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葛花 Flos Puerariae英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-19 18:26:37


葛花 Flos Puerariae英语短句 例句大全

葛花,Flos Puerariae

1)Flos Puerariae葛花

1.Determination of Contents of Trace Elements of Zn,Fe,Cu and Cd inFlos Puerariae and Its Extraction Solution by Water;葛花及其水提液中微量元素Zn、Fe、Cu、Cd的含量测定

2.Effect of Water Extract ofFlos Puerariae on Micronucleus Formation in Vicia faba Root Tip Cells;葛花水提取液对蚕豆根尖细胞微核率的影响

3.Determination of Tectoridin inFlos Puerariae by HPLCHPLC法测定葛花中鸢尾苷的含量


1.Determination of Kakkalide in the Flowers of Pueraria Lobata by UV;野葛花中葛花苷紫外分光光度法检测

2.Study on the Chemical Constituents and Antioxidant Activity of Flos Puerariae野葛花化学成分及其抗氧化活性研究

3.Determination of Tectoridin in Flos Puerariae by HPLCHPLC法测定葛花中鸢尾苷的含量

4.Studies on the Structure Modification and Crystal Structures of Isoflavone Components from Flowers Pueraria;葛花异黄酮成分结构修饰及晶体结构研究

5.Dream of Kudzu Flowers and the Marriage Customs in Wudang Mountains;《葛花梦》与古代武当山地区的传统婚姻文化

6.Role of Flos puerariae alcohol extract in a mouse model of alcoholism research葛花醇提取液对酒精中毒小鼠模型作用的研究

7.Extraction process of total flavonoids in Pueraria lobata and anti-oxidant activity葛花总黄酮提取工艺及抗氧化活性的研究

8.Simultaneous determination of four isoflavone compounds in flowers of Pueraria lobata by HPLCHPLC法同时测定野葛花中4种异黄酮成分的含量

9.Effects of Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi on Alcohol Content in Blood and Activity of Alcohol Dehydrogenase (ADH) of Animals After Drinking Alcohol葛花对酒后血中乙醇浓度和肝中乙醇脱氢酶活性的影响

10.Inhibiting effects of Traditional Chinese Medicine Gehua XingJiu decoction on alcohol hepatic fibrosis in mice葛花醒酒汤抑制小鼠乙醇性肝纤维化的实验研究

11.Isoflavone Content and Antioxidant Activity of Ethanol Extract from Flowers of Pueraria lobata野葛花醇提物中异黄酮含量及其抗氧化活性测定

12.Any of several South American woody shrubs or vines of the genus Bougainvillea having groups of three petallike, showy, variously colored bracts attached to the flowers.九重葛一种九重葛属南美洲木本灌本或藤本植物,三片花瓣形艳丽而颜色丰富的花苞附在花上

13.THE bougainvilleas outside President Mahmoud Abbas"s house in Gaza City are in full pink-and-white bloom.粉白色的葛蔓花爬满了阿巴斯加沙官邸的外壁。

14.A New Species of Orychophragmus (Cruciferae) in the Three-Gorge Reservoir Area,China长江三峡库区诸葛菜属(十字花科)一新种

15.Floral Organogenesis and Molecular Phylogeny of Menispermeae (Menispermaceae);防己科蝙蝠葛族花形态发生与分子系统学研究

16.Study on the Preparation and Quality Standard of the Extract of Flos Trollii and Radix Puerariae金莲花和葛根提取物的制法及其质量标准研究

17.Preventive effect of "Flos and Radix of Puerarin Buccal Tablets" on Acute Alcoholism in Mice“葛根花口含片”对小鼠急性酒精中毒的预防作用

18.Pollen Morphology of Orychophragmus Violaceus Complex(Cruciferae) and Its Taxonomic Significance诸葛菜复合体(十字花科)的花粉形态及其分类学意义


Flos Pueraiae葛花

1.Objective:To establish a method for determination the content of flavonoids by visible spectrophotometry in the Chinese herbal medicine ofFlos Pueraiae.目的:建立用可见分光光度法测定葛花中总黄酮含量的方法。

2.Objective To establish a method for determination the content of total saponins in the Chinese herbal medicine ofFlos Pueraiae.目的研究葛花总皂苷的含量测定方法。

3.Objective: To extract total saponins from the Chinese herbal medicineFlos Pueraiae,and to determine the content of total saponins and flavonoids inFlos Pueraiae,extract of 50% methanol and semifinished product of total saponins.目的:葛花总皂苷的提取及测定葛花生药、葛花50%甲醇浸膏、葛花总皂苷粗品中总皂苷和总黄酮的含量。


1.A method of determination ofkakkalide in the flowers of Pueraria Lobata by UV was established.采用紫外-分光光度法测定野葛花中异黄酮化合物葛花苷的含量,紫外检测波长为265mm。

2.A double wavelength TLC densitometric scanning method to determinekakkalide in Pueraria lobata flowers was established on silica gel chromatoplates.在硅胶G薄层色谱板上,建立了双波长薄层扫描法测定野葛花中葛花苷的分析方法。

3.Objective To develop a HPLC method for simultaneous determination ofkakkalide,irisolidone,tectorigenin-7-O-xylosylglucoside and biochanin A in flowers of Pueraria lobata.目的建立野葛花中葛花苷、尼泊尔鸢尾异黄酮、鸢尾黄素-7-O-木糖葡萄糖苷、鹰嘴豆芽素A4种异黄酮成分含量测定方法。

4)Flowers of Pueraria Omeiensis野葛花

1.Determination of 6 Inorganic Elements in Chinese HerbalFlowers of Pueraria Omeiensis;瑶药野葛花中6种无机元素的测定

2.Study on the the antiviral and antibacterial activities of the flowers of Pueraria omeiensis;瑶药“野葛花”的抗病毒和抑菌活性

5)Puerariae flos essence (PFE)葛花露

6)chunhua brocade春花葛


葛花【通用名称】葛花【其他名称】葛花 (《别录》) 【异名】葛条花(《中药志》)。 【来源】为豆科植物葛的花,植物形态详"葛根"条。 【采集】立秋后当花未全放时采收,去掉梗叶,晒干。 【药材】干燥花蕾呈不规则的扁长圆形或略成扁肾形,长5~15毫米,宽2~6毫米,厚2~3毫米。萼片灰绿色,基部连合,先端5齿裂,裂片披针形,其中2齿合生,表面密被黄白色毛茸。基部有两片披针钻形的小苞片。花瓣5片等长,突出于萼外或被花萼包被,蓝紫色,外部颜色较浅,呈淡蓝紫色或淡棕色。雄蕊10枚,其中9枚连合,雌蕊细长,微弯曲,外面被毛。气微弱,味淡。以朵大、淡紫色、未开放者为佳。 主产湖南、河南、广东、广西、浙江、四川、安徽等地。 【炮制】拣去柄及杂质,筛去土。 【性味】甘,凉。 ①《滇南本草》:"性微寒,味甘平微苦。" ②《纲目》:"甘,平,无毒。" ③《医林纂要》:"甘,寒。" 【归经】《得配本草》:"入足阳明经。" 【功用主治】解酒醒脾。治伤酒发热烦渴,不思饮食,呕逆吐酸,吐血,肠风下血。 ①《别录》:"消酒。" ②《滇南本草》:"治头晕,憎寒,壮热,解酒醒脾,酒痢,饮食不思,胸膈饱胀,发呃,呕吐酸痰,酒毒伤胃,吐血,呕血,消热。" ③《纲目》:"治肠风下血。" ④《医林纂要》:"清肺。" 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1.5~3钱;或入丸、散。 【选方】①治饮酒太过,呕吐痰逆,心神烦乱,胸膈痞塞,手足战摇,饮食减少,小便不利:莲花青皮(去穰)三分,木香五分,橘皮(去白)、人参(去芦)、猪苓(去黑皮)、白茯苓各一钱五分,神曲(炒黄)、泽泻、干生姜、白术各二钱,白豆蔻仁、葛花、砂仁各五钱。为极细末,秤和匀,每服三钱匕,白汤调下,但得微汗,酒病去矣。(《脾胃论》葛花解酲汤) ②治饮酒积热,毒伤脾胃,呕血吐血,发热烦渴,小便赤少:葛花一两,黄连一钱,滑石一两(水飞),粉草五钱。为细末,水合为丸,每服一钱,滚水下。(《滇南本草》葛花清热丸) 【名家论述】《本经逢原》:"葛花,能解酒毒,葛花解酲汤用之,必兼人参。但无酒毒者不可服,服之损人天元,以大开肌肉,而发泄伤津也。"
