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后进生教育 disadvantaged student英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-30 19:47:03


后进生教育 disadvantaged student英语短句 例句大全

后进生教育,disadvantaged student

1)disadvantaged student后进生教育

1.It is non-effective that educator understanddisadvantaged student superficially and merely correcting errors.为攻克这一难点,后进生教育的取向应由"纠错"转变为"扬善",即从后进生外显和内□的积极品质出发,运用"感受成功"、"光点扩张"、"竞选上岗"等策略,增强后进生学习和生话中的积极体验,促进积极人格的形成,最终实现所追求的人生理想。


1.Probe into the "Rebound" Phenomena in the Education and Transform of Lagging Students;对后进生教育转化中“反弹”现象的探讨

2.There Should Be No Distinctions in Students Talent;There Should Be Doctrines in Helping and Teaching Students--A discussion on how to help backward students;有教无类 帮教有道——浅谈后进生教育转化的途径

3.Explore of Appreciation Education and the Students Weak in Study Education;赏识教育与“后进生”教育问题的探究

4.Pedagogical Tact and Improvement of Teaching in Teachers Post-Service Education;教学机智的生成与教师职后教育的教学改进

5.The investigation on transforming tragedy of lagging behind students;关于做好后进生转化教育工作的思考

6.Psychological characteristics,cause and educational rectification of the students who refuse to mend their ways despite repeated admonition;谈后进生的心理特点、诱因及教育矫治

7.Psychological features of backward students and the instructions to their psych-health;“后进生”的心理特点及其心理健康教育

8.A Brief Talk on How to Improve Slower Students in the Physical Educational Teaching of Teachers Colleges;浅谈高师体育教学中对后进生的转化

9.The Study of Underachievers in Terms of Educational Evaluation从教育评价的视角探析“后进生”现象

10.A Probe into Countermeasures of Ideological-Political Education for Backward Students in Higher Vocational College高职后进生思想政治教育的对策探讨

11.Exploration on Transforming “Backward Students” in Physical Education;体育教学中转化“体育后进生”的措施探讨

12.Recognition of Subsequent Education of Advanced Nature of the Student Party Members in the Adult Education School;对成教学生党员先进性后续教育的认识

13.Don’t Forget Three "Truths" in Carrying out Individualized Composition Teaching;素质教育观下中职后进生问题的再探索

14.On Cause of Backward Students and the Educational Transformation in Colleges;高校后进学生的成因及教育转化工作研究

15.Causes of Formation of the Gym Less Advanced Students In Ordinary College and Teaching Countermeasures;浅析普通高校体育后进生的成因及教学对策

16.The Causes of Vocational School Slow Students and the Educational Countermeasures;职校学习后进生的形成原因与教育对策

17.Teacher in Charge of a Class Should Do Better Transforming EducationaI Work among Low Level Students;班主任要作好对后进生的转化教育工作

18.Brief analysis on slower students" transform education in secondary vocational schools浅谈中等职业学校后进生的转化教育工作


college students slow in sports体育后进生

1.Through the analysis of temperament characteristics of thecollege students slow in sports,the mental characteristics of individual,and the connection between the teaching activities in physical education and the temperament characteristics,we suggest that it be people-oriented and discriminative.通过对大学生"体育后进生"的气质类型、"个性"心理特征和"体育后进生"气质类型与体育教学活动关系的分析研究,提出矫正"体育后进生"的教育要"以人为体、区别对待";要"关心爱护、表扬激励";要"民主教学、团结协作";要"降低难度、培养兴趣"等教学对策,从而来帮助和提高"体育后进生"完成体育教学目标和任务。

2.This article chiefly explores the causes of the psychological barriers met in class by thecollege students slow in sports,and puts forward a series of correct strategies.通过对大学体育后进生在教学活动中心理障碍成因的探析 ,提出了矫正的对策。

3)post literacy promotion促进识字后教育

4)weak students in P.E in university大学体育后进生

5)follow-up education后续教育

1.The paper starts from the impact of IT environment upon accounting, and proceeds with the idea of ‘the impactcorresponding changes in accounting workadjustment of accountants ability and structure of knowledgethe current condition of accountantsfollow-up educationthe reform of accountantsfollow-up education system’,making an in-depth research on thefollow-up education of accountants.本文从分析IT环境对会计的影响着手,沿着“IT环境对会计的影响—会计工作的相应变化—会计人员能力和知识结构的调整—会计人员后续教育现状—IT环境下会计后续教育体系改革”这样的思路对IT环境下会计职业人员后续教育进行了探讨。

6)Further Education后续教育

1.This paper made an analysis of further education in English in terms of the present situation, the existing problems, the students’ demand and the curriculum design.对大学英语后续教育现状、大学英语后续教育存在的问题、学生对大学英语后续教育的需求以及大学英语后续教育的课程设置等方面进行分析,并提出了四点教育对策。

2.Thirdly,it focuses on the importance and urgency of the further education for adults after finishing their basic education.进而指出继基础教育之后的成人后续教育对人力资源开发的重要性和紧迫性,并分析了后续教育开展的重点和难点,同时探讨了成人后续教育资源(主要是知识、技术设施、信息、财力、管理等方面)配置的制度安排问题。


