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个人信息保护法 Personal Information Protection Law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-27 11:11:31


个人信息保护法 Personal Information Protection Law英语短句 例句大全

个人信息保护法,Personal Information Protection Law

1)Personal Information Protection Law个人信息保护法


1.Protection of the Right to Privacy in the Information Age and A Concurrent Discussion about Personl Data Protection Law信息化时代的隐私权保护——兼评《个人信息保护法》

2.On Several Issues to Perfect the Personal Data Protection Legal System;论完善个人信息保护法制的几个问题

3.The development of information technology brings a new task to protect personal date;信息技术发展带来的法律新课题——《个人信息保护法》研究

4.Thoughts on the Construction of China s Personal Information Protection Legislation;构建我国个人信息保护法律制度的思考

5.Research on the Law Problem of Personal Information Protection at the Cyber-security Angle;国家安全视角下的个人信息保护法律问题研究

6.Effects and Solutions of the Law of Personal Information Protection to Information Service of library;《个人信息保护法》对图书馆信息服务的影响及对策探讨

7.Administration of Personnel Archives for Floating Population--From an Angle of Studying Law for Personal Information Protection;论流动人员人事档案管理——以个人信息保护法为研究视角

8.On the Legislation Idea of Personal Information Protection--Between information protection and freedom of information circulation;个人信息保护立法理念探究——在信息保护与信息流通之间

9.On the Legal Status and Protection of Individual Genetic Information;论个人基因信息的法律地位及其保护

10.Legal Protection of the Right of Privacy of Personal Information in Information-Intensive Society;信息社会个人资讯隐私权的法律保护

11.The Privacy Act of USA and the Protection of Personal Information;美国《隐私权法》与公民个人信息保护

12.Probing into the basic law of protection of individual information in our country我国个人信息保护基础法律问题探究

13.On the Law Protection of Privacy during the Personal Credit Information Utilization;论个人信用信息利用过程中隐私权的法律保护

14.On Personal Information Protection in Government Information Publication;政府信息公开中的个人信息保护研究

15.On the Legal Regulation of Protecting Individual Information in Public Administration System;公共行政领域的个人信息保护:行政法的规制

16.On Conflict and Integration of Value Orientation in the Legislation of Personal Information Protection;个人信息保护的立法价值冲突及其整合

17.Reflection on the Legislation;关于互联网上个人信息保护立法的思考

18.A Study on the Criminal Law Protection of Personal Information Right in China我国个人信息权的刑法保护相关问题研究


legislation of personal information protection个人信息保护立法

1.Value orientation on thelegislation of personal information protection should be multiple,and different values always are in conflict with each other.个人信息保护立法的价值目标是多元化的,多元化的价值取向之间总是存在一定的冲突,其突出表现在个人信息保护立法的秩序和自由价值取向、秩序和正义价值取向、正义和效益价值取向之间的冲突等方面。

3)Legal protection of rights to personal data个人信息权法律保护

4)personal information protection个人信息保护

1.Thoughts on the Construction of China s Personal Information Protection Legislation;构建我国个人信息保护法律制度的思考

2.With the purpose ofpersonal information protection in library s network service, the author first discusses the formulating methods of protective policy for library s personal information and its contents, then she studies the management of protective policy for library s personal information and the information technology for protecting personal information.以图书馆网络化信息服务中的个人信息保护为目的,探讨了图书馆个人信息保护政策的制定方法及应包括的内容。

3.The focus of this article is to introduce the legal protection system in Japan, mainly based on the statute situations ofpersonal information protection and some corresponding cases about the protection for the right to privacy.而本文立足于日本关于隐私权保障的有关判例以及关于个人信息保护的立法状况,对日本隐私权保障机制作了简要的介绍,并对我国隐私权保障的问题等作了简要的探讨。

5)individual information protection个人信息保护

1.However,theindividual information protection in administration Information publicating should not be overlooked and this requires a balance between the social and public interests represented by the administration Information publicating and the personal interests represented by theindividual information protection.但是,政府信息公开中的个人信息保护问题也不容忽视,这就需要在政府信息公开所代表的社会公共利益和个人信息保护所代表的个人利益之间进行平衡。

6)On the Protection of Individual Information论个人信息的保护


