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过程数据 process data英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-04 07:40:25


过程数据 process data英语短句 例句大全

过程数据,process data

1)process data过程数据

1.The studies for theprocess data s application layers and its acquiring;过程数据的应用层次和数据获取研究

2.Research and development ofprocess data real-time release system in the papermaking enterprise;造纸企业过程数据实时发布系统的研究与开发

3.The real-time compression and trending ofprocess data can improve the performance of process control system greatly.过程数据的实时压缩和趋势提取可以显著提高过程控制系统的整体性能。

2)Process Database过程数据库

1.This paper discusses how to create the data warehouse from the process database by data mining,tracking and summarizing the process data,searching the disciplinarian to adjust and optimize the metallurgical technology.该文探讨了在过程数据库进行数据挖掘,生成数据仓库,对过程数据进行跟踪、总结,寻找规律,调整和优化炼钢工艺的途径。

2.On the basis of principles for the establishment of organization s process database, it was introduced the goals and the methods combined closely with the current system of project management so as to establish the organization s process database which provides guideline for projects planning.本文通过明确CMM中软件过程数据库指标体系的确立原则,提出了组织级过程数据库的度量目标,并结合当前执行的项目管理体系,实现软件过程数据库,为项目策划提供依据。

3)procedure data area过程数据区

4)database procedure数据库过程


1.Study and Implementation of Interpreter of Data Base Procedure Language;数据库过程语言解释器的研究与实现

2.ATTENTION: The database cannot be detached while it is being replicated注意:不能在复制数据库的过程中分离该数据库

3.Extract a database schema from an existing database by reverse engineering.通过反向工程,从现有数据库中提取数据库架构。

4.Cognition Process and Algebra Description of Spatial Data Warehouse空间数据仓库的认知过程与代数描述

5.Recreate application database stored procedures重新创建应用程序数据库存储过程

6.Modeling and Designing of Database in Developing of DBMS数据管理系统开发过程中的数据库建模与设计

7.Research of Data Integration Technology in the Building Process of Data Warehouse数据仓库构建过程中数据整合技术的研究

8.Methods of Corrupted Data Recovery During Hot Backup of Oracle databaseOracle数据库热备份过程中被中断的数据恢复方法

9.Select Database and Table, View or Stored Procedure选择数据库、表、视图或存储过程

10.The stored procedure "{0}" could not be found in the database.未能在数据库中找到存储过程“{0}”。

11.You have completed the update database process.您已经完成了更新数据库的过程。

12.Have you ever designed any programs concerning data-base?你以前编写过数据库方面的程序吗?

13.Reacher of Real-time Database System Based on Process Control;基于过程控制的实时数据库系统研究

14.Explanation on Critical Stages in the Building of Oracle 10 g Database;Oracle 10g数据库创建核心过程解析

15.A Tentative Discussion on Application of SQL Storage Procedure in NET Data-Base;浅析SQL存储过程在.NET数据库中的应用

16.On Long-distance Management of Database Via xmlhttp in VB利用VB通过xmlhttp进行数据库远程管理

17.A Design Process Control Approach Based on Design History Database基于设计历史数据库的设计过程控制

18.ATTENTION: The database cannot be detached while there are connections using this database.注意:不能在有连接使用数据库的过程中分离该数据库。


Process Database过程数据库

1.This paper discusses how to create the data warehouse from the process database by data mining,tracking and summarizing the process data,searching the disciplinarian to adjust and optimize the metallurgical technology.该文探讨了在过程数据库进行数据挖掘,生成数据仓库,对过程数据进行跟踪、总结,寻找规律,调整和优化炼钢工艺的途径。

2.On the basis of principles for the establishment of organization s process database, it was introduced the goals and the methods combined closely with the current system of project management so as to establish the organization s process database which provides guideline for projects planning.本文通过明确CMM中软件过程数据库指标体系的确立原则,提出了组织级过程数据库的度量目标,并结合当前执行的项目管理体系,实现软件过程数据库,为项目策划提供依据。

3)procedure data area过程数据区

4)database procedure数据库过程

5)process data compression过程数据压缩

1.Performance evaluation of Box Carprocess data compression algorithm;Box Car过程数据压缩算法性能分析

2.The application of onlineprocess data compression technique on the preprocessing of chemical engineering data can save plentiful storage space, reduce the size of the data stream, and avoid the blockage in the network.应用过程数据压缩技术对化工过程数据进行预处理,不仅可以节约存储空间,而且可以降低数据流量,避免出现网络拥塞,对保障现场总线和网络控制技术的成功实施具有重要意义。

3.The main purposes ofprocess data compression are to reduce storage memory of process data, to facilitate in data processing, and to decrease the traffic in process data transmission.过程数据是一种丰富的信息资源 ,过程数据压缩的主要目的是为了节省过程数据的存储空间 ,便于过程数据的处理 ,减少过程数据传输的通信流量。

6)process data processing过程数据处理


数据通信网(见数据通信)数据通信网(见数据通信)data communication networkshu)u tongxinwang数据通信网(datac。mmunicati。nne饰ork)见数据通信。
