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和谐气氛 harmonious atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-06 19:20:41


和谐气氛 harmonious atmosphere英语短句 例句大全

和谐气氛,harmonious atmosphere

1)harmonious atmosphere和谐气氛

1.The establishment ofharmonious atmosphere helps to stimulate students interest in study and train their positive and initiative study mentality,so that teachers can enhance the classroom efficiency,and make their teaching more joyful,thus improving students’performance.和谐气氛的创设有利于激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生积极主动的自主学习心态,实现愉悦教学,提高课堂效率,真正提高学生的英语成绩。


1.A familial relationship has emerged within the department, and many designers have advanced to middle management positions.部门内有着家庭般的和谐气氛,许多设计师被提升到公司中级管理职位。

ity:an atmosphere of social harmony.礼貌:社会和谐的气氛.

3.An atmosphere of social harmony.礼貌社会和谐的气氛

4.a state or atmosphere of harmony or mutual civility and respect.和谐或相互尊敬的气氛或状态。

5.offer gracious service in a casually harmonious atmosphere.在轻松和谐的气氛中提供精良的服务。

6.Jealousy and distrust hardly made for a harmonious atmosphere in the team.妒忌和猜疑不会给团队营造和谐的气氛。

7.We work Best in a sympathetic atmosphere.我们在一种和谐的气氛中工作效率最佳。

8.A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.家中气氛和谐安乐,即是您这一生的基石。

9.The amBiance of traditional harmony attracts top international clientele.传统、和谐的气氛吸引着世界一流的顾客。

10.With thoughtful service and harmonious atmosphere, the nursing home is really the home of the aged.本老年护理院服务到位,气氛和谐,真正是老人之家。

11.The "Master Mind" principle cannot obtain where PERFECT HARMONY does not prevail.“智囊团”原则无法在气氛不和谐的环境中付诸实行。

12.My family feeling ever so harmony,Clear up get also ever so cleanliness,All ask for not quite a cartridge or shell.我的家庭气氛很和谐,打扫得也很乾净,都找不到一颗弹壳。

13.A Research on the Correlation of Anxiety in Spoken English Learning and Harmonious Classroom Atmosphere英语口语学习中的焦虑情绪与和谐课堂气氛的相关性研究

14.a harmonious community, relationship, atmosphere和睦的社会、 关系、 气氛.

15.You can use your past relationship to build rapport and establish ongoing relationship.这样你们就能在过去交往的基础上和他们建立融洽和谐的气氛从而培养持续发展的关系。

16.Building Artistic Cultural Ethos Constructing Harmonious University Campus;营造美术文化氛围 构建和谐大学校园

17.Harmonious Classroom Instruction Atmosphere Creation in the Vocal Music Teaching;简谈声乐教学中和谐教学氛围的创造

18.Harmonize human communication,promote campus harmoniously;协调人际交往 营造和谐校园氛围


a harmonious atmosphere气氛和谐

3)a cordial and harmonious atmosphere和谐融洽的气氛

4)Harmonious Class Atmosphere和谐课堂气氛

5)harmonious atmosphere和谐氛围

1.This paper expounds that the library should pay attention to cultivate the librarians’ identification in establishing theharmonious atmosphere, and advances some methods for promoting the librarians’ identification.阐述了图书馆和谐氛围应重视培养图书馆员的认同感,提出了提升图书馆员认同感的方法。

6)allow an ambience to be harmoniously created营造和谐温馨的气氛


