性的决策。

2.Investment real estate is a new concept.投资性房地产是一个崭新的概念,投资性房地产准则的颁布对其在实务界中的应用和公允价值等方面进行了创新,在会计后续计量处理方面和企业内部控制和财务管理方面均会产生影响。

3.This paper compares China s accounting standards ofinvestment real estates with international accounting standards to determine the similarities and differences,and to clarify the impact of new standards on ent.财政部2月15日正式发布了我国新的会计准则体系,其中包括为规范我国企业房地产投资方面的业务核算而首次发布的《企业会计准则第3号——投资性房地产》。


