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骨干亲本 primal parents英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-12 08:16:44


骨干亲本 primal parents英语短句 例句大全

骨干亲本,primal parents

1)primal parents骨干亲本

1.Analysis on breeding value ofprimal parents in rice;水稻骨干亲本育种价值分析


1.Pedigree analysis of genetic relationship among core parents of sugarcane in Mainland China我国大陆甘蔗骨干亲本亲缘关系分析

2.Development of Single Segment Substitution Lines and QTL Analysis in Main Parents of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.)水稻骨干亲本SSSL群体的构建与QTL分析

3.Analysis of Genetic Effects of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Variety Bima 4 as a Founder Parent小麦骨干亲本碧蚂4号的遗传效应分析

4.Developing High Yielding Wheat Varieties from Core Parent "Jing 411"利用京411为骨干亲本培育高产小麦新品种

5.Breeding Value of the Wheat Corner Stone Parent Yumai 2小麦骨干亲本豫麦2号的育种价值分析

6.Fundamental Roles of Cornerstone Breeding Lines in Wheat Reflected by SSR Random Scanning基于SSR标记的小麦骨干亲本育种重要性研究

7.Identification of Important Genomic Regions in Founder Parents Transmitted to Their Derived Inbred Lines in Maize;玉米骨干亲本及衍生系重要基因组区段的传递研究

8.Quality and Diversity Analysis of the Corner Stone Breeding Parents and Commercialized Wheat in Chongqing;重庆小麦骨干亲本和推广品种的品质及其多样性分析

9.The Study on the Heterosis and the Correlation in the F_2 Generation of the Main Parents CN18 and CN19;小麦骨干亲本川农18和川农19的F_2代杂种优势及其相关性分析

10.Evlovement of Agronomic Traits and Genetic Diversity of Chinese Foundation Parents(Cultivars) of Wheat;中国小麦骨干亲本(品种)性状演变与遗传差异研究

11.Study on Important Physiological Characters Evolution Law of Maize Elite Inbred Lines and Its Derived Lines玉米骨干亲本及其衍生系重要生理性状演变规律研究

12.Genetic Differentiation Analysis on the Wheat Backbone Parent Bima No.4 and Its Four Sib-Lines小麦骨干亲本碧蚂4号及其姊妹系遗传差异分析

13.Genetic Diversity of Parental Lines of Rapeseed Hybrids Based on SSR and SRAP MarkersSSR和SRAP标记研究油菜杂交种骨干亲本的遗传多样性

14.Genetic Diversity of the Founder Parent Orofen and Its Progenies Revealed by SSR Markers利用SSR标记探讨骨干亲本欧柔在衍生品种的遗传

15.Molecular Dissection of Core Parental Cross "Triumph/Yanda 1817" and Its Derivatives in Wheat Breeding Program小麦骨干亲本“胜利麦/燕大1817”杂交组合后代衍生品种遗传构成解析

16.Distribution of Vernalization Genes VRN-1 in Derivatives from Chinese Key Wheat Parent Mentana春化基因VRN-1在骨干亲本南大2419衍生系中的分布

17.A Study on Introducing the Blast Resistance Gene Pi-d2 into the Main Parents of Hybrid Rice Shuhui527 Mediated by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens;利用农杆菌介导法将抗稻瘟病基因Pi-d2导入杂交稻骨干亲本蜀恢527的研究

18.Establishment of DNA Fingerprinting of Backbone Parental Lines of Hybrid Rice and Study on Heterologous Expression of PyTPS Gene Increasing the Resistance Against the Osmotic Stress Tolerance in Transgenic Rice;超级杂交稻骨干亲本DNA指纹图谱构建与PyTPS转基因水稻抗渗透胁迫的研究


core rice parents水稻骨干亲本

1.Identification and analysis ofcore rice parents resistance to rice sheath blight in south rice production regions of China;我国南方稻区水稻骨干亲本纹枯病抗性鉴定与分析


parison of Nutrient Composition in Muscle between Distant Hybridization Crucian and ItsParents;远缘杂交鲫及其亲本的肌肉营养成分比较

2.RAPD Analysis of mtDNAs from Hybrid Wheat Xiza 5 and ItsParents;杂交小麦西杂5号及其亲本mtDNAs的RAPD分析

3.Karyotype Analysis of Two Wheat Intergeneric Hybrids and ThreeParents;小麦属2个种间杂种及3个亲本的核型分析


1.The Parent Evolution of Cross-Breeding Japonica Rice Varieties in Liaoning;辽宁省粳稻杂交育成品种亲本演变分析

2.Performance of High Oil Content of Youyan Series Varieties and Its Breeding Techniques of High Oil and Protein Content Ⅳ.The relationship between bred varieties and theirparents in oil and protein content;油研系列杂交油菜高含油量的表现及高油分高蛋白选育技术研究 Ⅳ.育成品种油分蛋白含量与其亲本间的关系

3.Correlation Analysis of Protein Content between High Protein Soybean Parents and Their F_2 Hybrids;高蛋白大豆杂交F_2代与亲本蛋白质含量的相关分析

5)bone affinity骨亲和性

1.Research development on thebone affinity compound related to bone-targeted drugs;与骨靶向药物有关的骨亲和性化合物的研究进展

6)one"s own flesh and blood亲骨肉


