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颅骨移植 cranial bone transplantation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 16:27:03


颅骨移植 cranial bone transplantation英语短句 例句大全

颅骨移植,cranial bone transplantation

1)cranial bone transplantation颅骨移植

1.To explore the effect ofcranial bone transplantation on fracture healing.目的:探讨颅骨骨折在脑外伤促新骨形成过程中的作用;研究颅骨骨折伴股骨骨折组大鼠血浆对骨髓间质细胞的作用;研究颅骨移植对骨折愈合的影响作用;研究IGFBP-5在颅骨组织中的表达情况,及其对骨髓间质细胞的作用。

2)Extracranial implantation颅外移植

3)intracortical transplantation颅内移植


1.The Experimental Study of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells (BMSCs) Co-cultured with Neural Stem Cells(NSCs) and Intracranial Transplantation in Rats大鼠骨髓基质细胞和神经干细胞共同培养及颅内移植的实验研究

2.A Study of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells on in Vitro Gene Labeling, Induced Differentiating and Intracranial Transplantation;小鼠胚胎干细胞的体外标记、诱导分化及颅内移植研究

3.Chemotherapy Research of G422 Glioblastoma in Mice Using Doxorubicin-loaded Nanoparticles;阿霉素纳米粒对G422颅内移植小鼠的化疗实验研究

4.Establishment of Introcranial G422 Glioma Models in Mice with Different Immune Backgrounds不同免疫背景小鼠G422胶质瘤颅内移植瘤模型的建立

5.The Study of Culture and Differentiation of Neural Stem Cells Derived from the Cerebral Cortex of Fetal Rats and Transplantation into the Fluid Percussion Injury Rats;胚胎大鼠脑源性神经干细胞生物学特性及液压冲击脑损伤大鼠颅内移植的实验研究

6.Study of Retrovirus-mediated EGFP Gene Marking NSCs and Intracranial Transplant of the Marked Cells;逆转录病毒介导EGFP基因标记大鼠胚胎神经干细胞及标记细胞的颅内移植实验研究

7.Objective To study absorbed mechanism of free bone auto-graft in cranium.目的探讨颅顶部自体骨游离移植被吸收的内在机制。

8.Intracranial metastasis of retinoblastoma after eye extraction combined orbital implant:case report视网膜母细胞瘤眼球摘除联合义眼座植入术后颅内转移1例

9.Treatment of Severe Traumatic Brain Injury by Steretaxic Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells into Brain in Rats神经干细胞立体定向脑内移植治疗大鼠重型颅脑损伤

10.Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis after in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer:a case report and review of the literature体外受精-胚胎移植并发颅内静脉窦血栓1例报道并文献复习

11.The Study on the Transplantation of Neural Stem Cells in Treatment of Rats Severe Traumatic Brain Injury;神经干细胞移植治疗大鼠重度颅脑损伤的研究

12.Simulation of hemodynamics in stent Intervention of basilar sinuous aneurysms支架植入颅内蜿蜒型动脉瘤的血流动力学仿真

13.Clinical study of interstitial chemotherapy for intracranial malignant tumors by intraoperative placement of chemotherapy bursa化疗泵植入治疗颅内恶性肿瘤临床报告

14.pronuclear stage tubal transfer输卵管内核前阶段移植

15.Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on Wendan Decoction in Treating Intracranial Metastatic Tumours;温胆汤加减治疗颅内转移瘤的临床与实验研究

16.An analysis of metastastic brain tumors with higher brain pressure from lung cancer in 16 patients以颅内压增高为主症的肺癌脑转移16例分析

17.One case of glioblastoma with brain metastases in cerebellopontine angle area颅内桥小脑角区胶质母细胞瘤合并转移瘤1例

18.The inner surface of the skull.颅内骨膜脑颅的内表面


Extracranial implantation颅外移植

3)intracortical transplantation颅内移植

4)implanted scalp electrode植入颅骨电极

5)implanted skull electrode颅骨植入电极

6)osteochondral transplantation骨软骨移植

1.Treatment of acute osteochondral fractures of the talus using autologousosteochondral transplantation;自体骨软骨移植治疗踝部骨折


