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最低工资标准 minimum wage standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-02 01:42:24


最低工资标准 minimum wage standards英语短句 例句大全

最低工资标准,minimum wage standards

1)minimum wage standards最低工资标准

1.Minimum wage standards are the policy in response to this phenomenon.最低工资标准就是针对这一现象提出的政策,最低工资标准的提出和实现就是为了让那些弱势群体得到应有的生活资料,让全体居民的生活水平都能达到一定标准,在一些人先富起来的同时让大多数的人都能满足基本的物质生活需要,进而实现社会公平的目标,实现社会的和谐和全面建设小康社会的目标。


1.The minimum payment for a legal working hour of an employee in FFEs must not be lower than the standard for the local minimum payment.职工法定工作时间内的最低工资,不得低于当地最低工资标准。

2.Is the salary inside probation OK under minimum wage standard?试用期内的工资可以低于最低工资标准吗?

3.Accordingly, the salary inside probation cannot under minimum wage standard.因此,试用期内的工资不能低于最低工资标准。

4.The bag eats encase, is salary OK under minimum wage standard?包吃包住,工资就可以低于最低工资标准吗?

5.If deduct the pay after the word under minimum wage standard, ought to spend hair knock off according to specified number of minimum wage level endowment.假如扣除后的工资低于最低工资标准的话,应当按照最低工资标准额度发放工资。


7.Minimum wages are determined by Congress and enforced by the Department of Labor.最低工资标准是由国会规定,并由劳工部执行的。

8.They demanded a minimum wage and shorter working hours;他们要求规定最低工资标准并缩短工作时间。

9.Problems and Solutions of Enforcing the Standard of the Minimum Wage;职工最低工资标准执行难的原因及对策探析

10.The wage paid to a worker by an employer shall not be lower than the minimum wage standard of the locality.用人单位支付劳动者的工资不得低于当地最低工资标准。

11.Except probation, the salary between novitiate also cannot under minimum wage standard.除试用期之外,见习期间的工资也不能低于最低工资标准。

12.Accordingly, even if the bag eats encase, salary also cannot under minimum wage standard.因此,即使是包吃包住,工资也不能低于最低工资标准。

13.Of unemployed insurance gold extend standard and minimum wage standard and link up with of standard of safeguard of townsman lowest life.失业保险金的发放标准与最低工资标准和城市居民最低生活保障标准挂钩。

14.Research of Change Trends and Policy on Guangdong Minimum Wage Standards;广东最低工资标准变动趋势与政策取向研究

15.Consideration and Analysis of Raising the Standard of Minimum Wage in Beijing;关于提高北京市最低工资标准的思考与分析

16.Systematic Thinking on Some Related Problems of Determining Living Wage Standard有关最低工资标准确定若干问题的系统思考

17.Impact of Chinese Minimum Wage on Other Wages Based on the Effect of Catching up with Wage基于攀比效应的中国企业最低工资标准对其他工资水平的影响

18.Providing appropriate working conditions is more urgent than fixing minimum wages.提供合适的工作环境比规定最低工资标准更为重要。


minimum wage standard最低工资标准

1.And then studies the case of Shenzhen, finds that the wage will tend towards theminimum wage standard in local labor market, and the minimum wage has a positive effect over the employment.在跨区域劳动力流动的情况下,区域劳动力市场均衡工资趋近最低工资标准,并且不会导致区域就业量的下降。

2.First gain quantitative data from the arrangement and analysis of the relevant historic material, then input these data to have a virtual study, finally formulate important degree of relative factors of minimum wage and propose some suggestions for the reference of formulatingminimum wage standard in the next year.主要通过建立最低工资标准的神经网络数学模型 ,对从历年相关资料、数据的整理和分析中得出的量化数据 ,输入计算机进行了模拟学习 ,最后通过运算结果分析出制定最低工资的相关因素的重要程度 ,并对下一年的最低工资标准提供了参考依据。

3)minimum wage最低工资标准

1.Impact of Chinese Minimum Wage on Other Wages Based on the Effect of Catching up with Wage基于攀比效应的中国企业最低工资标准对其他工资水平的影响

2.Theminimum wage system means the bottom line of the payment which required by the government.在这种背景下利用高质量的数据来对最低工资标准的执行情况以及对就业、生产率、出口的影响进行实证研究,是很在意义的。

4)Measurement of Minimum wage"s standard最低工资标准测算

5)minimum piecework standard最低计件工资标准

6)the Minimum Wage Expectation最低工资标准期望


